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‘America First’ and the Origin of the Modern Jewish Conspiracy

…to defend Germany and all Europe against the Judeo-Bolshevik menace in the East, was widely popular, both in Germany and abroad—at least, as long as the Germans seemed to be winning the war. After World War II, as Communism spread across Eastern Europe, it carried the widespread fear that Jews were intent, not just on implementing Communism, but on taking revenge against their enemies. To what degree did this fear drive post-war anti-Semitism? I t…

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Ban on Female Genital Cutting in Somaliland is Progress, But Success Relies on Working with Religious Leaders

…reinforced by economic, political, and social structures across the Middle East and North Africa, effecting 200 million women worldwide. The earliest known reference to FGC was in the 5th century BCE writing of Herodotus, and FGC was also practiced in 19th century America and Europe as a cure for insanity, masturbation, and female libido. Despite the lack of scriptural support for FGC in either Christianity or Islam, in the highly religious societ…

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Trump, Islamophobia, and the Philly Pig’s Head Incident

…cia Miller just wrote about the anti-Catholic backlash that occurred in Baltimore in the 1830s here on RD.) Prominent civic leaders were suspicious that these new immigrants gave their allegiance not to the president of the United States, but to the pontiff in Rome. They questioned whether or not Catholics could really become Americans. Lewis C. Levin, a Methodist newspaper editor in Philadelphia, published several anti-Catholic tracts. In May 184…

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Anti-Gay Campaign In Indonesia Leads to Arrests; Mexico’s Religious Right Wars Against Secular State & LGBT Equality; Muslim Preacher Sparks Controversy in UK Re Death Penalty For Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…g Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, and Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles, who he says “have sprearheaded the U.S. bishops’ campaign against marriage equality and LGBT rights, neglecting issues valued far more by this pope.” At Believe Out Loud, Shine rounds up Catholic reactions to recent comments by Pope Francis on gender. Israel: Single Female Legislator Announces She’s Pregnant, Gay Friend is F…

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Ross Douthat on the Brink

…ugees entering Germany are however from Eastern Europe, and not the Middle East, the same Eastern Europe where very recently tens of thousands of Muslim women were systematically raped by radical Serb nationalists. These rape camps went in one direction: against Muslims. There were no Bosniak camps for the rape of Serb or Croat women. I do not mean to argue by this that Christian culture is less respectful of the sexual dignity of the individual t…

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Put Your Money Where Your Mind Is: A For-Profit Meditation Studio Opens in New York

…eople. You also make it more available to commodification.” The melding of Eastern spirituality and American capitalism isn’t new. As the popularity of yoga demonstrates, adapted ritual practices can sell. (Much the same could be said, too, about many martial arts). Spiritual practices can also be harnessed for corporate ends. “American capitalism has had a long and durable romance with Eastern spirituality,” Michelle Goldberg wrote last year on n…

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The Fusion Friendships of Rev. Barber’s Third Reconstruction

…nced status quo. Coalitions are needed, but not the ahistorical kinds that promote erasure of particular struggles. Rev. Barber’s activism is grounded in a rich historical memory, as demonstrated in his new book The Third Reconstruction and the accompanying interview here on RD. His calls for “fusion friendships” are not based on simple idealisms and platitudes of unity and reconciliation but on overlooked precedents. Equally as important, he is q…

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What Good Is It for Union to Gain the World, But Forfeit Its Soul?

…surrounding neighborhood of West Harlem? The former is done in the name of promoting ‘diversity,’ while the latter is done in the name of preserving the seminary. Both espouse a capitalist ethic cloaked in liberalism. Union’s condo controversy is not about who gets the most airtime, who can quote the most theologians, or who has access to ultimate, divinely inspired truth. The condo controversy is about empty vessels and soulless institutions. It…

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Is Sam Harris Really a White Supremacist?

…to reckon with the devastating consequences of its policies in the Middle East, which have led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. Closer to home, the surveillance and regulation of Muslims has become a major theme in the Republican presidential primary. Islamophobia is starting to merge with more traditional forms of white supremacy. Meanwhile, Harris keeps plugging away. He has been open in his disdain for Trump and other Republican candidates….

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US Offers Help For Investigation of Bangladesh Killings

…udgmental space, it’s Jerusalem. Both sides of Israel’s capital—the Muslim eastern half and the Jewish western half—have in common large numbers of socially conservative residents who look down on homosexuality. “In the west, you have Orthodox Jews, and in the east you have Arabs—and the Arabs are so homophobic,” says Khaled Alqam, a gay Arab, while sitting under a heater on the patio of the Video Pub in Jerusalem. “They think if you’re gay, you’r…

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