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Is ISIS A Sign of the End Times? It May Only Matter That They Believe So

…mes go something like this: The age of just leadership, or Caliphate, will pass, the age of kings will pass, and then there will be tyranny, brutality and oppression. The Muslim ummah will be weak and divided, though nearly uncountable in number. In the darkest hour, a Mahdi—a ‘rightly-guided’ descendant of Muhammad—will be identified at Mecca’s Great Mosque. He will rally Muslims against oppression without and within, but his success will provoke…

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America, the Mythical: “Mother of Exiles” or Denier of Safe Haven?

…gorically profound story about America as “Mother of Exiles,” a universal space that encompases all ethnicities, cultures, and religions precisely because of its universality. Arguments about the significance of the pilgrims began scarcely before the surf could erase the fresh footprints of the settlers on the beach at Cape Cod. The Puritans of New England were arguably among the most educated people in the history of the western world. Drawn from

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Trump Smashing Religious Right Formula to Bits

…and that continues to be true. While evangelical leaders have taken to the pages of the country’s leading newspapers to denounce Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric, Trump still draws significant support from evangelical voters. According to last week’s Quinnipiac University poll, Trump has the support of 24 percent of white evangelical voters nationwide, tied with Ted Cruz, who is on an upswing of late, and ahead of one-time evangelical favorite Ben…

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Reporting from Paris During COP21: A Haunted Sabbath

…reduction goals. “Because we are going green on our own and don’t want to participate in the farce of rich countries asking us to pay for their abuse of each other and the earth.” The New Republic once again put out its superb daily report, showing that coalitions were indeed developing between nations around their carbon goals. GreenFaith did its daily broadcast, once again targeting the bad guy of Saudi Arabia and wondering how they had spent t…

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No, Sunni and Shia Muslims Have Not Been Fighting Forever

…ey make causes sacred, and justify violence. They are often inviolable, or part and parcel of how we make sense of the world. The Means or the Ends? With respect to sectarian divides in the Muslim world, these are undoubtedly amplified by regional rivalries, and have become far more inflamed and far worse than in the past. Saudi Arabia and Iran have prosecuted terrible conflicts, and funded and exported dangerously authoritarian and murderous idea…

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How Not to Oppose the National Day of Prayer

…argues, and is frequently practiced outside of it. Why can’t nonbelievers participate in this time-honored practice? Havrilesky isn’t alone. As Elizabeth Drescher documented on RD, prayer has become a popular ritual practice among the so-called “Nones,” Americans who identify as non-religious (an admittedly messy category that includes atheist, agnostic, and spiritual people alike). For Drescher, Prayer, it seems, can function as a marker of reli…

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What Will the #NeverTrump Faction Do Now?

…nce, make up 55 percent of the state’s GOP voters. And Indiana’s governor, Republican Mike Pence, had signed an expansive Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) into law just last year. In response, Cruz’s Indiana campaign ran on boilerplate culture wars stuff, making North Carolina’s transgender bathroom law a centerpiece of his speeches and running nonstop ads that warned Trump would let Caitlyn Jenner use whichever bathroom she wanted in Trum…

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Who Will Catholic Bishops Turn to in Trump Era?

…ideology, they helped steer a significant portion of Catholics toward the Republican Party. The condemnation of John Kerry during the 2004 election, complete with suggestions that he not take communion, by several high-profile prelates like Raymond Burke and Charles Chaput (who turned a blind eye to Bush’s support for the death penalty) was a turning point in the American bishops’ relationship with the electoral process. Just as importantly, it w…

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You’re Right, Ross Douthat: Donald Trump Is Kind of Like Islam

…, but he’s not a foreign fighter. If Trump were not reflective of what the Republican Party really is, then how could he so manage to so convincingly crush the Party, destroy its establishment, make mincemeat of its promising future leaders, and win so many states, and so many votes? Just as Islamophobia didn’t come from nowhere, neither did Trump. There are a lot of things Muslims have to face up to in the world, including what happens in the nam…

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When Muhammad Ali Met Billy Graham

…cans will be just another brick in Trump’s wall. Ryan’s resurrection of compassionate conservatism and the elder Graham’s more capacious visions for evangelical embrace of others have fallen, like George Foreman in 1974, to a rope-a-dope strategy. *Note: a special thanks to John Schmalzbauer for the newspaper references to the Ali-Graham meeting in 1979 linked above **Correction: an earlier version incorrectly attributed this statement to Trump hi…

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