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Conservative Christians Say it’s Okay to Vote for Romney Despite Doctrine

…ial candidate motorcade.   But if you think what they offered Romney was a welcome to the league of Christian gentlemen, you should really read the letter for yourself. Here’s the opening paragraph: In this election year, matters of religious belief are once again highly visible in the public square. Some have tempered their enthusiasm for sound governing principles by their concern over differences in a candidate’s theological doctrine. It is tim…

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Mitt Romney’s Best-Known Mormon Critic Tells it All. One Last Time.

…ent. Because he held those roles, it meant that I should be respectful and welcome him when he came to my home and that I should accept callings (church service assignments) from him. I’d had other bishops I’d felt comfortable talking over personal or spiritual issues with. I learned, though, that probably Mitt was not that person.  Not all bishops are alike in their pastoral or counseling abilities. Right. Later bishops treated me with respect. B…

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Final Thoughts on Religion and the DNC

…d at almost no point were nonreligious Americans mentioned or made to feel welcome in either party’s verbose orations. “Our nation, and our entire planet, face so many great challenges that demand a clear focus on what is true and what is not. Reliance on facts, science, and real data have never been more crucial to the formulation of policy and for helping voters decide which candidates will have the best programs to resolve our pressing crises….

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Manufactured Outrage Over ‘Godless’ Democratic Platform [UPDATE]

…justice and mercy it inspires.” God, it turns out, has already been quite welcome in Charlotte, from opening and closing prayers to references in several speakers’ remarks. But that is not enough for the word-counters at Fox News, who demand to know why the number of uses of “God” has dropped. In response, Sen. Dick Durbin took on the insinuation that the platform revision somehow proved that Democrats are anti-God: Well, I can just basically tel…

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Nine Reasons Why Democrats Shouldn’t Invite Nuns on the Bus to the Convention

…get is not a religious document. This, of course, would be an implicit and welcome rejection the longtime mantra of Jim Wallis and others that the “budget is a moral document.” The budget is an economic document that reflects the nation’s priorities; if individuals’ religious preferences factor into how they evaluate those priorities, that’s one thing. But elected officials should not base legislation on any particular religious view, or any parti…

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An Immoderate Proposal: Sam Rodriguez, “Centrist” Evangelical, to Give Benediction at RNC

…rm, marriage equality, and reproductive rights. Those views might make him welcome in the GOP, even if the party hasn’t exactly welcomed his efforts to move it forward on another issue near and dear to him: immigration reform. Back in 2008 and 2009, Rodriguez was promoted by Democratic-leaning groups Faith in Public Life and Third Way as a centrist evangelical who had grown weary of the culture wars and wanted to bring evangelicals into a “broader…

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Four Reasons for Optimism in the Wake of Tragedy—Insights from a Sikh and a Unitarian Minister

…and participated in efforts that make all members of our communities feel welcome and cared for, including food banks, tree plantings, health clinics, sports clubs, and mentoring programs? Erik: It took many weeks before I could pour from a gallon jug of water (while standing) without spilling on someone’s food. The institution of langar illustrates how compassion, or daya, is not an abstract concept but a learned craft. It is not enough to espou…

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Crowdfunding Joplin Mosque Project Blows Past Its Goals

…Rizwarm Ahmad said she found the gesture heartwarming: “I feel like we are welcome here. Reassuring us that we are not alone in it and the community has shown that we are all in this together.” Missouri Muslims are dedicated to preventing a similar attack from happening in the future. According to a campaign update by Shahed Amanullah on behalf of the Joplin Mosque, the new mosque will include enhanced security systems. “Most of all, we want the t…

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Romney’s Compliment to the Jewish People Closer to a Slur

…a poke at what Donald Rumsfeld once referred to as ‘Old Europe’ might be a welcome thrust). But Romney’s remarks about Jewish superiority were of a different order, and it’s not only the Palestinian leadership that should be aghast at his remarks. Essentially, what the GOP’s candidate for president was saying is that “Jews are good with money.” While the wealthy businessmen and investors at the breakfast might have taken that as a compliment (thou…

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The Real Reason For “Vagina-gate”

…woman as chaplain but will endorse a woman who is not ordained. Women are welcome to study at SBC seminaries as long as they do not have an eye on the pastorate. In some places female students are prohibited from enrolling in preaching classes. Although many women major in Religious Studies at Baptist colleges and seminaries across the land few find leadership positions in SBC churches, there are only 150 female pastors serving in the moderate Co…

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