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Religious Leaders Demand Apology from West for Anti-Islam Comments

…e to the American values that you reference. Regrettably, this is just the latest example of your tendency to offer intemperate comments about Islam. At a town hall meeting during your campaign, you characterized Islam as America’s enemy and asserted, “Islam is a totalitarian, theocratic political ideology; it is not a religion.” Such untrue and inflammatory remarks intensify an unsettling trend of anti-Muslim rhetoric and fear in our country. The…

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Hating God: The Untold Story

…—in any case not worshipful. Is this just a modern twist on blasphemy, the latest development in the long history of iconoloclasm? Not really. There is a considerable pedigree for this anti-devotional attitude, starting, of course, with the Book of Job. I’m not referring to Job himself, who, after quarreling with God and questioning his justice, finally submits to the will and the wisdom of the deity. Rather, I am referring to Job’s wife, who, wit…

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Beck Fuels End-Times Hysteria Over Egypt

…ites every end-time theme; fire, riots, Islam, Israel, you name it. Beck’s latest assertion is that the Egyptian uprising will result in a Muslim Caliphate. Ridiculous, yes, but it is the dog whistle that calls together conspiracy theorists, rapture-watchers and end-times purveyors. His constant refrain that this is our “Archduke Ferdinand” moment no doubt will sear a vision of an impending World War III into the minds of his listeners, and his bl…

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Pope Invites his Flock to Join Facebook: Is the Digital Reformation Here?

…I thought, as I headed to the backyard with a cup of coffee and Il Papa’s latest digital missive. “New Forms of Shared Awareness” I couldn’t possibly have expected the day to offer much more than a thumbs up from one of leading thinkers and activists on education, spirituality, and social change. But it turned out that the Pope seems to have cribbed much of my commentary on his 2010 letter on digital social media. Whereas that letter focused on t…

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Merry Kitzmas! Marking An Evolutionary Victory

…olitical force, forcing creationists to shape shift their message into the latest anti-evolution attack. The battle is now back in Louisiana, the site of Dover’s precursor of Edwards v. Aguillard, in which creation science was struck down as religion in 1987. The strategy is now focused on “teaching the controversy.” Instead of actually claiming that they have a scientific claim, they now just try to instill doubt in students’ minds about the vali…

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Former Navy Chaplain Worries Ending DADT will End “Gay Exorcisms”

…ry has made him a hero to the religious right, a role he has embraced. His latest claim is that he conducted a “gay exorcism” on a lesbian servicemember, an incident he described on the David Pakman show: Klingenschmitt: As a chaplain I prayed with a young lesbian sailor who came to me and said, “Chaplain, I don’t like the way I’m feeling. Can you help me with this?” We prayed with her and she renounced her sin, she invited Jesus Christ to be the…

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Air Force Speaking Invitation to Member of “Lord’s Army” Sparks Outrage

…ve long been critical of the Air Force Academy’s tolerance for, and indeed promotion of proselytizing and coercive evangelizing of cadets. MMRF’s objection to McClary is only the latest in a ongoing battle between MMRF and the Air Force Academy. MMRF became involved after one of its members who attends the academy complained about McClary, saying that attendance at the luncheon is technically optional, but “strongly encouraged.” According to MMRF…

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Zeitgeist A Blend Of Skepticism, Metaphysical Spirituality, and Conspiracy

…’s belt are the three kings of the nativity. Jesus, in short, was just the latest in a long line of astral myths that use the movement of the stars as a source of mythic inspiration. Similarly, Moses is just another in a long line of law givers that includes Manu of India, Minos of Greece, and Mises of Egpyt. (See, they even all start with M, the film points out, suggesting a mysterious connection.) Similarly, the Ten Commandments are a derivative…

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On Gaffney’s Radio Show, Rep. King Suggests Muslims Aren’t American

…y board of the Clarion Fund, whose Islamophobic propaganda films have been promoted by current and former elected officials and the Republican Jewish Committee, and which plans to screen its latest documentary, Iranium, to lawmakers early next month. Gaffney has been peddling the bogus claim that shari’ah law represents a real threat to the Constitution, and has called on Congress to “investigate” that as well. He employs someone who believes bein…

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Frank Gaffney Appointed to Clarion Fund Board

…entaries Relentless, Obsession, and The Third Jihad, will soon release its latest film, Iranium, which promises to fear monger about the threat of a nuclear Iran and pressure the US for military action. Just before the holidays, Shore, who has produced all the films, sent out fundraising emails reminding supporters of how his organization brought its previous films to “millions of households worldwide. The films have educated politicians, media, a…

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