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300-430 New Dumps Book - High-quality Cisco 300-430 Test Questions Fee: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks ☀ Go to website ➥ 🡄 open and search for ➽ 300-430 🢪 to download for free 📦300-430 Sample Questions Answers

Our Father, Who Art Our Mother: The (Open) Secret Queer History of God

…gender, or otherwise genderqueer. Moreover, reconceptualizing God in this “new-old” way (to borrow a term from the Zohar) may help disabuse us of the idea that our world is fundamentally dichotomous and hierarchal. Indeed, the metaphor may help us to appreciate the world’s differences as sitting in creative tension within a larger, all-embracing reality (a concept to which the philosophers gave the name coincidentia oppositorum, and which today is…

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A Libertarian Split Over the Hitching Post Case

…t an exemption (as Olson does), if not ADF’s framing, maintain that the for-profit/non-profit distinction should not be a bar to the exemption, citing the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. In other words, like in the Hobby Lobby case, even for-profit business run by religious people should be entitled to an exemption from this law. (How that will play out in court remains to be seen.) The libertarians are on the Knapps’ side; they just ob…

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On Death and After-Death

…onger speak for myself. I’m not one of those hold-on-to-life-for-everything-a-machine-can-make-it type of person. That’s partially because I think dying would be easy. Although, I have literally tried in some very dark moods in my past to just will myself to death only to find, as is obvious, that I am still here. But besides the bad moods, I am just not afraid of, or even worried about, dying. No. It’s living that is the real challenge. Especiall…

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Facebook Doesn’t Kill Churches, Churches Kill Churches

…or at Abilene Christian University, argues that, rather than replacing face-to-face relationships with so many digital doppelgangers, “Facebook tends to reflect our social world,” extending and enriching established friendships rather than, by and large, inviting the development of new ones that take us away from longstanding networks of friends, family, and coworkers. Beck draws on unpublished research on college retention that showed that freshm…

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DeSantis is More Polished and Less Bombastic Than Trump — But is He Less of a Threat to Democracy?

…ks by employing judicious but limited provocation, followed by a deft, just-in-time retreat to the center (…) the Florida governor has figured out that Republicans love a culture-war brawl, but that overdoing it can alienate a general-election electorate.” It’s unclear just what “center” DeSantis has ever returned to—he has a clear track record of implementing culture wars rhetoric into actual legislation that discriminates against LGBTQ people, h…

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Conservative Bishops Headed For Synod Victory?; Indonesian Sharia Official Says Gay Caning Law Meant To ‘Safeguard Human Dignity’; Slovenian Court OK’s Referendum on Marriage Equality Law; Global LGBT Recap

…her to offer Communion to divorced and remarried Catholics or to craft more-welcoming language for gays and lesbians — have substantially dimmed, if not died…. The divide is not just a liberal-conservative split; it is also geographic, with prelates in Africa, for instance, denouncing the “Eurocentric” and “Western” fixation with issues such as gay rights. Guinean Cardinal Robert Sarah linked the push for gay rights to abortion and Islamic extremi…

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LGBT Human Rights in UN Sustainable Development Negotiation; Swiss Bishop Says Speaking of ‘Family Diversity’ is ‘Attack on the Creator’; Canadian Food Bank’s Anti-Gay Dogma; Global LGBT Recap

…icans consider homosexuality to be a perversion from abroad and a newspaper-commissioned poll has suggested there is overwhelming resistance to repealing anti-sodomy laws. In late August, a young Jamaican gay rights activist who brought an unprecedented legal challenge to the anti-sodomy law withdrew his claim after growing fearful about possible violent reprisals. But Human Rights Watch has noted that there’s been a “groundswell of change” in the…

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The Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Humans

…As for the other things in the package, let’s see, there was another hajj book. By that I mean, a small guidebook explaining the rituals and offering information about recommended du’a at the various sites. Some of the details here differ from ones I have already reviewed. But then, these are details; the generic are standard. For example, this one contains a lot more prayers. There goes the benefit of memorizing from one book in the first place….

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Hicksters, Stickers, and Affection: Why I Left D.C. for the Family Farm

…eturning to family land with significant existing infrastructure and a debt-free tractor. The root of affection, Berry argues, is imagination. Far from being ethereal and disconnected, imagination thrives “on contact or tangible experience.” It is when we imagine the well-being and future of the place where we are the things that share that place with us that we enter into a state of sympathy. Sympathy ignites a personal concern for the well-being…

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Sit Down and Shut Up: Pulling Mindfulness Up By Its (Buddhist) Roots

…leapt on the conference stage and unfurled a banner demanding an “eviction-free San Francisco.” The protestors were talking about physical displacement, but I’d argue that a kind of spiritual gentrification was also getting underway at Wisdom 2.0. As the recent glut of best-selling books, trend pieces, and celebrity testimonials attest, the mindfulness industry shows no sign of a slowdown. Apple has even built a mindfulness tool—reminding users t…

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