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Creationism and Global Warming Denial: Anti-Science’s Kissing Cousins?

…cepting this idea.” A peer-reviewed study by the University of Illinois at Chicago from January 2009 of US-based scientists showed that of scientists most specialized and knowledgeable with regard to climate change (those who listed climate science as their area of expertise, and who also have published more than 50 percent of their recent peer-reviewed papers on the subject of climate change) 96.2 percent answered ‘risen’ to the question, “When c…

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Religion Reporting as Therapy? Praying for Help with Budget Crisis…

…ligion Foundation is trying to keep churches empty, however, through their Chicago bus advertisements encouraging the Windy City’s faithful to sleep in on Sunday mornings. She wasn’t driving a bus, but a dispute over a traffic ticket involving a veiled woman in France has intensified controversy over French anti-veil legislation. Regardless of whether or not you get the religion of soccer, seminarians in Rome are quite happy to put on a pair of cl…

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Democrats Look to Conservative Evangelicals on Immigration

…aid the Rev. Kevin Goodman, Associate Dean of the Saint James Cathedral in Chicago. Goodman is an Episcopal priest whose partner of 11 years is an undocumented immigrant who faces possible deportation if the UAFA isn’t passed. “Immigration reform is a matter of justice and that we’re willing to sacrifice justice because we disapprove or we don’t see how God works in the lives of people we don’t understand goes against everything Scripture teaches…

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Young Imam Reality Show, Debating Secularism, and More

…g week for religion in the Supreme Court. First, the court struck down the Chicago hand gun ban. Religious? Of course. In gun culture, guns are invested with all sorts of sacred American significance: individuality, liberty, power. More obviously, the court ruled that the Hastings College of Law did not violate the First Amendment when it withdrew funding from the Christian Legal Society. At The Atlantic, Wendy Kaminer argued that “private religio…

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Is Religious Freedom a Casualty at Ground Zero?

…sques and Muslim institutions in such diverse places as Brooklyn, Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Ross, North Dakota, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The mosque built in Cedar Rapids in 1934 is the oldest American Muslim institution and is on the national register of historic places. American Muslims refer to it fondly as the Mother Mosque. American Muslims’ community building efforts between the World Wars were so successful in shaping a specifi…

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Catholics Talk About Sex

…niversity of San Francisco Health Promotion Services and Loyola University Chicago provide information about contraception and STI prevention. Georgetown University allows H*yas for Choice to provide information and condoms to students in Red Square, a “free speech zone” on campus. These institutions are in the minority. In a survey of Catholic Universities, only 12% of colleges say they provide contraceptives to students. It isn’t just Catholic u…

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The High Church of Art

…rk. He began working as a curator in the 1930s, first at the University of Chicago (1933-1934), then took a lectureship at the Institute of Fine Arts in New York (1935-1940). He was then appointed as director of the Department of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art at the end of the Second World War (1945-1946). It was in the aftermath of that apocalyptic period that Sweeney (and others) began to reflect more explicitly on art’s pot…

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Mormon Leader: ‘I’m Sorry’ For Hurtful Legacy of Prop. 8

…of 2008, when entire congregations were mobilized as precinct-walkers and phonebankers in the service of a political strategy that portrayed gay and lesbian civil marriage rights as a threat to religious freedom and “traditional” families. Still others debated the wisdom of publicizing the apology and the event, worrying aloud that within the highly disciplined LDS Church hierarchy, Jensen—a favorite among liberal Mormons—might suffer some conseq…

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Gospel and Soul Lose a King and Queen

…sic. Albertina Walker, the “queen of Gospel” passed away on October 8th in Chicago, and Bishop “King” Solomon Burke, native of Philadelphia, passed away on October 10 at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport. The contribution of both Walker and Burke to the development of gospel music and performance is undeniable. Walker’s good friend, Mahalia Jackson, encouraged her to go on the road and quit singing background for her. Walker took the advice, creating a…

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Muslims Wearing Things, Tea Party Chastised on Nazi Talk, and Politicking in Church

…e Christine O’Donnell says prayer had a direct role in spiking her polling numbers. Can meditation change your brain?  The best response to Juan Williams’ fear of Muslims in “garb” is the new blog Muslims Wearing Things. My favorite is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in a cowboy hat. Muslims caught in the midst of a disputed mosque in Tennessee are frustrated and baffled by the misunderstandings of their faith. Some mosques are holding open houses to dispel a…

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