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It’s Preposterous That We Can’t Question Nominees on Religion

…e, especially if they come from a background with a strict religious/moral code and a bend toward evangelicalism, is not only reasonable but necessary and in no way suggests that a specific faith practice should be disqualifying. As Geoffrey Stone and Eric Segall noted in the New York Times: …asking a nominee about her strong faith, and whether she can put her religious views aside when deciding cases that implicate those views, is nowhere close t…

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Leave Your Stereotypes at the Door: 10Q on “Keeping it Halal”

…kinds of Muslims after converting—and seeing how little most non-Muslims knew about them—spurred my interest in trying to conduct a research project that got inside the social worlds of Muslim Americans. Keeping It Halal: The Everyday Lives of Muslim American Teenage Boys John O’Brien Princeton UP September 12, 2017 After approaching the leaders of a local mosque about the project, I became an active member of the community, and got to know one g…

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Catholic Archbishop Takes On Jesuit Magazine’s Slam on “Ecumenism of Hate”; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…nt to reflect as attitudes will generally change as society changes.” Pink News reports that May’s comments were given a “frosty reception” by the DUP. Scotland: Glasgow cathedral will marry same-sex couples St. Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow will begin to allow same-sex couples to marry in the church, “after bishops, clergy and laity all voted overwhelmingly in favour of the move,” reports the Scottish Sun: Speaking to Pink News, the Provost of the…

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Satan, Contributor to Teen Vogue‘s New “Sodomy” Section?

…hard-hearted pride (see Ezekiel 16:49-50). It’s also notable that the one New Testament passage that speaks most graphically about male-male sex (Romans 1:27) makes no reference to Sodom. For the theological definition of “sodomy,” we have to jump to medieval Rome and Peter Damian, fierce monk and sometimes cardinal. He defines four varieties of a sexual sin that he names “sodomy.” The varieties are (in modern terminology): male masturbation, mut…

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Texas’ Anti-LGBT Adoption Bill Is Unconstitutional and Unnecessary, Say Texas Law Professors

…To the extent that H.B. 3859 can be understood specifically to protect and promote certain conservative beliefs about sex and sexuality, it raises serious Establishment Clause questions.” The legislation passed the Texas Senate on a primarily partisan vote early Monday morning, and is currently awaiting the governor’s signature. If Republican Gov. Greg Abbott signs the bill as anticipated, Texas will join South Dakota and Alabama in granting uniqu…

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Still Trying to Get Creationism into Science Classes

…attacked by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show. “It’s like being gummed by a newt. It doesn’t actually hurt but it leaves you with slimy stuff on your ankle.” Which pretty much sums up my response to David Klinghoffer’s post, “Dear Lauri Lebo, Please Help Me Understand Your Conspiracy Theory,” in which he impugns both my intelligence and my understanding of the controversies I write about. But then it occurred to me that next month marks the five-ye…

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Humiliating “Kim Davis Bill” To “Protect” Anti-LGBT County Clerks Passes Texas Senate

…cent person who agreed to do an elected official’s job is briefed on their newfound duties and sworn in to perform them. So much for your “special day” being filled with nothing but love, joy, and hope for a bright future together. That last scenario is admittedly extreme, but it would be entirely permissible if SB 522 becomes law. The bill also highlights the fact that Texas marital code still only identifies “a man and a woman” as the two partie…

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Democratic Hopeful Pete Buttigieg Makes Faith 101 Misstep

…dominant tradition in modern Judaism. Nor do many Christians get that the New Testament sees Pharisees through a partisan lens, as it were. They were rivals to the nascent Jesus movement, and often their rhetorical targets. Second and more positively, Buttigieg speaks of the need to represent all comers, religious or not. Good on him for that. Much of the discussion around faith and politics brackets non-believers and the religiously unaffiliated…

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Is Religion the Only Tool Left for Legal Discrimination?

…ur trans female employee as a woman, which means she’s violating the dress code when she arrives to work wearing clothing that meets your company’s guidelines for women. When she inevitably sues for wrongful termination, you’ll have a federal judge on your side—at least if you live and work in Michigan. That stunning decision is an outlier among current case law, and is likely to be overturned on appeal, says Elizabeth Platt, director of Columbia…

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Gay Men Detained and Killed in Chechnya, and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…hnya. The disappearances, confirmed by Novaya Gazeta, a Russian opposition newspaper, and reported by the New York Times on Saturday. It began, Novaya Gazeta reported, after a Moscow-based gay rights group,, applied for permits to stage gay pride parades in four cities in Russia’s predominantly Muslim North Caucasus region, of which Chechnya is a part. The group had not focused on the Muslim areas. It had been applying for permits for…

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