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Romney Credits “Culture,” “Hand of Providence” for Israel’s Economic Superiority over Palestinians

…a better culture or advanced culture,” said Saeb Erekat, a top Palestinian official. In Haaretz, Barak Ravid writes: [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu embraced Romney as no Israeli prime minister has ever before embraced a candidate running against an incumbent U.S. president: Aside from their working meeting in the morning, Netanyahu also hosted Romney and his wife and sons for dinner at his official residence. Romney’s entire visit to…

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How Sikhs Handle Hate

…lities, the rulers of the day focused on persecuting Sikhs such that their numbers dwindled into the low thousands. The regime literally put prices on the heads of Sikhs, offering to pay citizens who helped wipe out the whole community. In fact, Sikhs remember two particular periods in the 18th century as “The Lesser Holocaust” and “The Greater Holocaust.” According to Sikh historians, the state issued an official declaration in 1739 that the enti…

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“Mitt Romney Style”—A Virtually Religion Free 2012 Contest?

…r Mormon, and a low class Los Angeles Times advertisement feature for a website selling faux LDS temple garments. Could it be that as fewer Americans report religious affiliation and Protestants lose their American majority, the idea that an elected official may believe and practice differently than you matters less?  Indeed, the Hartford Courant / Religion News Service reports that the “God gap” between religious and non-religious voters has shru…

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Combat Soldiers & Clergywomen: Problematic Equality

…p women from advancing up through the ranks; because they did not serve an official combat tour of duty, women were ineligible for certain promotions. Legal action forced the policy shift. Old canards about women being weaker go out the window when some best their brothers in training and at the service academies. Besides, the emphasis on teamwork means that brute strength and a sharp brain will get the job done. From what I hear, not much will ch…

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Revealing Joseph Smith’s (Well-Known) Polygamy Doesn’t Address the LDS Church’s Bigger Problem

…fter journalists focused on Romney’s campaign revealed the extent to which officially sanctioned racist theology persisted at Church-owned Brigham Young University—did the LDS Church issue an official acknowledgment that past or present racism was condemnable. To this day, even in a recently-released historical essay comparable to the Joseph Smith polygamy statement, the LDS Church has still not fully acknowledged that it was wrong to exclude fait…

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The Gaines Brouhaha, BuzzFeed’s Gift to the Religious Right’s Martyr-Making Machinery

…ics support reproductive choice and LGBT equality even though the church’s official positions are vehemently opposed to both. Sometimes there’s a nugget of truth to the right’s persecution stories—as when a school official wrongly limits a student’s religious expression—but more often, persecution claims evaporate under the slightest examination. The BuzzFeed story about the Gainses’ pastor was, in my opinion, a mistake—but not part of an ongoing…

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Michael Sean Winters is Right: Pope Francis Should Not Address Congress

…is absolute, where no Catholic prelate would tell the president (should he be Catholic) how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote; where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference… I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish; where no public official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy from the Pope, the Nationa…

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This Veterans Day, the Centennial of the Unknown Soldier, Skip the Platitudes and Talk to a Veteran

…led as something of a geological core indicating the state of the nation’s official martial self-understanding. Sixty years ago, having just authorized secret combat operations in Vietnam, President Kennedy prayed “in the name of those who have fought in this nation’s wars” that “there will be no veterans of any further war—not because all shall have perished but because all shall have learned to live together in peace.” That prayer has gone unans…

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The Tea Party: Not Just For Racists Anymore

…I know that last line is going to cause some people to squawk. It’s not an official position, so what’s the problem? The problem, dear readers, is that when enough members of your group get behind racist or homophobic positions, it tends to indicate that the group might be, you know, bigoted. Along the same lines, the bit about conservative Christians being “attacked” when people notice that they are sometimes not very nice to gays and lesbians is…

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Vatican Sexual Abuse Meeting Is Destined to Fail—To Stop the Problem or the Decline

…Today that percentage is 45 with reports that in Latin America as a whole numbers are down 20% in the same period. In Switzerland in November 2018, six prominent progressive Catholic women left the Church by filing the requisite papers that relieved them of contributing church taxes. Four are former members of the Swiss parliament and two are highly regarded feminist theologians. For these women, the straw that broke the camel’s back was Francis’…

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