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Publisher Withdraws History of Hinduism, Amid Protest

…re respect for all world religions. Another way to tell the story: A major international publishing house with financial resources at its disposal has destroyed its own intellectual product in response to a Hindu group who appealed to a law that was written in the colonial era and enforced by the British. The reaction of the public has been swift and furious. Arundhati Roy has weighed in, as has the National Book Critics Circle. Several editorials…

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How Can You Exclude The NAACP and Liberal Protestants from Human Rights History?

…rder. While the Great Powers could not accept enforceable mechanisms or an internationally supervised transition for colonial states, they did accept an affirmation of human rights and a provision for the creation of the Commission on Human Rights. Although many historians would concur with Walter White’s realist assessment that his and other NGOs had been used by the State Department as “window dressing” to help sell the UN to the American public…

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Global LGBT Recap: “Lavender Fascism,” Rage in India, Pope Francis Ousts Culture Warrior

Last week we inaugurated a regular feature recapping international highlights and lowlights in religion and LGBT advocacy. This week Russia and India are still in the news, along with Australia, Zambia, Ethiopia, the U.K. , and more. This week’s stories include more evidence that American LGBT rights advocates working overseas are finding their work made harder by anti-gay American religious activists encouraging other countries to resist moves t…

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Mexican Bishops Exorcism Against Equality; African Bishops Oppose ‘Enemy of Human Race’; Israeli Islamic Leader Anti-Gay Op-Ed

…, “When the Queer Cultural Festival opened on June 9, participants were outnumbered by protestors holding signs with slogans like ‘Stop Same-Sex Marriage’ and ‘Gays Out: Homosexuals have no human rights.’” Israel: Islamic leader stirs outrage with anti-gay op-ed; government rejects anti-discrimination law The deputy head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, Sheikh Kamal Khatib, “launched a scathing attack on homosexuality in an op-ed titled ‘You mak…

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Why Moscow Wants to Crack Down on Foreign Funding for Minority Religious Orgs

…Religion on June 17 that she was concerned about the effect of restricting international aid on the “international solidarity of all Christians.” The bill is reminiscent of recent regulations against foreign NGOs and other organizations in Russia, in effect putting religious organizations in the same category as NGOs in terms of their possible threat. It points to an overarching anxiety on the part of the regime (not to mention a large portion of…

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Protesting the Pope’s (Not Yet Released) Environmental Encyclical? Check Your Doctrine

…labour, of technology and communications, of society and politics, of the international community and the relations among cultures and peoples.” If salvation permeates society, then all of us in society must do our part in making it a reality. At the very least, it shouldn’t be controversial anymore for the Catholic hierarchy to talk about protecting the earth. In 2001, for instance, the American Catholic bishops stated in no uncertain terms that…

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Competitive Religious Philanthropy in the Wake of the Nepali Earthquake

…gineers to Nepal. Although Sri Lanka is most often on the receiving end of international humanitarian assistance, it stepped up to be one of the first three countries to send relief to Nepal, deploying military troops outside of its sovereign territory for the first time in Sri Lanka’s history. The gesture could easily be chalked up to a diplomatic gesture from one small South Asian nation to another, but the humanitarian gesture is rooted in the…

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Anglican Communion Gets Anti-Gay Secretary General; Black Gay Christians Challenge Conservative Evangelicals in Africa; Global LGBT Recap

…als have traveled to the country to defend anti-gay politics there. In the International Business Times, activist Peter Tatchell writes about the efforts of Mista Majah P, a “ground-breaking pro-gay Jamaican reggae singer” and his “two-part stinging video rebuke to the homophobia and murder music commonplace throughout Jamaican reggae and dancehall scene.” Majah P’s support for the LGBT community isn’t a one-off, flash-in-the-pan. He is now workin…

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Chatting with Myanmar’s Buddhist “Terrorist”

…the Bodu Bala Sena movement in Sri Lanka, which Time, Economist, and other international news media have also criticized. Much like Wirathu, he has railed against the imagined threat of a small Muslim minority in his country, and like Wirathu was accused of inciting riots against it. I asked Wirathu if he and the BBS were working together, and he admitted that he had met with Gnanasara, but insisted that their agendas were separate. Nonetheless, a…

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Is Africa the Most Homophobic Continent?

…relations are illegal in 36 of Africa’s 55 countries, according to Amnesty International, and punishable by death in some states. Now a fresh crackdown is under way. While it’s true that any country—whether Uganda, Nigeria, Russia or elsewhere—which legislates punitive measures against LGBTQI people ought to be on the receiving end of international ire and protest, it’s disingenuous to name the continent of Africa as the most homophobic. Countries…

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