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How the Politics of the 1890s Explain the GOP’s Health Care Woes

…nd 2016 — on the promise to rid the country of the hated and oppressive Affordable Care Act … In three of those four elections, they captured another arm of government, all on the promise of ACA repeal: the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014, and the White House in 2016. … Every time you read about how many House and Senate seats, how many statehouses, how many thousands of seats in state legislatures turned Republican since 2008, think about how m…

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Not a ‘Weenie-A** Lodge’: James Ray Trial Begins

…ss, and fifteen were reported to be suffering ill effects. In spite of the number of people who experienced difficulties during each of the eight fifteen-minute rounds, Ray contends he did not know that there were problems. In fact, Ray is accused of ignoring the pleas of those who wanted out; in one case an individual went out through the side of the sweat lodge to escape the heat. The prosecution played tapes of Ray before the sweat saying, “It’…

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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…ted people with Brotherhood ties to top positions in his administration in order to orchestrate uprisings in the Muslim world. According to this theory, American leftists are in cahoots with the Brotherhood through a “consortium of left-wing organizations, Islamic groups, labor unions, and Obama-friendly corporations which would organize and fund a ‘youth movement’ in certain areas around the Middle East which would then take to the streets in pro…

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Yet Another Survey Shows ‘Nones’ Growth at Record Levels

…spirituality, meaning-making, and self-realization in my Nones Beyond the Numbers narrative survey.*   *The survey results will contribute to three intertwined research projects I am currently conducting on the meaning-making practices of Nones. The first, sponsored in part through the Social Science Research Council’s “New Directions in the Study of Prayer” initiative, will explore the plurality of Nones who say they regularly engage in prayer….

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Sovereign Grace Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Just Got More Complicated

A number of developments in the lawsuit against Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM) have taken place since I first covered it for RD back in early March. On May 14, a second amendment was filed to the suit: [The suit] adds three new plaintiffs, making a total of 11. Five plaintiffs are now using their real names, and the rest are pseudonyms. It accuses church leaders of conspiracy, negligence, misrepresentation and intentional infliction of emotiona…

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…terners but Indonesian law defines marriage as between a man and woman. According to a story from Australia’s, In Indonesia, where marriage between couples of differing religion is also banned, many couples marry outside the law, meaning their union is not legal but is legitimate in the eyes of their families and friends. The controversy in this case is not the marriage itself but the apparent involvement of the Hindu religion which is ag…

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Life Imitates Satire Imitates Life: Rep. King Revives Manchurian Candidate

…ndly American Muslim leader, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani. In honor of this magic number and the hearings King will hold next month in order to address the “creeping threat of Sharia law,” RD presents the first edition of Life Imitates Satire Imitates Life.   In this clip, from the Manchurian Candidate a Joseph McCarthy stand-in uses his own investigative tool to determine how many crypto-commies there really are… Rep. Peter King (R-NY), minus 45 years f…

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Are Conservative Churches Really Winning by Being More Orthodox?

…e Protestants, the topline numbers mask a complex underlying situation. According to the Pew Forum’s Religious Landscape Survey, since 1972, Catholics have been about 25% of the total population in the United States. However, white Catholics have been in serious decline during the same period. It’s only lopsided margins of Catholics among immigrant groups (especially Hispanics) that has propped the Church up in the past forty years. Hispanic Catho…

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More Thoughts on Media Coverage of Liberal Religion

…violence prevention group, background checks and assault weapons bans? According to a 2013 poll, 92% of Americans favor background checks. But federal legislation can’t pass because of the power of the gun lobby, and the cowardice of representatives who live in fear of it. But the question remains: why is the media disinterested in the gun lobby’s religious opposition? Is it because gun control legislation—even a modest measure like background ch…

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In a Powerful Statement Black Presidents and Deans Say: No More Stolen Black Lives!

…ith, PhD, Associate Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins, Hartford Seminary Elise M. Edwards, PhD, Assistant Professor, Baylor University Renee K. Harrison, PhD, Associate Professor, African American & U.S. Religious History, Howard University School of Divinity Rev. Belva Brown Jordan, Interim President, Disciples Seminary Foundation, Associate Professor Practice of Ministry, Claremont School of Theology Rev. Melva L. Sampson, PhD, As…

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