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Will Millennials Forge a Future for the Progressive Black Church?

…uick to call out names not just of national politicians, but also of local Chicago leaders who stood opposed to those whom he saw as “the least of these.” The same holds for Sharpton in New York. In the fallout behind the Tawana Bradley incident in 1987, Sharpton equated the then-New York state attorney general to Hitler. However, as blacks have ascended the political ladder in post-civil rights years, or when black clergy have been granted a seat…

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The Most Ominous Promises Jeff Sessions Just Made to ADF Attorneys

…, explained Anthony Kreis, an attorney and visiting assistant professor at Chicago-Kent College of Law, who specializes in unpacking “religious freedom” laws as they impact LGBT Americans. There’s nothing outright improper about Sessions signaling his fondness for the attorneys representing a client seeking to undermine the state of nationwide marriage equality and equal access for LGBT people, but it certainly doesn’t bode well for those LGBT peo…

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“The Slut Assumption”: Myths About Jewelry Reveal Diamonds Aren’t Always A Girl’s Best Friend

…er people in bed (The Bedtrick: Tales of Sex and Masquerade, University of Chicago Press, 2000). My editor noticed that, in many of these stories, jewelry seemed to provide the final clue to the identity of a sexual trickster. And I began to wonder why jewelry was so central to so many stories, why it carried meaning far over and above its beauty or its financial value, particularly sexual meaning. It seemed to me that since so many people are fas…

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Oh Say, Can You See?:  9/11 Flag Displays and the Flag’s Symbolic Power

…f abortion or the array of wooden angels to commemorate the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre) is to convey the enormity of the loss of life, to make otherwise abstract numbers visible. In the Oak Brook commemoration, each flag has attached to it a brief biography of the person killed, with color-coded ribbons differentiating civilians and flight crews from first responders. Orlando, Florida, on the logic that far more were inju…

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Trump’s DOJ Wants Constitutional Protection for Wedding Cakes, Not LGBT People

…expression. Anthony Kreis, an attorney and visiting assistant professor at Chicago-Kent College of Law who specializes in “religious freedom” and civil rights, told RD that the DOJ’s brief is par for the course of an administration that started its tenure by rescinding Title IX protections for transgender students, then went on to claim that federal laws against sex discrimination in the workplace (namely, Title VII) don’t apply to gay, lesbian, a…

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Australian Church Nixes Straight Couple’s Wedding Over Their Marriage Equality Support; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…here the suspects were attending a workshop, said regional police chief Hassan Ali. “Yes, we rounded them up because we suspect that they were engaged in homosexuality in Zanzibar, which is illegal in Zanzibar and is against the law of the country,” he said, adding that police “will intensify (their) vigilance against those groups.” Homosexuality is criminalized in Tanzania, and sex among men is punishable by jail terms ranging from 30 years to li…

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Dear Timothy Keller: The “Evangelical” Problem isn’t Pollsters

…llots. Devon Crawford, a 24 year-old divinity student at the University of Chicago, traveled home to vote against Moore because his version of Christianity “sanctifies the truth-making power of white men” and is “really just a masquerade for white supremacy.” Why should white men define the scope of what constitutes E/evangelicalism? Why do black Christians have to fight for equality and justice without the support of, and often in struggles again…

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The Convergence of Passover and Easter Can Leaven (or Unleaven) the Interfaith Family’s Holiday

…mily Project in suburban Washington, DC or the Interfaith Family School in Chicago, IL. Within these broad parameters, individual interfaith families obviously make their own decisions, have their own practices and traditions, and are happy (or unhappy) about the compromises that they’ve made. Essentially, there is no model for what “everyone” does in interfaith family life, any more than there is in any other religious life. While Christmas, in p…

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Mormons Declare Same-Sex Marriage Apostasy, Deny Baptism to Children of Same-Sex Couples; Colombian Court OKs Adoption Over Church Objections; Franklin Graham Praises Putin’s Anti-Gay Policies; Global LGBT Recap

…nced the bill in a passionate back-bench address. “As a country with a thousand-year-old Christian history, we simply cannot allow this,” lawmaker Pavlo Unguryan said. “Today, a special status for sexual minorities is simply unacceptable.” Scotland: Lesbian Tory Leader Says Faith Contributed to Struggle Coming Out Ruth Davidson, a lesbian and Scottish Tory leader, told BBC Radio Scotland that she had struggled with her sexuality for years before c…

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Spiritualism and Sex Meet Evangelical Censorship, 19th-Century-Style

…in his own day and long afterward. Still, it is hard not to see him as the sanctimonious villain in the tragedy that turns Craddock into a martyr for free speech. I have a difficult time imagining Donald Wildmon, Albert Mohler, and company taking any delight in this story as I tell it.   What alternative title would you give the book?  Incredibly, the title and subtitle are word for word what I suggested: Heaven’s Bride: The Unprintable Life of Id…

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