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Forget “Nasty,” Trump’s Got a “Disgusting” Problem

…just died. Grunewald’s Christ could certainly be called disgusting, as the patients in the monastery hospital for whom the painting was commissioned surely were (a hospital which specialized in The Plague and skin diseases). Its attention to the “disgusting” aspects of Jesus’ death may have served a psychological and theological purpose, sending a vivid message that disgust at human decay, disease, and death had been transformed by the Incarnation…

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The Muslim Ban May Be Unconstitutional, But It’s Not Un-American

…responsibility, the world waits to see if the America written about on the parchment is possible in public. I borrow the challenge of Martin Luther King, Jr., “All we say to America is, ‘Be true to what you said on paper.’” It is our sacred assignment, freedom-loving people of conscience and faith, to redeem the nation from the wages of its sins. We did not prevent his constitutional election, but we must resist his constitutional endangerment. Th…

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Andrew Sullivan Really Took This Opportunity to Misread Intersectionality?

…was merely protesting “the right… to publish data,” there’s the following passage of the letter signed by over 50 Middlebury faculty: Mr. Murray is, as you know, a discredited ideologue paid by the American Enterprise Institute to promote public policies targeting people of color, women and the poor. His work has employed a combination of eugenics and other pseudo-science that has time and time again shown to be based on false premises, inadequat…

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An American Muslim Responds to Muslim Orgs Questioning Armenian Genocide

…ugly. Many of our histories were. We do not have to remain trapped in the past. But to do so, we must be willing to accept that past. If we want justice, we have to prove that we actually care about justice. If we deny the suffering of others, do not be surprised that others will deny our own suffering. A more just, inclusive and humane planet requires, first of all, that we are willing to admit when wrong is done in our names—and not rush to cov…

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Secede, For The Kingdom of Bernie Has Come Near

…ndamentalists or Pentecostals—the kinds of Christians who preferred not to participate in politics at all—does point to what might actually happen. Sanders has brought in many first-time voters, and many of his supporters like to say that given a choice between America’s Problem Child and Hillary Clinton, they’d rather stay home. There’s some puffery to that, but it’s certainly possible that more than a few of the people loosely attached to politi…

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Why Body Cameras Won’t Solve Police Brutality

…Camera? One of the earliest and most controversial activities of the Black Panther Party was the police patrol. Panthers would follow police cruisers and observe officers as they conducted traffic stops and carried out arrests. BPP co-founder Huey Newton in particular was known for his ability to cite entire sections of the California legal code from memory, educating African Americans about their rights as they were arrested. The underlying princ…

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“A Most Ungodly Way to View Religious Freedom”

Yesterday the Arizona Senate passed SB 1062, a bill that would, if it became law, enshrine the ability of business owners to refuse service to customers based on their sexual orientation. The bill’s sponsors, as I wrote a few weeks ago, fear that the “religious freedom” of business owners is threatened by LGBT people asking them to bake a cake or snap some photographs. Here’s E.J. Montini, a columnist with the Arizona Republic, who says that “ext…

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Anglican Communion Gets Anti-Gay Secretary General; Black Gay Christians Challenge Conservative Evangelicals in Africa; Global LGBT Recap

…e in Rwanda that sells a dangerous theology. This anti-gay propaganda has spawned the passage of anti-gay legislation across Africa and notably in Nigeria, Uganda and Gambia. United Kingdom: Christian B&B owner runs for office; gay men seek pardons like Turing A B&B owner in the news last year for taking their claimed right as Christians to deny unmarried couples from sharing a room will be running for office. At the time he said: “We are taking t…

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Religious Freedom Gets Hollywood Treatment

…Benedict XVI’s trip to the cristero stronghold of Guanajuato state, and a papal flyover (in the presidential helicopter) around the Cristo Rey monument near León. (Mexicans go to the polls on July 1.) The U.S. also stands in need of the film’s message right now, according to Barroso: “The movie is about conscience. No one ever wins when religion is oppressed. As believers we need to band together. This is the perfect time for this film. Hopefully, i…

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Personhood Leaders’ Smear Campaign Debunked

…il, stalking, suspicious and/or harassing calls, suspicious encounters and packages, theft, vandalism, trespass, IT hacking, bomb threats, death threats, residential picketing, and more. “We can’t get distracted by fear tactics and intimidation,” McCafferty said. “It’s a daily way of life for us and we can’t make a media frenzy every time we’re attacked. We have an important job to do and that means ensuring people have affordable health care.” “T…

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