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Mike Lee’s Father: Constitution Not Scripture

…n as tantamount to scripture is difficult to square with the fact that our republic has functioned very well, probably even better, after at least one of its original provisions (requiring United States senators to be elected by their respective state legislatures rather than by the people at large) was amended out of existence by the Seventeenth Amendment.” “Can someone send Mike Lee this excerpt from his father’s talk,” our Arizona reader plaint…

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“Can You Tell Me Who The Villains Are?”: Rock and Religion, Irish-Style

…se unquestioning believers who inhabit the villages and farms of the Irish Republic and Christendom more generally. From shenanigans at church, they went on to write a hit song about Galway’s famously liberal bishop, Eamonn Casey, a man who had witnessed Oscar Romero’s assassination, criticized US policy in Latin America, and led the charge to block Ronald Reagan’s visit to Ireland. Casey was also a stern advocate of priestly celibacy who frowned…

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Why Don’t Republicans Want to Allow Pastors to Endorse from Pulpit?

…er-present threat to religious liberty. It might help the voters that gave Republicans both house of congress, but it wouldn’t help those Republicans to help those voters quite that much. Taking the cynical view, the Republicans would seem to be better off keeping the toothless law that offends a little bit without actually keeping churches out of politics. Especially since removing that offense would only give Walter Jones, Jr. a legislative vict…

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Bringing the Senate Back to Decency: An Election Day Morning After

…d of current political speech, and the difficult terrain lying before this Republic in the next two years, it is Adams’ final line to which I keep returning. It offers a conclusion that brings me some chastened hope today: The most troublesome task of a reform President was that of bringing the Senate back to decency. This is the lesson I hope our current president can bring himself to learn after this midterm election. Not more coddling of old an…

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Who is Mat Staver, Counsel for Anti-Gay Activist Against Suit from Uganda?

…udges” are subverting biblical principles; and that the very health of the republic is at risk because gay and lesbian people can be parents. In an October 1, 2008 posting on its website, Liberty Counsel asked supporters “to help us spread the word about the ongoing legal case that directly impacts the life of six-year old child Isabella and the future of this Nation,” adding that, if Vermont courts ruled against Miller, “then, on the issues of ma…

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Why 9/11 Changed Everything Nothing

…s, and the suffering on the homefront—meant liberation for 4 million newly freed people, while many others found it in the resolution to America’s most intractable division. There really was something to fight for—and over—beyond simply the chance for personal valor and national “pride.” Just a few decades later, however, that war took on a whole different meaning for most (white) Americans; a soothing story of reconciliation, shorn of almost any…

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Can Mormon Glenn Beck Unite the Christian Right?

…lt is the spread of US culture-war tactics across the globe—from the Czech Republic to Qatar, where right-wing Mormon activist and WCF cofounder Richard Wilkins has found enough common cause with Muslim fundamentalists to build the Doha International Institute for Family Studies and Development. Wilkins joked to Butler that the coalition was “a very loose one of many good friends who are convinced I am going to burn in hell.” But the jocularity of…

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Why Egypt is America’s Enemy

…ng dictators of a largely secular cast; Tunisia and Egypt were not Islamic Republics, Yemen was a mess to begin with but not particularly ideologically Islamic—although religiously conservative—and Syria was dominated by a secular Ba’ath party. Yet, as I wrote, the New York Times, America’s leading newspaper, irresponsibly confused religiosity with a lack of receptivity to democracy. (Then again, if you’re the majority, of course you’d support dem…

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Another “Hot Text” For the War on Women: Rosemary’s Baby

…classic The Handmaid’s Tale, the U.S. has been replaced by the theocratic Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian state in which men control every aspect of women’s lives. Unsurprisingly it’s been the go-to text for critics of the ongoing “War on Women.”  But I believe an earlier text offers even greater insight into a future in which the multi-pronged assault on women’s health care continues: Rosemary’s Baby—both Roman Polanski’s film and Ira Levin’s…

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Turkish ‘Lord of the Rings’ Has God, Guts, Girls, and Glory

…history, with all the delicate contortions required for a secular Turkish Republic to make on behalf of a pluralist, Islamically-oriented but far more demographically diverse predecessor state. It’s also cool to see giant cannons and billowing flags and, in a surreal moment, that stereotypical Muslim call to prayer in the background—not during a battle scene, mind you, but while a talented young woman cuts her hair to mask her gender, to take her…

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