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Prop 8 Ruling a True Test of Liberty (Religious or Otherwise)

…t to their right to discriminate based on religious beliefs. Their new Web site even points out that “contemporary laws that ‘redefine’ marriage to include two persons of the same sex threaten to stifle the Church’s ability to teach publicly about and witness to the uniqueness of marriage as a lifelong bond between one man and one woman.” Which is ridiculous. They can still say what they want. What’s really threatened is their authority to have co…

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Waiting for Lightning to Strike: A Wobbly Agnostic among the Atheists

…sed when the American Atheists chose Des Moines as the national convention site. “Why Des Moines?” people kept asking. “Why Des Moines? Because if we go to New York or L.A., we’re just another convention. We were in Atlanta last year and we didn’t raise an eyebrow. The adult toy convention had been there the week before. But we’ve got protesters in Des Moines!” The crowd murmurs, applauds, a few whistles. “It makes us know how right we are, doesn’…

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Does Christopher Hitchens Think Mormons are Sinistererer?

…e Killers’ Brandon Flowers—and member-generated profiles on the site as evidence of non-sinister Mormon humanity. Even if the ads overstate the diversity of the faith, as Haglund suggests, how Mormons navigate our faith is certainly more complicated than Hitchens allows, especially when he characterizes us as a uniform mass that can, for example, be “ordered” by our “supreme leaders” to “turn about and shun any members who show any sign…

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All Candy, No Jesus: Halloween in America

…It got me thinking about the odd cultural bird that is Halloween—America’s number two holiday in terms of money spent—a holiday with deep “pagan” or “old religion” roots and the site of two Catholic feast days commemorating our dead friends and allies: All Souls’ Day on November 1, and All Saints’ Day on November 2. As a bonus, October 31 marks the kickoff of the Reformation, when Luther posted his theses on the door of the Castle Church of Witten…

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St. Paul’s Cathedral Leadership Gutted as Occupy London Controversy Grows

…point, but the land is principally owned by the cathedral. This choice of site introduced a religious dimension. The protest was asking the Church whether it sided with the hippie ethic of Jesus or the powers of this world. The cathedral was faced with an unenviable dilemma—as Dan Shultz noted in these pages, we should not be too quick to cast the Dean and Chapter as Pharisees, for the right to protest should not trump all other considerations ab…

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Blankets, Booties, and Jesus: Spiritual War on the Uterus in Rick Perry’s Texas

…2006, declined a request for an interview. However, he says on the TPCN website that he joined the group after conducting research that convinced him that “countless women were suffering through a decision they never really wanted to make—nor wouldn’t have to—if just one other person were available to listen, support, protect, and educate.” According to a 2011 report by NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, the money spent on Alternatives to Abortion could have…

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Jesus, Carpet Bomb My Heart: An Undercover Muslim in Detroit

…ng in Dearborn, Michigan—“Ground Zero” for America’s spiritual future (and site of a new TLC reality show, All-American Muslim). When I heard the goals for TheCall Detroit—healing America in a time of crisis, accomplishing racial reconciliation, and (here’s where I come in) bringing Jesus to Muslim hearts—I figured a Muslim in the crowd could be a nice twist. So I was there with them for hours into the late night and hearing their ex-Muslim speake…

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Dark Sisters Opera Aims to Humanize Sister Wives

…Joseph Smith in Sharon, Vermont. What I’ve loved about LDS history is how site-specific it is: it treats America the way some people treat Israel. There is this procession of sacred sites still held sacred. Colorado City has that same heightened sense of place. I drove and walked around Colorado City and attempted to be as invisible as possible. Ha! It kind of worked. One thing that surprised me was this roadside espresso stand, with two women in…

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Occupy in Exile: Sacred Space is Everywhere

…red so sacred by some that they found the possibility of a mosque near the site as desacralizing. The blend, not the division, of sacred and profane spaces really matters to justice and its hopes. If the spirit of Occupy Wall Street and its home at “Liberty Square” is to survive and have impact, we occupiers need a larger understanding of what sacred space is and what it isn’t. Sacred space can be anywhere, any time. Lots of people want to turn th…

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A Valentine for the World…and for the Church I Left

…ility that a formerly-undeclared love would be revealed in a valentine deposited in my Kinney’s Shoes box. I like you. Do you like me? And here I am today—worlds away from that second-grade classroom where I spent the month of February in my too-big desk with my Jack and Janet reader propped before me, monitoring any potential deposit in my box. But I’m still watching. Still waiting for a sign that I am loved by a community where I lived for twent…

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