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Citizen Speech in an Age of Data: Or, Why I’m Transcribing My Tweets Into Cuneiform

…now when that hotline bling that can only mean one thing,” the joke of the service is to inscribe permanently the “dumb” ephemera of social media. Dumb Cuneiform is, of course, just a fun online experiment. Although it won’t alter the way that we tweet, it does prompt us to reflect on the historical significance of this new form of communication. Futures of Futures On Saturday, November 7th, the Guggenheim held a summit to discuss its Åzone Future…

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Statement on NAR & Christian Nationalism Answers Few Questions But Exposes Growing Rifts in the Movement

…cooperate in spiritually equipping and activating believers for effective service in every sphere of life, including the marketplace, political, education, media, arts, family and church… Their objective is to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. The signatories don’t acknowledge, let alone explain, why they’re distancing themselves from their own history and the very church offices that define their movement. But they do offer a few clues—less…

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‘Exporting Garbage to the Nations’: Conservative Christian Rifts Spreading Like Cracked Glass

…ldview, but as a series of false claims of God-given pronouncements in the service of political and other opportunities. (Hume and others think that this is more grift than the gift of prophecy.) Hume’s purist approach is not only intolerant of charismatics, but much of what passes for modern conservatism. He writes that “these movements and personalities,” including ReAwaken America, MAGA, Julie Green, and Sean Feucht, “present an extremely shall…

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Sarah Palin’s Freedom Cookie

…idea, an ideal. Quoting the Declaration of Independence, she declared that freedom doesn’t depend on the documents, but on “culture.” It’s a way of life, Palin said. The cookie is “freedom.” Palin’s charge to Plumstead parents was not to be afraid of the gospel, to recognize God’s providential hand, and that American is great, and a force for good in the world. She even threw in the shining city on the hill from Reagan for good measure. All of thi…

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Pope Backs Anti-Gay Referendum; Islamic State Executions Include Gay Syrian; ‘Conscience Clause’ Debated in Northern Ireland; Global LGBT Recap

…garding morally controversial subjects, such as abortion or homosexuality, freedom of consciences must be respected…Every person, no matter what his beliefs, has, by means of his conscience, the natural capacity to distinguish good from evil and that he should act accordingly. Therein lies the true freedom.” (The remarks were related to the expression of religious beliefs in the workplace.) Mamberti is prefect of the supreme tribunal of the Aposto…

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“LGBT People Have a Lot to Teach Christians”

…which is communion at its heart. It doesn’t have to look like an Episcopal service — every Sunday being handed the wafer. Communion can look like an impromptu gathering around a table,sharing their lives together, or a food pantry. Even churches that don’t use the word sacrament, I think most of them practice these sacraments in some way. The kind of Christianity you describe in the book is a place where people are free to be who they are, wounds,…

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John McCain: No God But Country

…chool, matriculated to the Naval Academy, then devoted himself to military service before transferring his duty to elected office. In high school, he attended mandatory chapel every morning and mandatory church twice on Sundays. He learned every line of the Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed, acts of memorization which would later earn him the role of ad hoc prison chaplain in the Hanoi Hilton. When he married a woman more regularly religious, h…

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How Indiana’s New RFRA Expands the Federal RFRA

…FRAs in fact modeled on it, the Indiana RFRA appears to permit a religious freedom claim or defense to be used in suits between private parties. Such suits could include claims by, say, a lesbian couple denied service by a baker who refuses to make a cake for a same-sex wedding. The federal RFRA, in contrast, permits suits only when there is government action involved, such as in the Hobby Lobby case, where the plaintiffs challenged a government r…

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New Book Reveals How Faith is Like a Covert Operation for the Bush Family

…Author Russ Baker shows, among other things, that Poppy Bush’s well-known service as a Navy pilot in World War II was also part of his work for Naval Intelligence. This set the stage for an astonishing double life participating in covert operations of the Central Intelligence Agency throughout his career. The story of the reinvention of the religious identities of two presidents and their faith-based political strategy could be easily obscured am…

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Revelations from Family of Secrets (an addendum)

…Champagne Unit” of the Texas Air National Guard in order to avoid military service that might send him to Vietnam; how he failed to fulfill that service; and how his failure was systematically covered-up and politically defused. Also covered are the allegations of how W. was an abuser of illegal drugs in addition to his apparently drinking problems as a young man. One important story from W.’s past that has long been rumored is confirmed in this b…

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