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A Reluctant Millennial On The State of Church

…The thing that I miss most in this flurry of articles? Mention of the holy spirit moving in people’s lives. Encounters with the living God. That is why “looking for Jesus” isn’t enough. At the risk of being a typical Duke grad, I can’t resist quoting Stanley Hauerwas, who says, “I don’t have any faith in myself of living a virtuous life; but if I am surrounded by other people who are also formed by the same commitments, then we’ve got a better cha…

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On Whistleblowing, MLK, Jr., and the Politics of Resistance in the Digital Age

…stood sermon that the Reverend Jeremiah Wright made shortly after September 11, 2001, where he drew from Psalm 137 to denounce the cycle of violence that would soon be perpetuated by the Bush administration’s belligerent response. It is not a message that plays well in commercial media, yet it is a necessary argument since, as Cage argued, the violent opposition to established power leads us not toward liberation but merely allows us to “change pr…

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No to Church, Yes to Jesus?

…manists, and others among the religiously unaffiliated. Do Nones of a more spiritual leaning hunger for participation in religious and/or spiritual institutions that more boldly call for the sorts of practices Good Samaritan Jesus represents? Perhaps some do, but largely, not so much. Or, at least not in the ways religious organizations and religion researchers typically understand participation in religious institutions, in terms of sustained, ex…

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Ex-Mormons Shouldn’t Proselytize Mormons… Really?

…ivity to truth and beauty or other things Mormons consider related to “the spirit”? The FM response acknowledges that believers might choose to “shun” their “‘spiritually dead’ loved ones” before complaining that Some new non-believers, on the other hand, sometimes wants to share their new-found “truth” with those they love in order to “get them out” of what they now mockingly refer to as “the cult”; in the process, they place unneeded stress and…

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“The Lord’s Standard of Morality” Promotes LDS Rape Culture

…s for a very long time. When I arrived at the Missionary Training Center in 1985, sisters had to attend a 6 a.m. gym class. Even though it ended early enough that we were the only ones on the sidewalks during the very short trip back to our dorms, we still had to wear either sweat pants or shorts with tights under them—no bare legs—so that in the unlikely event that a young man ventured from his dorm early, he would not be overcome by lust at the…

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Will Righteous Mormons Still Get their Own Planets?

…meaning that we were all conceived in the preexistence through some act of spiritual procreation. However guarded its wording, the essay does at least acknowledge LDS belief in a Heavenly Mother: “Latter-day Saints have also been moved by the knowledge that their divine parentage includes a Heavenly Mother as well as a Heavenly Father.” The doctrine that male and female human beings may become gods has been absolutely foundational to LDS belief—it…

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Promise Keepers Launches Effort to Support Messianic Jews in Israel

…ting in the world recognizing that He was truly sent by God.” The September 17 event, which will be held at an outdoor amphitheater outside the Old City walls, is called “Jesus Reigns,” and is part of Promise Keepers’ new “sister” ministry, “One Message,” which is not exclusively for men, spokesman David Jesse told me. The event, he said, “is to call the church worldwide to join together in unity to declare to the world that Jesus reigns and becau…

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Conservatives Accuse Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of Misconduct

…left them.’” After case of this sort of “did too/did not” bickering in the 1870s, a revision to canon law allowed that church authorities could press for the removal of bishops, priests, or deacons if they were “acting in a way as to abandon communion.” The revised canon is arguably a strident application of, uh, common sense. It works something like this in determining if clergy and their flocks have left the Episcopal Church: You might be an An…

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Who Are Michigan Catholic Bishops to Judge?

…Roman Catholic and no few other religious leaders can continue to squander spiritual, intellectual, and material resources on matters that in no way touch the lives of the 13,185 people experiencing homelessness in Michigan today. So, while I’m certainly happy every time the United States moves forward as a nation where there is truly “justice for all,” as a more or less practicing Christian, I find relatively little satisfaction in calling out th…

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What Does Heidegger’s Anti-Semitism Mean for Jewish Philosophy?

…ou come to mind—as an apt metaphor to depict the life of the mind. In this spirit, I would step back and speak about the dance. I have never separated the speculative and the experiential. I realize this may confuse some people and it may be responsible for my being left out of certain groups, but I have always been committed to the belief that thinking is a contemplative exercise. I view writing, too, in this vein. My creativity expresses itself…

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