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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Genocide Rhetoric Creates a Permission Structure for the Right — But Permission to do What?

…on as a basic form of genocidal rhetoric.” It’s a bad sign when an elected official—any elected official—engages in what scholars of genocide describe as “genocidal rhetoric.” What makes it worse is that Marjorie Taylor Greene is no outlier in her party. Although she’s long been described as the fringe of the GOP, she and others, like Lauren Boebert, have found their way into the mainstream. How can we possibly tell? Well, for one: she has not and…

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Exactly 30 Years Before Illinois AG’s Devastating Sexual Abuse Report, a Plan for Prevention was Implemented, Then Scrapped

…law enforcement authority stresses, each of these men is already listed on official public church websites elsewhere and is deemed “credibly” accused by official church prelates and panels. A distraught Margaret was convinced that much of the horror could have long ago been prevented—or at the very least exposed. She quickly summarized a long-ago and now largely forgotten scandal that took place in Belleville, Illinois, where she lives—a scandal i…

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Following Republican Playbook, German Conservatism Breaks the Post-WWII Taboo

…being passed which would make the process for trans people to register an official transition in a less dehumanizing way, with former secretary of digitalization (and member of the DeSantis delegation) Dorothée Bär calling it “the deconstruction of identity and family.” German conservatives are also all in on the authoritarian “law and order” rhetoric. In Munich, climate activists were sent to jail after a peaceful protest. For climate protesters…

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Both the Joy and the Uproar Over the Pope’s Blessings for LGBTQ Catholics are Small Potatoes Compared to this Age-Old Church Problem

…rdinary ministers of the sacrament while the priest or deacon is simply an official witness. So why not follow that model here, encouraging people ineligible for the sacrament to bless one another and move right along? This is just one more clue that something else is going on here—namely, an awkward attempt to give the illusion of change and acceptance while keeping the major pillars and powers of the church solidly in place. Blowback against the…

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Vatican Equates Women’s Ordination with Priest Pedophilia?

…hat women who get ordained “simulate ordination.” According to the Vatican official’s lights, the women, and the bishops who ordain them, automatically excommunicate themselves. It all sounds rather contorted. In this soon-to-be-published document, the ordination of women is said to be spelled out as one of those dicey matters which is not only a violation of the sacrament of Holy Orders, but so serious as to warrant the attention of Rome. Perhaps…

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Clueless in Gaza

…ed ‘information revolution.’ Particularly among the opinion makers in the ‘official’ Jewish establishment criticism of Israel is considered an attempt to ‘deligitimize’ the state. Oz’s critique of force as the commonly applied ‘solution’ to the political aspirations of the Palestinians hearkens back to the writings of Israel’s most trenchant critic of the occupation, Professor Y. Leibowitz of the Hebrew University. In the aftermath of the 1967 War…

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Invoking God’s Name Like a Bludgeon

…so inclined, say a simple “Amen.” Here’s the video. After years of college officials mocking their requests, Americans United for Separation of Church and State filed suit last year on behalf of eight professors and students. Three months before the suit was filed, President Wagner responded to the impending lawsuit by basically using a public invocation ceremony to say that anyone who isn’t a fundamentalist can go to hell. From the initial compla…

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Remembering Rumsfeld: The Defense Department Gospel and America’s Desert Crusade

…ave let themselves be bothered to try. Enemy in the mirror These pieces of official iconography—at once digital folk art and presidential artifacts—lay bare that as early as 2003 the self-image of American war-makers at the highest levels had become hardly distinguishable from the enemy’s most populist propaganda. Terrorist creations collected by West Point’s Islamic Imagery Project differ only in that they were broadcasted rather than classified….

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New Poll Shows Evangelicals Vote Democrat Too

…voters, 1 in 3 evangelicals voted in the Democratic primary, something the official exit polls could not tell us. To put that into perspective, that’s 160,000 overlooked evangelical voters in Missouri and 182,000 in Tennessee (a number greater than, for example, all African-American voters or all voters over 65 in the Democratic primaries in each state). • Importantly, the poll also found that majorities of both Democratic and Republican evangelic…

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What the Hail: Satanists Got Busy in 2018

…isiting protesters was a coup for TST’s Chicago chapter, which only gained official status in February. April: TST announced their intent to sue the state of Arkansas. The legislature, in an effort led by Sen. Stanley Rapert, installed a Ten Commandments monument on their capitol in 2015. After TST began meeting with the capitol arts and grounds committee to discuss a location for their statue of Baphomet, the legislature passed emergency legislat…

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