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The Dark Side of Our Obsession With Trapped Thai Children

…e can substitute our feelings of abhorrence and, dare we say, guilt at the site of caged children here in the United States, for an obsession with the trapped Thai children. They threaten no one. They are victims of nature. Their entrapment is not our fault. Our feelings are safe with them. We have room in our hearts for all of these children. But the question facing us as an American community is whether we will make room in our country for the k…

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Is Cardinal Dolan’s Pro-Life Piece More Evidence of Pro-Catholic Bias from RNS Publisher?

…s part of a pattern, with Gallagher repeatedly attempting to influence the site’s coverage of Catholicism,” wrote Sarah Jones, in her April 27 report in the New Republic on the “Implosion of Religion News Service.” According to the reporting of both Jones and the Columbia Journalism Review’s Stephanie Russell-Kraft, some of the more egregious instances of Gallagher’s editorial meddling, which played a significant role in the firing of respected ed…

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Dear Timothy Keller: The “Evangelical” Problem isn’t Pollsters

…e racism and sexism that African American voters, who turned out in record numbers during the Alabama Senate election, rebuked with their ballots. Devon Crawford, a 24 year-old divinity student at the University of Chicago, traveled home to vote against Moore because his version of Christianity “sanctifies the truth-making power of white men” and is “really just a masquerade for white supremacy.” Why should white men define the scope of what const…

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The Surprising Catholic Roots of the War on Xmas

…n the incident to charge that Wal-Mart had purged “Christmas” from its web site, which he called “discrimination” practiced by “cultural fascists.” He called for a boycott of Wal-Mart in mid-November of 2005, just as the holiday season was starting. Wal-Mart quickly apologized and fired the offending employee, but with charges that major corporations were plotting to eradicate the holiday the “War on Christmas” went mainstream. That same year, Fox…

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The New Normaal: “Black Pete,” Muslims and Whiteness in the Netherlands

…turn to Mahmood’s work on the relationship one has with a civic ideal as a site of potential moral injury. To understand how ‘normaal’ interacts with whiteness, it’s important to remember that many of the socially progressive values the Netherlands is known for in North America are also very much ‘normaal’: to have solid social security in place is normaal, providing women with full access to contraceptive care is normaal, and it is most normaal o…

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Rolling the Stone Away: LGBTQI Elders Meet the Next Generation of Christian Activists at a Watershed Conference

…and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry in Berkeley. LGBTRAN is the go-to site for stories and information on scholars, ministers, activists, and denominational groups, many of whom assembled in St. Louis to rekindle old relationships, compare progress notes, and re-up for a new era. “History belongs to those who preserve their records” was a conference mantra as historians hastened to do oral histories and memorabilia were collected. Moving litu…

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The Rise of the Catholic Cyber-Bullies

…ed” when he complained to Twitter about hate speech used by the right-wing site Catholic Vote. They got the right-wing echo chamber so ginned up that three talks by Martin were cancelled, most recently and most prominently by the Theological College at Catholic University, where Martin wasn’t even talking about the “gay book” but receptionists were treated to people calling in screaming. Such witch hunts against even a crack of progressive sunligh…

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Status Updates at the End of the World: The Religious Imagination and Our Latest Apocalypse

…atean capital of Petra, the Rose City, Jordan’s most famous archaeological site. “Petra is the one-and-only place of safety” for the next three and a half years of Tribulation, declares the Petra—Place of Safety website, which identifies Petra as “the singular ‘place prepared for her in the wilderness’ for the Woman of the End Time (Revelation 12:14).” This figure, identified as “all the Holy Spirit Sealed believers in the Messiah over the course…

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Catholic Cardinal Slams Jesuit’s Bridge-Building Book; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…Tahboub, to the Jordanian Media Commission to open an inquiry into the website My.Kali, a Jordanian queer-inclusive social affairs online magazine published since 2007. The commission concluded that same month that the magazine had violated the Press and Publication Law and issued instructions to block access to its website in Jordan. … The law defines online publications subject to the licensing requirement as those that “engage in publication o…

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Kuwait “Morals Committee” Announced Deportation of 76 Gay Men; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…ake of recent clashes over the management of the city’s controversial holy site, the Temple Mount. The Gay Pride event has long been a source of tensionbetween Jerusalem’s secular minority and its Jewish Orthodox population. Many of Israel’s strictly religious communities consider homosexuality to be a sin. Pakistan: Traditional “third gender” culture in conflict with transgender movement PRI reports that the modern transgender movement is generat…

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