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Turn on the News: Some Abortion Opponents May Opt For a New Vaccine, But Behind Their Skepticism it’s Often a Different Story — of Disinformation, Conspiratorial Thinking, and White Nationalism

…rooted in concerns over abortion. It could be that people are balking because they see vaccination as unnecessary, or because they see vaccines as contaminants, both of which are fairly common objections linked to religious mindsets. And as law professor Dorit Reiss writes in the Washington Post, “We know that Americans game religious exemptions, because they tell us.” That’s a nice way of saying that they lie. Jenkins asks some anti-abortion act…

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Lesbian Nuns: Still Immodest After All These Years

…didn’t know those terms. Yet scholars seem to be more rigid about similar uses of language related to sex. I would also make use of recent literature on aspiring saints and feigned sanctity, clarifying what seems to be less than obvious, that religion and sexuality are not either/or categories, but both/and. I have seen your book in quite surprising places: in women’s bookstores and big chain stores, on syllabi in religious studies, history, and…

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The Moral Bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Asceticism

…o-ascetic utopia, where parking lots become parks and power plants become museums because we all use solar cells and drink Soylent and have our clothes shipped to us (efficiently) by drone. But who will exist on the fringes? Rhinehart’s vision would have us invert the “haves” and the “have-nots,” letting the rich live lightly by offloading the messy business of consuming and owning to the poor. The solution to our problems isn’t to wildly deregula…

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Is Tarot Just a Cool Self-Help Deck of Cards?

…s phenomenon most recently in the appropriation of mindfulness for Western use. Mindfulness is separated from Buddhism and sanitized for use by the American spiritual and medical establishments. Again, this isn’t to say that mindfulness isn’t actually a useful cognitive tool, but merely to highlight that mindfulness is indeed a Buddhist spiritual technique and that an effort has been made to westernize it. In the spiritually eclectic United States…

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So You’ve Decided to Run for Senate Against a Pro Wrestling Mogul

…ahon. Her connection to wrestling is even more obvious; and not simply because she used to run the WWE. No, McMahon has experience as a wrestling character. Get this: for years McMahon appeared in WWE shows in the role of a corporate executive who belonged to a dysfunctional management team vying for “control” of the WWE. Her in-character name: Linda McMahon. No doubt McMahon’s experience playing the character Linda McMahon has prepared her well f…

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The Promise of Immortality in a Tech-Enhanced Heaven

…and ideas that are likely to impact our future. Jay Cornell: Don’t be confused by the word “disinformation.” The publisher is Disinformation Books, which publishes various kinds of edgy content, and their use of the term is tongue-in-cheek. We assure you that our book includes no disinformation. LW: Transcendence has been the province of religion, historically — the whole promising-of-immortality thing. What about the idea that transhumanism, the…

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Melissa Harris-Perry: LGBT Advocates Need Public Progressive Faith

…be derogatory, she says, they referred to the “Negro rights movement.” The use of “civil rights” was specifically chosen because it did not designate race, but grounded the movement in all-encompassing principles about the rights of citizenship.  Harris-Perry turns one frequent argument—that gays aren’t marginalized like racial minorities because they can choose to hide their sexual orientation—on its ear, saying “the closet can never be a privile…

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In Which I Explain why Marathon Runners are Depraved and Should Just Have their Knees Fall Off Before I Give them One
Red Cent

…aging its effectiveness, is a technique that abusive partners are known to use in order to perpetuate the abuse, that makes good sense.) Of course, this mixed bag of news only hints at the central question, which is: What about those of us who have all the right ideas about how other people should use their bodies? Should we allow huge numbers of other people to do improper things with their bodies, especially when we might end up indirectly payin…

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The Problem with Pew’s Science & Religion Poll

…rward summaries of Pew’s general findings. The Counterintuitive: A more focused group of articles highlighted the negative correlation between religiosity and the perception that science and religion are in conflict. This makes for a good hook because it’s initially counterintuitive: Slate’s Rachel E. Gross introduces the finding as a “head-scratcher,” while Grist’s Kate Yoder remarks, “Turns out that if you’re snoozing on your mattress on Sunday…

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Pigging Out: What ‘Radically Unkosher’ Jewish Foodies Like Michael Pollan Are Missing

…socio-cultural and religious ceremonies.” Faced with a soaring rate of Diabetes caused by the abandonment of traditional foods for “white” food products, the Tohono O’odham of the Sonora Desert have organized through communal institutions to support a return to their nearly extinct thousand-year-old former diet, writes Marcello di Cintio in Gastronomica. This so-far successful process, an exemplary case study of the kind of resistance to the West…

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