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What was Pants to Church Sunday Really About?

…tly gender-segregated customs of Mormonism are—like unwritten Sunday dress codes—traditional rather than doctrinal and human rather than inspired. It was also an opportunity to start a conversation about traditional gender inequalities in a community where feminism has been unnecessarily stigmatized as an excommunicable offense.  (And for the record, it is not.) Because really, it’s not pants or the right to wear pants that tops the list of Mormon…

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Are Women “Secondary” in Catholic Church?

…tradition and aesthetics make make gender changes difficult. First on the list would be biblical texts, of course—especially perhaps the Epistles from the Apostle Paul, a historical person who, though he famously insisted that there was “no male nor female” in the Christian community, nonetheless addressed said community as though they were comprised of only one, normative gender. Alright. The language is historically gendered. Let’s give one to…

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‘Reasons My Son is Crying’ and the Suffering of Children

…bringing communities together in powerful yet troubling ways. No wonder a list of even a child’s minor pains—along with the frustrated pain of the parent behind the lens—has caught the eye of so many people. In an interview with the Christian Science Monitor, Greg Pembroke, the father behind the post, explained that he was inspired by the ambitious, gorgeous photography of Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York project which chronicles the denizens…

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Yes, Let’s Talk About Kermit Gosnell

…n five or ten dollars can be the deciding factor of where to go. The price list at Women’s Medical Society, listed in the Grand jury report, shows that in 2005, a first trimester procedure was $330.00, while the average price nationally then was about one hundred dollars higher. For a 23-24 week procedure, Gosnell charged $1625.00, while the relatively few other facilities in the Northeast offering such abortions would have charged at least one th…

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Demonized and Demonizing No More.

…nt X, Y, and Z in order to even count as an atheist. As a former fundamentalist Christian, I understand that impulse, but I am surprised by how pervasive it is within organized atheism. I read about a recent study of Finnish atheists and religionists in the International Journal for the Psychology of Religion that found that the concept of God had as powerful an emotional force for atheists as it did for believers. So functionally, despite the abs…

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Christians Should Give Up “Christianity”: An Interview with Peter Rollins

…od in our prayers and our worship songs. So, we don’t have to be fundamentalist, because the structure is fundamentalist on our behalf. For instance, a parent obviously doesn’t believe in Santa Claus, but they don’t experience the trauma of not believing until the child stops believing. So, they get the pleasure of believing in Santa Claus without having to be stupid enough to believe in Santa Claus. Parts of the liberal church get to have their i…

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New Report Raises Questions about Pope Francis’ Response to Sex Abuse Scandal

…lics as a whole attach less importance to other possible priorities on the list. But among Catholics who say they attend Mass at least once a week, roughly equal numbers cite “standing up for traditional moral values” (65%) and “addressing the sex abuse scandal” (63%) as top priorities for the new pope. By contrast, among Catholics overall 49% say that standing up for traditional moral values should be “a top priority” for Pope Francis. Roughly fo…

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6 Words Not in RNC Autopsy: Christian, Religion, Abortion, Marriage, Jesus, God

…what’s the right word?—amazing? “Too often, female voters feel like no one listens to them.” (Really?) “They feel like they are smart, engaged and strong decisionmakers but that their opinions are often ignored.” (Do you wonder why?) The report, of course, is just spin, a carefully crafted campaign outside a campaign to try to tell voters the sky is green and the grass is blue, or that the Republican Party is different from the one on display duri…

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Ted Cruz’s McCarthyism and the Christian Right

…se of Representatives crawls with a large, well-organized assembly of Socialist organizations,” and that these organizations “quite literally comprise a Socialist Red Army within the very contours of the House of Representatives.” This is all owing to members of Congress not adhering to Noebel’s “Christian worldview,” which he claims is locked in a cosmic conflict with other “worldviews,” specifically Islam, secular humanism, Marxism-Leninism, cos…

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Amid Uncertainty, Eight Things We Know for Sure About the Boston Bombings

…we face in our relations with the mass media. What can we learn? Here’s my list of eight iron-clad certainties about how the media will cover events in which religion may play a role.   Same Old Experts The media will trot out its “experts,” but none of them from the academic discipline devoted to studying religion in all its forms: religious studies. Psychologists, sociologists, political scientists, and other wonky types will hold forth at lengt…

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