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Single Greatest Idea Ever: On the 150th Anniversary of Darwin’s Origin of Species

…was the only country in which fewer people accepted evolution than in the United States.) According to Ron Numbers’ The Creationists: From Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design, in the wake of the publishing of Origin, Christians in America were, for the most part, able to make peace with Darwin’s theory and evolutionary principles. It wasn’t until the early 1900s, when a series of religious pamphlets, “The Fundamentals,” were published ar…

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Good Without God: The Ethics of Atheism

…r a common good? Social entrepreneur Shannon Hopkins has noted that in the United Kingdom, Christians often spearhead social enterprise ventures, and humanist collectives in the United States have created events like the Feast Conference 2009. Occasionally, one can find a convergence of the secular and spiritual. Several Christians involved with The Nomi Network invited me to a recent screening of the film Call + Response. It’s rare to see the fai…

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Burma’s Spirit Festival, and More in This Week’s Global LGBT Roundup

…mber – though other surveys put the opposition percentage lower. India and United Kingdom: 50 years after decriminalization in UK, India hangs onto colonial era law At The Times of India, Vikram Doctor notes that the United Kingdom’s parliament voted to decriminalize homosexuality in 1967, asking why India “still hangs on to this colonial legacy” fifty years later. His piece includes history about the anti-sodomy law in the U.K. and the “morass of…

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Chatting with Myanmar’s Buddhist “Terrorist”

…nd its human rights accusations were part of a Muslim plot. “It is not the United Nations,” Wirathu told me, “but the United Muslim Nations.” Wirathu claimed that President Obama was also duped by these influences, and this is the reason why he spoke about the rights of Rohingya people in his recent visit to the country. The conspiracy was even broader, Wirathu said, since the world’s news media were also under control of Islamic extremists. In fa…

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Trump Considers Pulling USA Out Of Human Rights Council; Indonesian President Blames Democracy For Rise of Militant Islamism; Global LGBT Recap

…tional impact. Said Executive Director Jessica Stern, “What happens in the United States makes news around the world, and so this decision will have negative impact beyond US borders, fueling hostility and persecution of trans and gender non-conforming people everywhere.” Reuters reported that trans people in Ecuador were able to vote “for the first time according to their chosen gender,” a step activists called “signs of progress in the socially…

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Indonesia Allows Abusive Sharia Laws to Stand; Kenyan Priest Joins Challenge to Anti-LGBT Laws; Dominican Republic Bishop Slams ‘Gender Ideology’ at OAS; Global LGBT Recap

…BT Activists Mull Impact of Brexit Vote British voters have called for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, which could undermine EU-backed legal protections for LGBT people in the UK and have an adverse effect on LGBT refugees and asylum seekers. Writes BuzzFeed’s Lester Feder: A united EU voice has helped activists turn back anti-LGBT initiatives in countries on the European continent and beyond with the argument that they violate com…

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Christian Zionists, Bibi, Obama, and Armageddon

…hn Hagee, founder of the leading Christian Zionist organization Christians United for Israel, wrote in his 2006 book, Jerusalem Countdown, which argued that U.S. military intervention to stop Iran’s nuclear ambitions was required lest America risk God’s wrath: Those nations who align with God’s purpose will receive His blessing. Those who follow a policy of opposition to God’s purpose will receive the swift and severe judgment of God without limit…

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A Tea Party Leader Hates Christians

…as “little more than the first Church of Karl Marx,” was incensed that the United Methodist Building (known to locals as “the God box”) on Capitol Hill had a sign supporting the DREAM Act. (h/t Religion News Service). “After all,” Phillips adds, “what can you say about a church that considers Hillary Clinton to be a member in good standing?” Phillips goes on to call the church “the religious arm of socialism” because it supports “illegal immigrati…

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The Politics of Anti-Gay Persecution: Gambia, Egypt, Jamaica, Russia, with a Helping Hand from US Religious Conservatives; Global LGBT Recap

…so-called “gay propaganda” law. Nineteen are identified as coming from the United States — including the National Organization of Marriage’s Brian Brown — most of whom were “recommended” by the World Congress of Families…. Russians invited include Igor Shchegolev – a senior aide to Putin – and Father Tikhon, an Orthodox monk said to be Putin’s confessor, but the list including their names does not indicate whether they accepted the invitation. Chi…

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The Third Jihad, Adelson, and Gingrich

…evel Muslim Brotherhood member proves that mainstream Muslim groups in the United States are engaged in a secret plot to subvert the Constitution and install a theocracy governed by shari’ah law. Gingrich’s film uses the same star used in The Third Jihad to promote that claim, Zuhdi Jasser, who was also the chief witness in Rep. Peter King’s hearings on “The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community:” Unlike more wild-eyed anti-Mus…

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