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Dilemmas of American Empire: Can Obama Pull Off a Game-Changer in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan?

…hter. Despite all of this, important political gains have been made in the past year. Parliament is grappling seriously with the Baathist reconciliation problem, which requires tough political bargaining, and the recent provincial elections brought more Sunnis into the political process. Prime Minister Maliki, toughened by 24 years of brutally difficult exile in Iran and Syria as a functionary of a tiny, persecuted Islamist party—the Dawa Party—ha…

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Conservatives Stoke Fear of Fifth Column

…e mainstream. When I wrote about the Clarion Fund and its films last year, Paul Barrett, an editor at Business Week and author of American Islam: The Struggle for the Soul of a Religion, told me, “Saying that organizations like CAIR and ISNA aim to institute Islamic religious law in the United States is similar to saying that Jewish or Catholic religious organizations aim to institute rabbinic or church law in the U.S. The notion that they are thr…

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Bringing the Senate Back to Decency: An Election Day Morning After

…ne day after the 2010 midterm elections: Even Adams admitted that Senators passed belief. The comic side of their egotism partly disguised its extravagance, but faction had gone so far under Andrew Johnson that at times the whole Senate seemed to catch hysterics of nervous bucking without apparent reason. Trade out the name George W. Bush for Andrew Johnson, and the point translates very well today. Our own Senate seems caught up in the mingle-man…

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Religious Right: God Should Kill Health Care Reform to Save America from Herod

…tual warfare movement in opposition to gay marriage from last year.) Other participants on the prayercast included FRC’s Tony Perkins, Republican Senators Jim DeMint of South Carolina and Sam Brownback of Kansas, Reps. Todd Akin (R-MO), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Randy Forbes (R-VA), and Mike McIntyre (D-NC); as well as Shirley and James Dobson; Bishop Harry Jackson, who recently led an unsuccessful crusade against gay marriage…

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The Myth of ‘Voodoo’: A Caribbean American Response to Representations of Haiti

…s of this narrative; and there is no dispute about the fact that Vodou is. Pat Robertson is now reading a page from the same narrative fiction that his White racist Christian predecessors scripted soon after the birth of the Haitian Republic. But the re-naming of Vodou’s divine community with the moniker “devil” only reminds us that twenty-first century North America has no shortage of contemporary counterparts to the slave-breaking masters who cl…

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On Zion’s Mount

…fornia, and, reportedly, an upcoming off-Broadway “Mormon musical” by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, who already produced a South Park episode about Mormonism. As a history professor, I also had numerous professional audiences in mind: • Environmental historians (who generally downplay religion and culture) • Utah historians (who too often underplay non-Mormons and native peoples in the state’s past) • Mormon historians (who too rarely engage with ou…

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The Faith-Based Militia: When is Terrorism ‘Christian’?

…g Dr. Tiller, he believed he was acting to enforce “God’s Law.” Roeder, as part of his statement to the court, read from the posthumously published book by Rev. Paul Hill, a Christian Reconstructionist who viewed himself as a “Phineas Priest”—a kind of biblical vigilante assassin—who was executed for the murder of a Florida abortion provider and his security escort. Hill also believed in the need for militias and for a theocratic Christian revolut…

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Beinart’s Indictment And The Evangelical Right

…ecular Jewish world, people deeply devoted to human rights for all people, Palestinians included. But the two groups are increasingly distinct. Particularly in the younger generations, fewer and fewer American Jewish liberals are Zionists; fewer and fewer American Jewish Zionists are liberal. One reason is that the leading institutions of American Jewry have refused to foster—indeed, have actively opposed—a Zionism that challenges Israel’s behavio…

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Rand Paul and the Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

In April 2009, Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul spoke to the Campaign for Liberty rally to end the Federal Reserve, in front of the Federal Reserve building in Minnesota. Paul cited libertarian icon Ayn Rand. But he drew on Christian Reconstructionist Gary North. He argued against centralized banking, explicitly not on the grounds that conservatives traditionally have (conspiratorially) but, instead, on the very grounds that North lays out i…

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Art(ful) History in Texas

…ew this week, McLeroy indicated that the battle over textbooks is only one part of the conservative agenda.  The ‘Supplementary’ Strategy McLeroy is particularly pleased about a new provision that will allow the board to adopt supplemental materials, since last week the board voted to delay indefinitely the purchase of new science textbooks that include the changes McLeroy has lobbied for. Because new science textbooks are estimated to cost $350 m…

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