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Can I Get Some Birth Control Pills With That Slushie?: Unpacking the Contraceptive Mandate Rollback

…ally passed, and the relief among the many young women and people with uteruses I knew was palpable. For many people who use birth control not just for contraceptive purposes, but for health problems like endometriosis, knowing an employer couldn’t opt out of coverage was a breath of fresh air. My monthly birth control that I take for a medical condition went from $45 per month (not chump change for a young, broke person) to zero. Knowing that in…

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A Secret Family History Shows “Regular” Life Under the Reich: Sarah Wildman on Paper Love

…ffered most. I felt it was very important to understand what life was like between Kristlnacht and the star and between the star and deportations, because thousands upon thousands of Jews were being crushed during those years, they were being starved, they were humiliated, they were being excised from society. And that was as much of the Holocaust, in some ways, as the extermination and was the precursor to the final solution. Valy’s story, then,…

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LDS Church Asserts Trademark of “Mormon”

…s performing what comedy. Another is that the term Mormon has already been used to promote professional endeavors. In the 1930s, ‘40s and ‘50s, a race car driver from Utah named Ab Jenkins set records for speed racing in vehicles he called the “Mormon Meteor.” No one suggested that he was claiming that his car was endorsed by the LDS establishment. Finally, officially registered trademarks can and do become so genericised that the original holder…

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5 Reasons Why the GOP Push to Defund Planned Parenthood Won’t Go Away

…ion of Evangelicals last year published a paper which deemed contraceptive use acceptable for married couples, but (because it opposes sex outside of marriage) not for unmarried couples. But the religious right promotes significant activism, as varied as pseudo-academic papers and popular culture, against the use of contraception even by married couples. The Howard Center on Family, Religion, and Society, a religious right think tank, has called c…

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In a New Manifesto Framing ‘Wokeness’ as Religion John McWhorter Sounds Like Moses Condemning Israel for Worshipping Golden Calf of Black Power

…religious thinking and rational thinking. Throughout the book McWhorter’s use of religion only serves one purpose: it’s shorthand for backwards, closed-minded, illogical and irrational thinking. But it also betrays McWhorter’s own messiah complex in relation to Black people. To make this point, McWhorter invokes the well-worn trope of Jewish legalism when he states: “The Elect are our Pharisees. In fostering antiracist ideas that actually harm bl…

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Paranoia and the Progressive Press: A Response to WaPo’s Religion Columnist

…verage of religion”? Miller writes, “Certain journalists” (no names here), use ‘dominionist’ the way some folks on Fox News use the word ‘sharia.’ Its strangeness scares people. Without history or context, the word creates a siege mentality in which ‘we’ need to guard against ‘them.’ Really? There is an extraordinary propaganda campaign built around convincing Americans that sharia law and Muslims generally pose a dire threat to the Constitution….

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Pious White Reformers and Race, Then and Now

…condition that they be exiled beyond the Mississippi River; they could be freed but denied civil and political rights; or they could be freed and given the same rights as white people despite the ways in which slavery had “depraved their faculties.” The primary problem usually cited in regard to the third option was the one that John Adams raised in critiquing Tucker’s entire emancipation scheme: “Justice to the negroes would require that they sh…

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What Happens When An American President Believes He is Above the Law?

…victed for doing his job.” He has, moreover, encouraged police officers to use violence on suspects. “Why show restraint?” the American president repeatedly asked police officers in Long Island, equating roughing up of suspects with the enforcement of law. And it is an equation: for Trump, as for Arpaio, unchecked power—the violence of the state, aimed at citizens, at journalists, or at “illegals”—is not merely a prerogative, it is a good. This is…

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Meeting on the Bridge: Fr. James Martin’s Ministry to LGBT Catholics Becomes a Book

…go through multiple layers of approval, to the point where you can’t even use the word LGBT. They’ll use something like “Spectrum” or “Welcome Ministry.” It has to be so coded that it doesn’t ruffle any feathers, and that’s not the case for women. And that’s very sad. To me, LGBT people are sometimes treated like lepers. One of the things I’ve learned in this informal ministry is the unbelievable things priests, sisters, brothers and lay associat…

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The Immorality of Immortality

…boredom? I wonder. Needless to say, to the extent that longevity research promotes ways to alleviate the suffering caused by debilitating diseases such as Altzheimer and Parkinson, they are all very beneficial. However, I also believe that all programs about extension of human life cannot be divorced from the deeper reflection about the purpose of human life. Such reflection seems to be missing from the transhumanist literature. One could object…

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