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Top Five (Less Sensational, But More Dangerous) Things to Remember About Pat Robertson (1930-2023)

…an, 2006) documents Bush/Cheney building their Iraq policies on Central American precedents from this era. 4) Robertson fuses with News Corp. Robertson built what was once the nation’s fourth-largest television network—partly through claiming tax breaks as a religious ministry. Then he cashed in when Rupert Murdoch acquired what was then known as The Family Channel. This story has two morals: The first is that Fox News and Robertson’s “news” deser…

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What Do ‘The Christians’ Believe? Easter Reflections from a Non-Christian

…’s shifting worldwide alignment to the southern hemisphere; particularly Africa, Asia, and Latin America. How this realignment—‘de-Europeanization’ might be overstating it, but not by much—of Christian communities in America affects politics, ecumenical relations, and inter-religious dialogue remains to be seen, but American Christianity today belies any notion of common ground or uniformity. Maybe it really is inaccurate to speak about “the Chris…

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“Ex-Gay” Therapy Revealed in Prop. 8 Trial

…rration — shed much-needed light on the dangers of “ex-gay” therapy. The abuses of of the “therapy” led the American Psychological Association to conclude that “there is insufficient evidence to support the use of psychological interventions to change sexual orientation.” For all the years that NARTH and other “ex-gay ministries” have been around, they have but a handful of “success” stories to share with the world. (Usually, those “success” stori…

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Capricology: Television, Tech, and the Sacred

…r just be other than Middle Eastern? Swedish, maybe?) What I believe is Caprica’s genius is to use the stereotypes and add another type of hybrid life form into the mix. Daniel Greystone’s nefarious capture of his daughter’s essence in her “second life” world and downloading it to the Cylon is sick and brilliant. Enlisting Tamara’s father, Joseph Adama (yes, Commander Adama’s father) to steal the metacognitive processes part he needs to complete t…

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Trump’s Inaugural Address Gets an “F” in American Civil Religion

…iness practices and national self-interest. Throughout his campaign, Trump used three rhetorical approaches: plain spoken statements which are later beclouded by claims that he was only joking, statements delineating a nostalgic struggle to reclaim American pride and safety and greatness from various coded or explicit threats, and vague declarations that derive meaning from what is concealed or left unsaid. Conspicuously absent in his inaugural ad…

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Don’t Discount Evangelicalism as a Factor in Racist Murder of Asian Spa Workers in Georgia

…but at the same time, white evangelicals are demographic outliers in their use of “morality” to uphold and defend their far-right politics. Young white evangelical men who are active in their religious communities have perpetrated more than one act of terrorism in America’s recent past, and if we want to learn better how we might prevent such crimes, we must not be afraid of examining these connections. *Last name changed to protect against possib…

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A Memoir of Jewish, Transgender Spirituality

…s I applied to what I said about myself: to only say what was necessary to promote understanding about the difficult issues I was discussing. I felt morally obligated to talk about the ways in which my ex-wife and children suffered as a result of my transition, because such suffering is widespread in families that go through gender transition. I felt obligated not to talk about things that would only apply to my ex and my children, and I asked my…

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Where Did White Evangelicalism’s Hatred of Critical Race Theory Really Begin?

…ologies that have arisen out of neo-Marxist, postmodern worldviews and are used by many to promote those worldviews today.” The continued critique of CRT and Intersectionality led to the formation of the Conservative Baptist Network. According to their purpose statement, they believe in a “just society for all based on biblical truth, opposing racism and sexism in all forms, and therefore rejects worldly ideologies infiltrating the Southern Baptis…

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Mass Bible-Based Sexual Dysfunction as Root of Culture Wars? Frank Schaeffer Breaks It Down

…a lens through which to view a larger narrative: the rightward lurch of American politics since the 1970s. What is happening in America is an expression of mass sexual dysfunction “inspired” by the allegiance of millions of individuals to the Bible. That is all the culture war really is. I wanted to write a book about this but told as a personal story too and told as a novelist tells stories—i.e., in a way that breaks down the door between fact an…

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Pricking the Conscience of Churches: From AIDS Activism to Ending World Hunger

…assed in most situations to admit that or to publically advocate for their use. Some of my earliest essays focused on what John Wesley would do. Our denomination has a great heritage of being involved in healing care. Wesley operated his own medical clinic in London and handed out medical tracts as well as spiritual leaflets. He was quite non-judgmental and very much concerned with caring for persons without stigmatizing. I don’t think it is too m…

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