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Claiming That ‘We Birthed a Nation From Nothing’ CNN’s Rick Santorum Gives a Master Class in Christian Nationalism: An Open Letter to CNN

…erica. Faith and freedom. I mean, you hear it all the time about faith and freedom, faith and freedom. But it is what makes America unique in the world. Transitioning from the claim that America was founded on “Judeo-Christian principles” to bigotry and racism is, quite literally, a textbook example of Christian Nationalism. Christian Nationalism is and has always been bigoted. The idea that America is founded as a Christian nation is not up for h…

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Behind a Recent Stunt in Idaho Lies a Dangerous Theocratic Movement

…ight-wing extremism. Abbott says she often receives phone calls from Idaho Republicans asking her what to do about the party’s extremism problem. Noting that the extremists “are organized, and they show up,” Abbott tells these concerned Republicans that they need to start showing up themselves if they want to reclaim their party and stop local officials from refusing to enforce state and federal directives. “You can’t just sit back and not say any…

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QAnon’s Predictions Haven’t Come True; So How Does the Movement Survive the Failure of Prophecy?

…n after the election. With President Trump being seen as the savior of the republic in the White House, one who’s poised to usher in the collapse of the deep state, his defeat in the election could very well be seen as the ultimate failure of prophecy. As such, the theoretical framework presented above is important to keep in mind once the election is decided. If Trump loses the election, we foresee potentially three responses from QAnon followers…

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Pope Francis Praised for ‘Civil Unions’ Comment, But Justice Begins at Home—In the Vatican

…igious cooperation. These resound in light of the civil war in the Central African Republic and in Myanmar with the genocide of Muslim Rohingya people. It’s wrenching to see the camps he visited in Lesbos where the needs of Syrian refugees exceeded exponentially the resources available for humane living. Many viewers are moved to extend kudos and gratitude to Francis for his leadership in these situations. Also included in the film are significant…

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The Inauguration’s Beautiful Call for Unity Was Undermined by the Invocation of Religion

…ours is a secular government. It was designed that way to ensure religious freedom. There is no freedom of religion without a government that is free from religion. America has no shared faith. To say otherwise, is to say that Americans without a faith are not true Americans. If America is ever to be unified, our leaders must learn that dividing people along religious lines at moments of national significance is counterproductive. If Joe Biden wan…

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Have White Evangelicals Finally Lost Control of the Narrative?

…us and political demographic in an unduly positive light, whitewashing the centrality of white supremacism and patriarchy in evangelicalism. There’s a whole sub-genre of religion journalism that conjures an unrealistic picture of ostensible generational change among evangelicals by focusing on anecdotes about young people who are far from typical, while conveniently eschewing data. The PR-savvy, connections, rebranding skills, and deep-pocketed lo…

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Scholars Upset With ‘1619 Project’ Must Abandon Vision of ‘America the Righteous’

…allegation [that the Revolution was fought in large part to preserve the unfreedom of enslaved people] would be astounding,” observe Wilentz et al in their supercilious rebuke. We can agree on that much. It is astounding—and liberating—to break free of chains of ideology masquerading as history. These chains are what the revanchist Wilentz group appears intent on preserving while accusing the Times crew of being the real ideologues in this ruckus….

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I Grew Up Evangelical and the Christian Nationalist Insurrection Did Not Surprise Me

…hristian Reconstructionists, my father was a fervent believer in religious freedom; when, that is, it was understood as legal compromises excusing individuals and groups from laws and regulations that would otherwise apply to them on faith-based grounds. My father’s religious freedom dictated how I was educated, how I dressed, who I could interact with, and which media I consumed. I wasn’t allowed to listen to “secular music” or even wear pants un…

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How Do You Beat a ‘Pretty Damning’ Impeachment Case? You Lie

…, according to Blake. That raises an interesting question for a democratic republic such as ours. If the Republicans have gone blind to the truth because they want to go blind to the truth, how on earth are Democratic impeachment managers supposed to get them to see? The Democrats presented and will continue to present a pretty damning political case demanding Trump’s disqualification from holding public office. How do you beat a pretty damning po…

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