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Kirk Cameron’s Monumental Reveals Subtle Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

…he ancient Hebrew republic. You can trace those roots at Jamestown back to Europe as well. This is the trail of freedom that leads us all the way back to the ancient Hebrews under Moses where he first delivered those laws of liberty—when he told them to elect leaders, men of character that you willingly submit yourself to, to self-govern rather than have a king. Combining a postmillennial attitude with the very language Reconstructionists use to a…

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Anti-Gay Marriage NOM Documents Reveal Racial Wedge Strategy and More

…t plans to attack marriage equality and “export NOM’s successful model” to Europe and Latin America: “Marriage needs to be a national (and ultimately international) effort, not just a local or regional issue,” says one document. One refers to an “International Organization for Marriage” and says, “The movement for gay marriage is global. The counterrevolution protecting marriage needs to have a similar reach. We need to take what we have learned a…

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Fight the Power: How to Read, and Re-Read, the Book of Revelation

…om the Franciscans, the Catholics, and the Protestants battling over it in Europe, and then during the American Civil War, with people on both sides reading it. And in World War II and the Iraq War as well. They read it, as you say, as predicting this means this, or the beast is this. But prophesy, as we know, is a highly interpretative art, and the way this book lives and has lived for two thousand years is by interpretation and reinterpretation….

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Why the Next Archbishop of Canterbury Should Be African

…mits any mention of Christianity, the historic faith of the continent. Yet Europe still controls the leadership roles in the Church. The Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury—leaders of two of Christianity’s largest groupings—are European. The World Council of Churches is headquartered in Geneva, even though there are probably more Christians in a neighborhood of Lagos or Nairobi than all of Switzerland. It is in this context that the attention of…

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The Heresy of Compromise

…han he intended, he used the name by which this heresy had become known in Europe: Americanism. Too Much Choosing Going On Prime suspects in this crime against orthodoxy included the first Bishop of Peoria, John Lancaster Spalding, who held the problematic opinion that “the Catholic Church must fit herself to a constantly changing environment, to the character of every people, and to the wants of each age,” and the first rector of the Catholic Uni…

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A Neoconservative Jesus, Certified Kosher

…be taken off the table. To argue that Jesus would have urged Jews in Nazi Europe or blacks in the South to turn the other cheek “would make a sham of his teaching.” Boteach’s Jesus didn’t claim to be divine. But he did aim to be a messiah, because he wanted to “rescue Jews from political oppression” and “put an end to the folly of war. …All of us should live by his example. …Every American soldier in Afghanistan… can consider himself or herself a…

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In The Daily Beast, Niall Ferguson Says: Bomb Iran

…erest to realize that geopolitical scenario? How could it be in America or Europe’s interest to realize that kind of instability? In which case, we would have to hit Iran hard enough to stop their nuclear program, but not hard enough to collapse their government, which would accomplish what, exactly? And the difficulty of such precision is embodied in Ferguson’s frankly self-defeating comparison of a war on Iran to the ’67 War. For it was that war…

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Fake Rabbi Showdown

…t every opportunity. He has done so for Unification events across Asia and Europe, occasionally referring to his patron as “Rabbi Moon.” What’s in it for him? As he explained it at the time, he had been single when he first crossed paths with the Unification Church. But then, he said, “Reverend Moon’s people said to me, ‘Rabbi, it’s not good for you to be alone. You should have a wife,’ they said. Then they asked me: ‘What kind of wife would you l…

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Neither Radical Nor Secular: The West Struggles with the New Islamism

…tice, corruption, unemployment, and political repression organized in such numbers that Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled the country on 14 January 2011, effectively ending 23 years of his presidency. During this time, protests spread to Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, and Jordan. The impact of the massive grassroots organization in Egypt forced the resignation of the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak less than one month later on 11 February 2011….

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Newt Gingrich’s Hero, a Religion-Crushing Dictator

…whose stated goal was, oddly enough, to get Turkey accepted into the same Europe Gingrich so frequently derides. Today, Turkey’s Justice and Development Party represents the return of religious Turks to the country’s power structures; recently, Governor Perry, who called Turkey’s elected leaders — our NATO allies — “Islamic terrorists,” suggesting there is a deep Republican love for Ataturk, not because he championed secularism (what Ataturk’s ge…

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