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Opponents of Marriage Equality Confident of Defeating Last-Minute Push

…onal Organization for Marriage (NOM) has purchased at least a half million dollars worth of television ads (one of which has been declared false by the non-partisan organization Politifact) and pledges to spend $1.5 million to defeat legislators who vote for the bill. Dennis Poust, a lobbyist with the New York Catholic Conference, says the Archdiocese of New York has no formal relationship with the NOM. (In Maine, the initiative campaign that resu…

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Court Rules Religiously-Based Restrictions in HHS Contracts with Bishops Violate Establishment Clause

…tract last year, the ACLU proceeded with the case “to ensure that taxpayer dollars are not misused to impose religious restrictions on vulnerable trafficking victims that receive U.S. aid,” according to a statement. Judge Richard Stearns agreed the case was not moot, and in holding that the policy permitting the Bishops to restrict trafficking victims’ access to reproductive health services violated the Establishment Clause, noted, “[t]o insist th…

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A Pope, a Poet, and a Drug War

…ct Mexico’s citizens. The U.S.-backed Mérida Plan has invested millions of dollars into equipping the Mexican military with guns and weaponry. Despite the efforts of both governments, illegal guns and laundered money continue to flow south and illicit drugs go north, fueling America’s insatiable habit. Sicilia’s Movement for Peace with Dignity and Justice offers a channel for popular rage, and calls for alternative solutions. A bus caravan of peac…

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Not All Choice is Free

…ebate are truly independent religious institutions that receive no federal dollars. An institution’s tax exempt status alone casts that into grave doubt. And these institutions seem not to recognize that one way for the state to insist on its way, and for them to gain their administrative freedom, would be to abrogate that curious tax exemption for an institution as wealthy as the Catholic Church in a time of real fiscal crisis. But clearly, this…

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Contraception Furor v. Catholic Realities

…by bishops are unspeakable crimes that cost more than just the billions of dollars spent to adjudicate cases and compensate victims. They cost credibility. The result is that the institutional Church increasingly relies on very personal issues, like contraception, to feather its nest having relinquished any claim on the death penalty, wars, the economy, and the environment where its moral weight could be so helpful. No one cares what it teaches. T…

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Eddie Long Takes Break from New Birth Pulpit

…he’s (Vanessa Long) your mother.” Clearly, it took a payout of millions of dollars, lawsuits, and a divorce filing for the good Bishop to figure out that it was time to get out of the pulpit. For a man who consistently preached about the roles of men and women in marriage, Long’s track record is dismal. Worse, he may be lying not only to his parishioners, but to himself, about who he truly is as a person. One hopes that this time away from the pul…

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In The Daily Beast, Niall Ferguson Says: Bomb Iran

…happen. When we went to war with Iraq, we shifted hundreds of billions of dollars to an unclear adventure that has been unsatisfactorily unresolved. Those were hundreds of billions we could have used here; indeed, as we focused so intently on the alleged threat posed by a second-rate third-world power, we missed what was happening socioeconomically in our societies, and continue to suffer for it. Not to mention the suffering in Iraq. Ferguson say…

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To the One-Percenters, With Love

…erate the envious insinuation that if cooler people than you had a billion dollars, then everything would be cool. Especially if one of the cooler people was me.         It seemed just possible that some of you made more money than I did because you deserved to. You made more money because you had more talent and did more work. Of course, there remained the question of how much more deserving you were, of whether either of us, a freelance scribble…

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Gingrich, Israel, and the Assassinate Obama Comments

…$10 million, a figure that could substantially neutralize the millions of dollars already being spent in Florida by Mr. Romney and Restore Our Future, a super PAC supporting him.” One factor that has endeared Gingrich to the Adelsons and other supporters of the Israeli Right is Newt’s promise to order—on his first day in the Oval Office—the move of the American Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, an idea that, in addition to giving Isra…

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Top Ten Peacemakers in the Science-Religion Wars

…ier this year, the John Templeton Foundation put nearly one million of its dollars into local churches, with the goal of empowering parishioners—mostly science professionals—who have personally reconciled the claims of science and their religious commitments. These churchgoers will be leading classes on evolution in their churches, advising church staff on how to incorporate science into curriculum at all levels of instruction, holding forums in c…

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