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5 Take-Aways from the Newly Viral Romney End-Times Video

…r than you do.” Romney also goes on to explain that pro-choice Mormons are welcome in the Church, that there are plenty of Mormon Democrats, and that his own stance on abortion rights is “not a Mormon thing.” “I’m not running as a Mormon and I get tired of coming on the air and having it all be about Mormon,” he concludes. What to make of this video and its resurfacing now, just hours before the election? 1. Whoever pushed this video out again wan…

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On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Catholic ‘Liberal’ Hails Return of Anti-Semitic Group

…er Michael Sean Winters greets this news enthusiastically, penning a post “Welcome Back Lefebvirsts,” in which he soft-pedals the SSPX anti-Semitism. “There are certain intellectual and cultural affinities within the Society of St. Pius X that must be addressed,” Winters notes mildly, “most especially a residual, and sometimes quite lively, anti-Semitism. But, it will be easier to remove that particular sin from within the fold than without.” Perh…

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End-of-Life Lessons from The Walking Dead

…s.” “Paranoid schizophrenia is dangerous too. We don’t shoot sick people.” Welcome to just another bioethical debate cum daily conversation among The Walking Dead’s survivors of the zombie apocalypse. There are no institutions. Right and wrong are a hazy memory. Season one is a mad scramble of characters, thrown into unexpected and surreal chaos, sorting out their new roles in a constantly shifting group. A conversation about death is a conversati…

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What The Church Needs More Than a ‘Good Pope’

…by Eucharist—is this interview simply a puff piece, a case of the Jesuits promoting their own and their own promoting Jesuits? Is it meant as a way to attract people back to a church that may have a kinder face but just as steely a heart? Is the good will it has engendered trustworthy? The Roman Catholic Church has been around for several thousand years for a reason. I hope this interview is a beginning not an end of a new moment.  These serious…

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Does Religion Condemn Homosexuality?

…, then, like the story of Sodom, warns against the transgression of social codes that ensure an ordered society. Being penetrated by another man, or raping two male houseguests, is a metaphor for disorder and the neglect of social constraint. Such a scenario may seem extreme for the lesson it imparts, but that is how allegories teach us moral lessons. Historically, the most frequently cited scriptural passages in all three Abrahamic traditions—Jud…

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Note From Across The Pond: Church-State Separation Isn’t For Everyone

…State Department’s new initiative for an office of religious engagement is welcome. Over in the UK, I’ve been arguing for years that there needs to be better engagement between politics, religion, and religion research, and I founded the Westminster Faith Debates with former Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, to advance this very aim. We bring researchers, religious spokespeople and policy makers into dialogue. A state department which talks of “reli…

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Will Francis’ Statements on Women and Gays ‘Make a Mess’ Inside the Church?

…point on the matter, underscoring that gay men, even if celibate, were not welcome in the priesthood. In November 2005, the Vatican, through the Congregation for Catholic Education, published the Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders, with the following central message: …this Dicastery, in accord with the C…

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Should We Accept The Apology of an Ex-Gay Ministry?

…omething to behold!). They may not be reconciled to my being gay, but they welcome me and my partner, our two sons, and the lesbian couple with whom we co-parent our children as members of their extended family. They—and I—finally decided that we would rely more on loving each other than figuring out who was right and who was wrong. That simple, hard decision has indeed reduced fear in our family, so I’ll watch and wait to see if that is what driv…

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Nearly Half of LGBT People Claim No Religion

…sbyterians, Episcopalians, the United Church of Christ, and Unitarians all welcome LGBT people not just in their pews, but in leadership roles and even in the pulpit. As Peter Montgomery has already pointed out, the religious presence at Washington, D.C.’s gay pride parade has increased this year, showing a willingness on the part of many religions to really love LGBT people as they are. Judging from the survey, then, these kinds of huge doctrinal…

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Free Arabs: Satire, Disobedience, and Disclaimers

…among other things. As a critical space, Free Arab should be commended for promoting individual rights and civil liberties in the Arab context. The site’s work is also significant because it tries to locate secularism as a vernacular practice, a lived experience in a part of the world exclusively defined by a narrow religiosity and a perpetual combative relationship with the West. The founders believe the remarkable political achievements and unce…

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