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A Better Form of Atheism: Rescuing the Christian Tradition from Religion

…, that we must owe him obedience. When we aren’t obedient to him, that’s a sign of disrespect; and God must somehow show that he is to be taken seriously, and so we need to make restitution for the fact that we’ve dishonored him. Not a particularly attractive theory, and it’s one I’ve been very critical of, so I’ve tried to come up with an alternative. In contrast, you seek to make atonement a social-relational bond. What do you mean by that? For…

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“We (some of) the People” Florida Governor Rick Scott and the Tea Party

…m The Villages Charter School. The governor’s staffers handed the students signs that read, “No to Earmarks” and “Thank You Governor Scott” that were designed to appear handmade. When the mayor of The Villages opened the ceremony and welcomed everyone saying, “the signing of the budget is an exercise in representative democracy and we’re happy to have it right here in The Villages,” he apparently didn’t know that about twenty members of the Villag…

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A Tea Party Case Study: Jacksonville’s Divisive Mayoral Race

…ed in senior citizens to the polls to vote and helped them do so.” Oooohh. Signs? Busses? Rides to the polls? Signing people up to vote? So let me get this right: she, and the chorus of fawning commenters on her blog, are worried that some of our neighbors who haven’t traditionally voted because they find it difficult to do so (senior citizens? really?) will be encouraged (even helped?) by “outsiders” to exercise their rights of citizenship? Or ma…

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Death of a Self-Proclaimed God-Man: Sai Baba’s Controversial Career

…argued that his ability to materialize objects was not miraculous but the sign of a skilled conjuring magician. Perhaps the most notable controversy surrounding the guru arose in 1993 when the police killed six young male devotees in Sai Baba’s bedroom and claimed that they did so in self-defense. The case remains controversial because many details of the incident are unknown. Some speculate that the men were not killed in self-defense but were m…

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First U.S. Visit of the Virgin Mary Confirmed in Wisconsin

…s outside of Green Bay and over a mile from even the smallest town, a tiny sign at a remote intersection points visitors toward Chapel Drive, site of the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, where a young Belgian woman experienced apparitions of the Virgin Mary more than 150 years ago. Behind the chapel and small gift shop, visitors can tramp through the snow to a grotto and Stations of the Cross, passing on their way the burial place of Adele Brise,…

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Eddie Long off the Cross in Time for Easter?

…iation is completed during Holy Week, it would be a boon for Long. With no sign of the five smooth stones he was going to throw back in September to defend his name, and the congregation reeling from an investment scandal and layoffs, Long desperately wants to get off the cross of public derision and skepticism. If Long settles out of court avoiding a trial, and obtains confidentiality clauses Long avoids both the scandal of a trial and the “outin…

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Catholic Church Targets Proponent of Women’s Ordination; Feminist Theologian

…s that it comes at the price of violating the bishops’ own guidelines for “promoting cooperation and resolving misunderstandings between bishops and theologians.” Adopted in 1989, these guidelines were crafted precisely to encourage dialogue and discourage this kind of heavy-handed response to theological work that I would wager most bishops do not understand. Professor Johnson reports that she was neither informed of the investigation of her work…

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Hypocritical Freakout over Shari’ah, but Not Biblical Law

…nstitution. As a law professor correctly noted in the article, “If we both sign a contract agreeing to be governed by German law, then Florida courts will interpret German law.” Such arrangements are also, notably, quite common in religious settings. Let’s take one example apropros to the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act: the Christian health care sharing ministries who lobbied for and received an exemption from the individual mandate in the…

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Sarah Palin to Tour Israel, Christian-Style

…gh diplomatic channels, but through a Christian tour operator. That choice signals to me that this trip, although guaranteed to get much press for her meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is not only about her political credentials but her religious stature. With Palin’s weekend visit to India and the Israel, speculation will continue as to whether she will be a candidate in 2012. Given that her schedule is beginning to fill in the next…

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Exclusive: Religious Leaders for Immigration Equality for Gay and Lesbian Couples

…a large number of  religious leaders, organizations, and denominations, to sign on to a letter supporting the legislation. As I reported last year, UAFA would correct a glaring inequality in our current immigration law: there are 36,000 bi-national couples in the United States—same-sex couples in which one is a US citizen and the other faces possible deportation if a partner or spouse cannot sponsor them for citizenship—and about half of those cou…

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