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My Womb for His Purposes: The Perils of Unassisted Childbirth in the Quiverfull Movement

…vocated through her book, Born in Zion, which gained access to a wide audience when Nancy Campbell’s Above Rubies ministry endorsed it. Balizet wrote: Our goal is to encourage separation from the counterfeits of the world, and entrance into what is symbolically called Zion. This is a life TOTALLY dependent on God alone. We advocate home childbirth, home schooling, home healing, often even home churching, and other things which accompany a separati…

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Is Obama the Antichrist? Why Armageddon Stands Between the President and the Evangelical Vote

…ts, a hidden “plan of the ages” emerges. According to their decryptions, a number of events will transpire just before the apocalypse. These include a return of the Jews to Palestine, a decline in morals, religious apostasy, and the consolidation of independent nations into one super-state led by a seemingly benevolent leader who is actually the Antichrist. During the last 100 years, evangelicals have witnessed more and more evidence of these prop…

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Exclusive: Christian Right Bill Mill, Project Blitz, Hasn’t Gone Away, It’s Just Gotten More Secretive

…mise is a bill mill and state legislative distribution network led by Alliance Defending Freedom, Family Policy Alliance, and The Heritage Foundation, though its state campaign “partners” are almost all affiliates of the Family Policy Alliance. The Promise itself suggests that their (hidden) state model bills are based on four pieces of federal legislation that have been introduced in Congress. The organizing model of bill mills and distribution n…

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The Resurgence of Right-Wing Anti-Semitic Conspiracism Endangers All Justice Movements

…egoated as the “hidden puppeteers” behind both socialism and capitalism. Since the 2008 financial crisis when the “globalist” canard and scapegoating of George Soros made their way into the discourse we’ve seen Jews blamed for the depredations of vulture capitalism and the finance sector even as, bizarrely, this same Jewish cabal is somehow deemed “socialist” as well. Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories substitute an imagined revolt against illusory…

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Hold Your Applause: Potential Changes to Roles of Catholic Women and LGBTQ+ People May Just Be Vatican Breadcrumbing

…t of the Synod staff with voting privileges. That gave hope to many. Now, once they’re approved by Francis, at least 35 women (non-binary people are far from Vatican radar) will vote along with several hundred bishops. Again, more enthusiasm. These crumbs, like the mere mention of marginalized people in the documents, feed the hunger of those who want to be involved. Women’s ordination and LGBTQIA+ work in Catholic circles each has a 50 year histo…

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A Jewish Perspective on Reparations

…. I could not but feel, in those sorrowful years, that this human indifference, concerning which I knew so much already, would be my portion on the day that the United States decided to murder its Negroes systematically instead of little by little and catch-as-catch-can. If Coates is right that reparations at least partially correlated with German societal and cultural reckoning, then one can see their fruits in Germany today. Last month, followin…

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Transgender and Christian: Finding Identity

…spiritual beings. On a sunny summer day she held court before a small audience, including me, of exactly five. The topic was less coherent, more episodic, and loosely about the importance of metaphysics. “We take from the Bible that God is neither male or female, but spirit,” said Moses. One woman who didn’t identify as transgender so much as just androgynous, talked about her acute depression and how she wakes up every morning and wants to die. T…

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Contrary to Claims of Anti-Trans Muslims, LGBTQ+ Acceptance is Widespread in the History of Islam

…imilarly scandalized CS Sonnini writes of Muslim homoerotic culture: “The inconceivable appetite which dishonored the Greeks and the Persians of antiquity, constitute the delight, or to use a juster term, the infamy of the Egyptians. It is not for women that their ditties are composed: it is not on them that tender caresses are lavished; far different objects inflame them.” In his travels in the 19th century, James Silk Buckingham encounters an Af…

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Along Came a Spider: What the Pope Doesn’t See

…re to the Peter Principle (“rising in the hierarchy to the level of one’s incompetence”) than anything else. In the Catholic Church hierarchy, this means you can go pretty far. It is high time to stop the shuffling shell game, and for the church to admit the one thing it believes, theologically, that it cannot do: sin. Rather than piling on for political grandstanding by deciding who can take the Eucharist or not, the United States Council of Cath…

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The Religious Case Against Religious Discrimination in Cakeshop Case

…ns of faith.” A third brief authored by religious civil rights advocates, including a number of Muslim organizations, expresses concern that a decision in Phillips’s favor might particularly jeopardize the rights of religious minorities, who would likely be disproportionately affected by what would amount to legalized discrimination. These authors cite Department of Justice and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission statistics on religious discri…

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