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The Paranormal to Pop Culture Pipeline

…as “full of off-the-shelf Halloween junk, dolls and toys, books you could buy at any bookstore,” it’s an important case study in lived religion and the free exchange of ideas between pop culture and paranormal belief. The Warrens (Ed passed in 2006) were infamous demonologists whose greatest “case files” have resulted in such “real life” horror films as The Amityville Horror, A Haunting in Connecticut, and The Conjuring, which featured “Annabelle…

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India’s Elections and the “Doniger Affair”

…al to Marxism. Hinduism and the Indian state became one and the same for a number of academics, and, borrowing from missionary (and liberal secular) beliefs about Indian social practices and religion, they helped to advance several prominent—but false—ideas in the West: that the caste system was inherently and uniquely Hindu, that women in Hinduism are subordinate to men, and that Hinduism promoted social inequality and injustice. In the absence o…

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Russian Multimillionaire Makes Peace with Anti-Christ Milk

…e cross, Boyko-Veliky is still accepting the Mark of the Beast in order to buy and sell and becoming quite wealthy as a result. The agenda of Anti-Christ is not hindered by a few red ‘X’s on food packaging. It does make sense, however, if we see the ‘X’ as a strategy for resolving competing visions of society. Although less radical than Kuznetsov, Boyko-Veliky has a vision of how society should be ordered and he imposes this order within his compa…

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The Older You Are, The More Likely You’ll Marry Outside Your Religion

…end up divorced. I did hope to entertain them too. A reviewer for the Christian Century found me “very, very funny.” Who knew? What alternative title would you give the book? “Mixed Blessings” was the runner-up. But it was too wishy washy. How do you feel about the cover? I wish it made more people buy the book. But I’m probably blaming the wrong person. Is there a book out there you wish you had written? Which one? Why? Liar’s Poker by Michael Le…

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Noah, Cosmos Controversies Not About Biblical Literalism

…ate article: “It never ceases to amaze me how many dummies out there still buy the whole story of the flood, and frankly, all the stories in the Bible. They still think there is some invisible supreme being living in the sky who controls earthly events. Un-effing-believable!”) What tends to get buried beneath the landslide of coverage of religious conservative outrage—and outrage over the outrage—is meaningful analysis of what, exactly, the religi…

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Episcopal Church Trades Cross for Seashell

…s. They don’t serve clam juice in lieu of wine at communion. I know a fair number of Episcopalians who have sailboats but I don’t think they were motivated by faith to buy them. The Episcopal liturgy is refreshingly Christ-centric in a climate where Christian denominations are so eager for relevance that they’re eschewing talk of the Incarnation, Eucharist, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. And yet the cathedral in Boston has “a giant aluminum sculpt…

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The Mistaken Assumption Behind Employers’ “Right” to Not Cover Contraception

…an, we’d understand a Quaker grandmother’s reluctance to help her grandson buy an assault rifle, regardless of how much he pleaded or how big the occasion (birthday, graduation, etc.). It makes sense because we all agree that the money doesn’t “belong” to the grandson.   For Locke, however, God gave the world to us in common, and we appropriate a part of it to ourselves for private use through our labor. (We sowed the fields; the harvest belongs t…

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Will Mindfulness Change the World? Daniel Goleman Isn’t Sure

…elligence which argued that if the environmental effects of what we do and buy were easily accessed at decision points, that that would be enough. But I think that’s wrong. I think that’s necessary but not sufficient. I think we need a different motivational system on top of that. I was struck by something you said recently that there’s a fork in the road, between mindfulness for stress reduction and mindfulness for liberation and wisdom. I’m eage…

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Secure Borders? Not a Chance, Senator

…s, electrified fences, and armed guards that a strapped federal budget can buy won’t stop the flow of illegal immigration. With nearly 6,000 miles of land border plus innumerable seaports and airports awaiting them, people who are hungry or ambitious enough will always find a way to get into the country. Besides, in our university classrooms we’ve been teaching for years that borders are not walls or barricades. They are not lines drawn on the gro…

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