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The Critiques of Evangelical Writers Opposing Christian Nationalism Fail to Recognize Evangelicalism’s Troubling History

…itely still in control of American Christianity. Catholics were smaller in numbers and had a much weaker class position. The mainline churches had growing memberships, media connections, and they dominated all three branches of the federal government. In 1963, mainliners were proud to publish Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from the Birmingham Jail” in their house organ, The Christian Century, while FBI strongman J. Edgar Hoover was the darling o…

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Dalai Lama’s ‘Suck My Tongue’ Controversy Reveals Centuries-Old Christian Distortion of Tibetan Buddhism

…n Tibet, starring Brad Pitt as the Austrian mountaineer and member of the Nazi SS Heinrich Harrer, who discovers the joys of fellowship and fatherhood through his friendship with the child Dalai Lama in a utopian Tibet. Buena Vista Pictures released Martin Scorsese’s opus Kundun, a lavish and politically pointed biopic based in part on the 14th Dalai Lama’s autobiography, My Land and My People (originally published in 1962 but revised and republis…

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Dragged Through the Mud: This Little Church-Backed Support Group for LGBTQ Teens Suffered Bomb Threats, Smears and the Cancellation of its Drag Show

…is a city of about 150,000 people. Sara Bocciardi, who went to college in San Francisco before returning home to Placer County, describes the area this way: “It’s a two-hour drive, it’s a hundred miles, it’s a world of political difference.” Bocciardi, a software engineer and co-moderator for the Church Council at Loomis Basin Congregational United Church of Christ, says the mostly rural, inland county has grown more diverse in recent years. But…

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Women as Head Pastors Was Final Straw for Southern Baptist Convention — Not Scandal, Sexual Abuse, or Dalliance with Dictators

…dy Wood. In his role as pastor of SBC-affiliated megachurch Echo.Church in San Jose, California, Wood was accused of an “abusive” fear-based leadership style by church staff and volunteers. Although a third-party investigation hired by Saddleback Church cleared Wood of the allegations on the basis of reviewed texts and emails, the investigation team reportedly did not speak with Wood’s accusers. Wood has also worked to disappear evidence that he i…

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The Chilling Response to the Pelosi Attack isn’t Simply a Matter of Partisanship, it’s a Sign of the Right’s Embrace of Fascism

A couple of weeks before the midterm elections, a man broke into the San Francisco home of Nancy Pelosi, who is second in line to succeed the president, in order to kidnap, torture—and maybe even kill her. She wasn’t home—but her 82-year-old husband Paul was. He managed to call the police before the attacker struck him with a hammer, breaking his skull. The police report shows the clearly premeditated nature of the attack: The attacker had brough…

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‘How Pentecostal Christianity Is Taking Over the World’: An Interview with Author Elle Hardy

…y pious young Latina woman from a Pentecostal congregation not a mile from Azusa Street. I asked her about Seymour—she said: “Who?” That’s fascinating. The movement’s origins aren’t important to most Pentecostals I encountered, but I suppose that shouldn’t be surprising. One of the most common themes of my book is that Pentecostals (and I use that as a catch-all term to include charismatics and the “Spirit-led” nondenominationals) speak to the her…

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The Bishops Did Send a Message with Their Vote on Biden and Communion; Are We Sure It Was The One They Intended?

…thing to have someone like Obama to disagree with: he comes out of some crazy sect they’re not even sure is Christian. But Biden is a Catholic through and through. For many of the bishops, this is a real problem. Any pol who bucks their teachings is a problem, because it diminishes their authority. But a sitting president? That’s an embarrassment, and bishops do not like being embarrassed. Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco said it pretty dir…

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Bishops’ Attempt to Deny Communion to Biden Will Backfire Even More Spectacularly Than Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage

…ve, by turns criminal, and, in recent decades, the reason former Catholics number as many as current Catholics in the US. For the bishops to pronounce who among the laity is worthy to receive communion is absurd. At most, such decisions are made pastorally and in private, on a case by case, diocese by diocese basis. But these days, with the institution mired in bankruptcies because of priests’ criminal conduct, costs and market share plunging beca…

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The ‘Spiritual Warfare’ Worldview of Trump’s Conspiracy Doctor is Part of a Transnational Movement

…keley, Chicago, Fresno, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Oakland, Sacramento, and San Jose, just to name a few. Dr. Immanuel’s blog contains numerous references to DKO’s ministry, books and teaching. To summarize briefly, DKO’s teaching emphasizes the idea of destiny and preventing evil supernatural forces from destroying one’s life. Some of the major spiritual opponents one encounters are witchcraft (operating through witches), “spirit” spouses (involvi…

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Rolling the Stone Away: LGBTQI Elders Meet the Next Generation of Christian Activists at a Watershed Conference

…were described then) founded the Council on Religion and the Homosexual in San Francisco. Well before Stonewall, pastors there took on the police and city officials for their discriminatory behavior toward lesbian, gay, and trans people who simply wanted to have dances or go to bars to meet others. The pastors won. History records that Christian leaders were in the struggle for gay rights from the beginning—a small matter of pride given the enormi…

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