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Gay, Black, and Quaker: History Catches Up with Bayard Rustin

…of authors, a “regret[table] failure” that was rectified only in 2010 by a minute of the AFSC Board restoring his name to that list. Martin Luther King relied on Rustin’s advice and expertise, but that did not always insulate the committed activist (or his role in the movement) from the climate of the time. Adam Clayton Powell, the powerful African American congressman from Harlem, threatened to spread false rumors that King and Rustin were having…

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The Ghost Is More Important Than The Machine: Norman Corwin (1910-2011)

…spell conjuring the sensation of what a “miracle” it truly was: “This microphone is not an ordinary instrument / For it looks out on vistas wide indeed,” he wrote. “My voice commingles now with northern lights and asteroids and Alexander’s skeleton / With dead volcanoes and with donkey’s ears… / It drifts among whatever spirits pass across the night.” Corwin was the first radio scribe who wrote with full awareness of what this new medium meant and…

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Lou Engle’s Bizarro Esther

…n have power to influence national policy… if they start crying about what dirty sinners they are. Engle borrows from rhetoric about women’s power, but tells them to turn that power in on themselves.          Maybe, if Engle’s women have so much to repent for, we shouldn’t be surprised when Engle’s promotional video for this powerful ‘all-women’s gathering’ features Engle monologuing for the first minute and a half while two female colleagues—incl…

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Tragic Violence in Libya: No Excuse for Perpetrators—or for Provocateurs

…points to keep in mind as we try to understand how an amateurish fourteen-minute film produces such a dramatically disproportionate and wholly offensive counter-reaction. First, the storming of the US embassy in Iran was quickly hijacked by the hardline Ayatollahs who used confrontation with America as a pretext to seize control of the Iranian revolution and crush one-time revolutionary allies, such as liberals, Islamic socialists, Marxists, and…

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When Religion is a Refuge for Scoundrels: ‘Ryan Budget’ Edition

…modesty in their requests. With the military budget around $2 million per minute, there is no need to further feed that black hole in the economy—but feed it Ryan would. Kill-power is prized more highly than Head Start and Medicare. Enter the Real Catholic Social Teaching When the real Catholic social teaching enters the conversation it’s nothing less than a wake-up call to the modern world. The cumbersome title of the Vatican document signals it…

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Down to the Wire for Marriage Initiatives

…ed for NOM by Republican rising star Senator Marco Rubio.  NOM made a last-minute plea for cash for its GOTV effort, saying “your contribution will mean the difference between God’s definition of marriage and ‘one man and one man’ as the law of the land” and warning that failure would mean persecution: If enough Christians, marriage supporters, and people of faith get to the polls, we’ll achieve a historic victory on Tuesday. But if we don’t turn…

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Obama’s Wrong Answer on Leno

…o (find them on Facebook here). That segment begins at approximately the 2-minute mark. – eds President Obama was on Jay Leno’s show last night, and the late-night host asked him about Richard Mourdock’s statement about pregnancy caused by rape as a “gift from God” and something “God intended.” Obama responded, “I don’t know how these guys come up with these ideas. Let me make a simple proposition. Rape is rape. Rape is a crime.” He doesn’t know w…

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D’Souza Tries to Explain Himself

…ught or known I was doing something wrong.”   Hold on one holier-than-thou minute. D’Souza, according to press releases sitting in my inbox from conference organizer Alex McFarland, was the keynote speaker at a conference that “will present the Christian worldview and teach others to defend it,” and that was designed “[t]o help Christians to understand their faith, work through troubling questions, and ultimately, stand up for Christianity within…

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Are Social Issues Non-Issues?

…e been an opening for Obama, had he chosen to veer off-script for even one minute of his tedious and labored performance—surely one of the worst in modern presidential debate history. Romney was right: economic issues are moral issues. His sense of economic morality, though, forged somewhere between focus groups and Ayn Rand, is very different from the one most Americans share. Obama could have taken up this claim, and articulated a different econ…

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Bible Publishers are People Too!

…on/fertilization (cf. Jeremiah 1:5; Genesis 1:26).  Think about that for a minute: Tyndale is alleging that because it believes that Jeremiah 1:15 and Genesis 1:26 state that life begins “from the moment of conception/fertilization,” that by requiring it to cover ella and Plan B, which by its own admission “can” (i.e., just might) “cause the demise of an already conceived/fertilized human embryo,” the government is violating Tyndale’s right to fre…

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