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Google’s Benevolent Interfaith Big Tent

…ve as subordinate enablers of capitalism as it forges a renewed multicultural village. This is the subtext for advertising campaigns that advance a not-so-subtle message that conspicuous consumption initiates subjects into an avant-garde multicultural global public. In a context in which belonging is forged through participation in free markets, the shape of religious practice may also change. For example, Kathryn Lofton has described secularism a…

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Safety Not Guaranteed

…But I was only staying in the East Village for a few months. Much was unfamiliar already: my new relationship, being unemployed, the neighborhood itself. So with the largest hurricane ever to threaten New York City headed our way, I just gave myself over to it. I knew it could not really satisfy my longing for comfort and order but it was the best thing I had. We’re in Zone B, barely. We decide to stay. * That afternoon, before the storm hit, I ha…

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Drop that Candy Bar, Pagan!

…she doesn’t know is that she is about to go through a terifying [sic] ordeal that will ultimately lead her to give her life to Christ.” The book is written by Danita Evangeline, Danae Mary Louise, Daniqua Grace, and Danyelle Elizabeth Whyte—“daughters of the bestselling author Daniel Whyte III” and “founders of V-Girl Ministries, which seeks to encourage young girls to be virtuous girls.” Reformation Day. You’re in luck if you live near Dallas, T…

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Senate Candidate Todd Akin’s Anti-Abortion Acquaintances from the Late ’80s

…ost known for its role in creating and compiling the so-called “Nuremberg Files”: online dossiers on abortion providers and abortion supporters including their work addresses, photos, and places of worship. There was a trial, and Dreste himself was fined millions in damages, according to a 1999 investigative piece on Dreste by the St. Louis Riverfront Times: The defendants, two anti-abortion groups and 12 individuals, including Dreste, were not ch…

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Wiesel to Romney: Stop LDS Baptisms of Holocaust Victims

…to submit names for proxy religious rites were required to complete an annual online training with explicit instructions and penalties for inappropriate submission of names? What if LDS Church members who use the Family Search database were required to provide an electronic signature each time they submitted names for proxy religious rites acknowledging that they agreed to forfeit access to the database if they were found in violation of the polic…

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Peter Beinart’s Controversial The Crisis of Zionism: Right Diagnosis, Wrong Treatment

…y be more a product of our post-countercultural imagination than a historical reality (e.g. Ben-Gurion cared little about the Arabs in Palestine). The Kibbutz movement and the Bund were great experiments but they’re gone and they’re not coming back. I agree that we should strive to reproduce the values they embraced, and salvage the real sense of justice they embodied, but this dimension of Beinart’s lament, the one that mourns the fact that he wo…

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Occupy Catholics to Cardinal Dolan: We Aren’t Protesting, We’re Advertising Love

…to our clothes, Occupy Catholics patches designed by RD contributor Mary Valle: a haloed bird nesting—occupying, that is—for the sake of new life.That’s why, on Good Friday last week, I was among the group of Occupy Catholics who stood in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City singing, “Were you there when they crucified the poor?” and carrying an enormous banner to that effect. What’s brought Occupy Catholics together as a group aroun…

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Anti-Gay Marriage NOM Documents Reveal Racial Wedge Strategy and More

…the strategies of its American Principles Project: “Expose Obama as a social radical. Develop side issues to weaken pro-gay marriage political leaders and parties and develop an activist base of socially conservative voters. Raise such issues as pornography, protection of children, and the need to oppose all efforts to weaken religious liberty at the federal level.” You can find the docs at HRC’s Backstory blog here – and Think Progress’s first t…

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The Fire Next Time: Tibetan Protests Spread

…efugee community, but they also were volunteering at a local Tibetan cultural festival. Sitting at the information desk, Tsewang looked gangster-tough with a stud in his ear and graffiti-decorated baseball cap askew on top of his head. The self-immolations cause him pain, he said. “We can’t show our expression by face, but we are crying inside. We can’t do anything to help them.” One friend was so frustrated that he hit himself in the head with a…

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How Evangelical Women See Limbaugh

…of my Bloggingheads show, Christianity Today online editor Sarah Pulliam Bailey and I discuss whether evangelical women’s rejection of Rush Limbaugh’s misogyny will have any impact on either their position on the contraception coverage requirement or the presidential election: You can watch the entire program here; we also discussed the KONY12 controversy and Mitt Romney’s evangelical problem. (Click on the links in the program summary to select c…

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