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American Missionary Could Face Genocide Charges, But Brazil’s Indigenous Communities Have a Bigger Problem

…to 1957 due to “disease.” In fact, advocacy organizations such as Survival International and the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs formed during the 1960s in response to this drastic depopulation and widespread violence against native groups in the Amazon. These organizations, along with FUNAI (founded in 1967), continue to advocate against over-extraction of natural resources and contact with indigenous peoples that contributes to t…

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What the Hail: Satanists Got Busy in 2018

…orney Marc Randazza to represent them pro bono. Randazza has represented a number of far-right figures including Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, and Andrew Anglin. TST-Santa Cruz announced their adoption of a local beach. Locals described being “shocked” that Satanists would clean up a beach but were not averse to the idea. Menstruatin’ with Satan art by Tina Scott. TST-Arizona had a falling out with the local branch of the…

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Three Questions for Jeff Sessions

…the United States is legally obligated to honor the provisions of various international conventions it has signed, specifically the 1951 Refugee Convention and the International Convention Against Torture? What’s your view of the American Revolution? Were the rebellious colonists justified in resisting George III’s lawful authority? Yes or no? You undoubtedly know that many of the leading American revolutionaries—figures like James Otis, Samuel A…

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Ban on Female Genital Cutting in Somaliland is Progress, But Success Relies on Working with Religious Leaders

…and stated that victims should be compensated. The fatwa was issued on the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation,* and parliament is expected to vote on a bill outlawing the practice in the coming months. While this fatwa and the legal force it carries is an excellent step to eliminate FGC in Somaliland, it is by no means a comprehensive solution. An estimated 98 percent of women 15 to 49 in the republic have undergone…

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Shocked by Aung San Suu Kyi’s Insensitivity to Ethnic Cleansing? Don’t Be.

…as a responsible member of the community of nations, Myanmar does not fear international scrutiny, and we are committed to a sustainable solution that would lead to peace, stability and development for all communities within that state…. Since the 5th of September, there have been no armed clashes, and there have been no clearance operations. Nevertheless, we are concerned to hear that numbers of Muslims are fleeing across the border to Bangladesh…

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*UPDATE*: Sam Brownback as Religious Freedom Ambassador? His Distinguished Predecessor Hopes for the Best

…jected my supposition that Gov. Brownback will be a culture warrior on the international stage solely in behalf of beleagured minority Christians. He believes that Brownback could be well matched to the position, provided that he gains the full support of Secretary Tillerson. He commended Brownback’s early good work on South Sudan’s liberation struggle and on the ongoing plague of human trafficking. Rabbi Saperstein’s insight about the particular…

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Brownback Nomination Further Evidence That “Religious Freedom” Is Code For “Conservative Christian Supremacy”

…ti-LGBT Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback to lead the State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom. As NPR rightly noted (in its opening line, no less), Brownback is “one of the least popular governors in the country,” but he’s been working to elevate his profile as a conservative Catholic culture warrior for more than a decade. The Ambassador-at-Large position is considered a senior advisor to the administration, while the Office of Inter…

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Here Comes President Boo Boo: Trump’s Tour as Reality TV

…unscripted footage—then we can analyze Trump’s live-action moments in the international spotlight not merely for evidence of his exploitation of reality TV techniques, but also for that very “realness” that the genre promises as its product. “Reality television” existed first as tragedy, then as farce. Techniques developed in documentary work, most notably by Claude Lanzmann in his monumental film Shoah, filtered down to small screens and smaller…

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Pence Meets With One of Putin’s Top Clerics: Strange Bedfellows at BGEA’s World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians

…etropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk—who was staying at the Trump International Hotel—not only participated in BGEA’s summit yesterday, but also, as first reported by Time, met privately with the vice president. Curiously enough, a key talking point from their meeting was that America and Russia should work together to fight international terrorism, a hallmark of the Trump campaign’s election season foreign policy rhetoric. Metropolitan H…

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Nike’s Token Equality: New Campaign Masks the Truth About Workers’ Rights

…le athletes like Serena Williams, LeBron James, and Megan Rapinoe. And for International Women’s Day, Nike announced a “Pro Hijab” for female Muslim athletes, with its own eye-grabbing (and controversial) video. These ads are inspirational—unless you believe that the factory workers making Nike sneakers, who are largely female and people of color, should actually be treated as equals! Almost twenty years ago, in a powerful essay called “Token Equa…

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