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William Barber on the phone

William Barber And The Religious Left Join Forces. Will It Work?

…entage of black residents in a state, the less its government spends on welfare payments.” You will notice that with the exception of Maryland, all of those states down in the lower right-hand corner are filled with good Christian evangelicals. Race drives partisanship drives law-making in the U.S.—not faith. As long as that’s the case, people will deflect, deny or find excuses for their racial tribalism, no matter how religious they are. The herr…

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Seb Gorka and Pres. Trump

Does It Matter If Islam Is A Religion? An American Ahmadi Explains The Effects Of Religious Discrimination

…erything. So now if I’m trying to open up a bank account, I’m doing a cell phone application, or anything, that statement is there, it has just gone into everything, every aspect of one’s life, it’s there. It’s ridiculous to have that, but nonetheless it’s real. The problems are not just administrative: Ahmadis have a “glass ceiling” in the civil service, and discriminatory use of voter registration lists (Ahmadis are enrolled separately) keeps th…

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Good Mourning Modeled by Chaplains and Clergy at the Oakland Ghost Ship Fire

…9th. And prayer services, vigils, and fundraisers have begun all over the city, in venues both secular and religious, including in many of the remaining warehouses, where real concern about the future of those spaces is palpable. At the fire site, chaplains have carried flowers and photographs through the fencing to create a makeshift shrine, because the building is still sealed off from the public. At the Lake Merritt vigil this past Monday, att…

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Why We Can’t Afford to “Wait And See” How Trump Dismantles LGBT Rights

…tic to oppose LGBT equality, as Salon explains. Just three years ago, on a phone call with faith leaders supporting the Tea Party movement, Price agreed that there are “consequences of activity that has been seen as outside the norm,” suggesting that increased health care costs for LGBT people are a result of some abnormal activity. (Yes, that’s code for anal sex. Or gender-affirming surgeries. Or marrying the person you love most in the world, if…

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Not All American Muslims Feel the Dread I Do

…(correctly) at the uncertainty consuming me. Similar messages poured in by phone, email and social media throughout the day. It was as if someone in my family had died and people felt compelled to offer me condolences. The reality of living in a country in which the most blatant expressions of Islamophobia and other forms of hate are normalized does worry me. Even as Trump flip-flops on his promise of a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims ente…

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“Reason to Worry”: An Anti-Semitism Scholar Opens Up on Trump, Misogyny and the Future of Anti-Judaism

…s amount to the equivalent of however many billion sightings. I think that number was inflated. But it doesn’t matter much. What’s the difference between ten billion views and, say, one billion views? It’s all bad. It’s just this question of magnitude. It’s a little bit like you’ve seen the tip of the iceberg, and someone tells “You know, 90% of it is underneath.” I had a similar experience when I was working on my first book, Communities of Viole…

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Australian Church Leaders See Marriage Vote as Battle for Soul of Australia: Global LGBT Recap 10/30

…d a lightning rod for our moral guardians. Armed with social media and audacity, more people are questioning taboos around religion and sexuality. There are online L.G.B.T. accounts offering information and solidarity, in Arabic and English. One is the newly formed Alliance of Queer Egyptian Organizations, which coordinated protests outside Egyptian embassies and consulates on Oct. 19. My.Kali, one of the region’s first L.G.B.T. magazines, started…

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Two Former Nuns Get Civil Union in Italy; Kenyan Govt Partners with World Congress of Families; Mexican Activists Debate Outing of Priests; Global LGBT Recap

…reports Associated Press. Serbia: Priests and nuns hold exorcism to purify city after pride march A group of priests and nuns held an “exorcism” to “purify” Belgrade after last month’s successful pride celebration, reports Gay Star News. Uruguay: Diversity March draws 50,000 people More than 50,000 people reportedly participated in this year’s Diversity March in Montevideo. The theme was “Discriminar también es violencia, que no te gane la indifer…

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Indonesia Hears Islamist Arguments For LGBT Criminalization; Zambian Churches Oppose Condom Distribution in Prisons; Lithuanian Conservative Manifesto Calls LGBTs Enemies of Freedom; Global LGBT Recap

…lves to be in a same-sex marriage,” reports Nicholas Hellen, “Doubling the number threatens the fragile truce on an issue that has divided the church since same-sex marriages were allowed in England and Wales in March 2014.” Iraq: Interview with Kurdish human rights activist Ayaz Shalal, a human rights activist from the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, was interviewed by the Washington Blade during a visit to the U.S. this month. Shalal said he ex…

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Hillary Clinton Feeds the Trolls

…groups have followed the principle that there is no such thing as bad publicity. What has been striking about the alt-right, though, is the degree to which it frames provocation as its raison d’être, rather than as a means to an end. As Allum Bohkari and Milo Yiannopolous put it in a much-cited essay titled “An Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right”: Just as the kids of the 60s shocked their parents with promiscuity, long hair and ro…

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