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7 Women Scholars On the Gender Divide in Religious Studies, the Power of Mentors, and Leading While Female

…ized around categories and silos that don’t reflect how people really live today or the work we have to do understand the world we live in. To change this, you have to be in conversation with the right kind of people. You have to make a commitment to talk interdisciplinarily. You can’t be with people who will retreat to the fallback position of their discipline. You have to invite people to the table who are willing to ask questions from new persp…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…and are not qualified to speak to Nigerians in the capacity they are doing today. Mexico: Marriage equality continues to spread Marriage equality continues to spread in Mexico via federal court orders, or amparos, issued on behalf of couples or groups of couples seeking to marry. The amparos instruct local authorities to issue licenses but do not generally eliminate the underlying local laws until there have been five rulings against a state. This…

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Muslim Mickey Mouse Tweet by Christian Billionaire Sparks Controversy

…huge double standard here. A few years ago many of these same people were promoting the Fulla doll. They wanted a Muslim version of Barbie and now they don’t want a Muslim version of Minnie and Mickey Mouse? These Salafi groups want all women to wear the veil. So why don’t they start with Minnie Mouse? Mickey Mouse Operations The Sawiris controversy has been far overshadowed in the Egyptian media by violent clashes in Tahrir Square over the past…

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Vaccine Mandates are Constitutional; Religious Exemptions are Unnecessary and Harmful

…e decades- and even century-old Supreme Court cases mandating vaccines and today’s, isn’t just the recently weaponized religious freedom, but also because “in most instances, communities had achieved the luxury of herd immunity,” as Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (where, full disclosure, I’m the Director of Strategic Response) put it recently. Once the hard work of getting to herd immunity is done, a reli…

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The Racist Message of Do-Nothing Religion, Courtesy of Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

…placency with racialized religious privilege that has come to characterize today’s Republican Party? It depends, of course, on what (or who) you mean by “America.” And what you mean by “God.” Not to mention what it means to “turn to God,” or to “heal racism.” The devil’s in the details, and paraphrased headlines are often misleading. What Patrick actually said in his Fox News interview is that to address racism in American culture, we need to “cha…

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Think Yoga and Mindfulness in Public Schools Are a No-Brainer? Think Again

…ligious, but can be taught in schools because kids will not perceive it as promoting religion. By contrast, in 2016 Pennsylvania’s Board of Education found a yoga-based charter school in violation of laws prohibiting public schools from providing “religious instruction.” My new book, Debating Yoga and Mindfulness in Public Schools: Reforming Secular Education or Reestablishing Religion?, draws on my experience as an expert witness in four legal ch…

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Invoking God’s Name Like a Bludgeon

…ligious observance at the 2008 scholarship awards: We take the opportunity today to offer our congratulations to the many students of Saddleback College who have worked so hard and achieved so much. Historically at events such as these we also take the opportunity to offer a moment of thanksgiving to God — if He exists. And I’m not here to say that He does. That would be wrong for an elected official, I am told. No matter that America’s founders i…

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As a Muslim, I am Exhausted…

…ation. As a Muslim, I’m exhausted. You may think that what plagues Muslims today is a rowdy minority of gung-ho militants in the desert of Iraq and Syria. I think our problem is more subtle than that. We have convinced ourselves, and others, that we live on a planet apart as perfect Muslims who speak exclusively as agents and caretakers of their faith. The spectrum of our visibility is narrow: we are either the fanatic bad Muslim or the sanitized…

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Jesus Comes Out for Christmas

…sten, and especially to those who would not. Like the gays and lesbians of today, Jesus made enemies when he came out. Jesus angered his family, he angered his friends, and most of all he angered those in power when he came out against the greed, the neglect of the poor, the inequality, and the injustice all around him. Like many of the gays and lesbians of today, that coming out cost him his life. Coming out is not for wimps—it really does take a…

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Death of a Self-Proclaimed God-Man: Sai Baba’s Controversial Career

…ted to his personal charisma, marketing skills, or both—was extraordinary. Today the International Sathya Sai Organization disseminates Sai Baba’s teachings and manages a network of over 1,200 Sathya Sai Baba centers in 126 countries. Most of his devotees came to acknowledge him as god-man without ever meeting him in person.  Sai Baba’s devotees include powerful politicians (including former prime ministers of India), celebrities, and entrepreneur…

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