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Komen & Islamophobia, A New Conservative MO?

…of civil liberties. Again, The Daily Dish points out that the controversy erupted with the hire of a new VP for Policy, Karen Handel (since resigned), who ran a gubernatorial campaign with a plank of defunding Planned Parenthood. This is like trusting a report by Frank Gaffney on national security. No knowledge, just vitriol. Personally, this MO has proven so effective against Muslims for so long, I can easily see it spreading against other groups…

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Which One Has the Religion Problem, Gingrich or Romney?

…ding, or rather there wasn’t much following) produced a consensus for Santorum. But it didn’t matter, and neither did Santorum’s apparent greater fidelity to his shared faith with Gingrich. Gingrich’s bombast at the debates apparently went a long way, together with (possibly) support from the minority of religious right powerbrokers who did back him. Evangelical voters made up 65% of the South Carolina electorate, and 44% of them voted for a twice…

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Jesus v. Religion Rap-Off

…rtain traditions from what the Scottish Common Sense philosophers called “true religion.” This cultural hierarchy is effective because it is hidden: if “true religion” is never defined, then only the cultural elites can determine who is practicing it. What is new about Benthke’s poem is that the term “religion” has itself become a pejorative label. This is no doubt due to an increased suspicion of organized religion among the millennials. This is…

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Biblical Capitalism, Tony Perkins Edition

Via @OccupyCatholic, the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins writes at CNN that Jesus, indeed, told his followers to “occupy” until he returned (Luke 19:13), but what he really meant was to be a free marketer: But just what does Jesus’ order to occupy mean? Does it mean take over and trash public property, as the Occupy movement has? Does it mean engage in antisocial behavior while denouncing a political and economic system that grants one the…

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Is Herman Cain’s Long-Running Minstrel Show Finally at an End?

…ic recitations of faith testimonies, then everything is on the table for scrutiny. The GOP has set morality as one of the rules for engagement since the late 1970’s. From the Republican perspective, there are some things, like divorce, that the party can stomach. Look at Newt Gingrich. He has managed to have three wives, a big Tiffany account, and has finally made it to the top of the polls, topping squeaky-clean Mormon Mitt Romney. But not withou…

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Iowa Republicans Grade Newt’s “Worldview”

…the Worldview that Vander Plaats Is Looking For?” Robinson ranks Rick Santorum first, and Newt Gingrich fourth: After the FAMiLY Leader forum, I’m not really sure what Gingrich’s worldview is. Does he have a phenomenal grasp on American history? Yes. Is he a gifted debater? Yes. Do I know why he believes what he believes? Not really. And that is why I have him in fourth place. Today on Twitter, Kilgore points to a Des Moines Register interview in…

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Romney’s Christian Nation Conundrum

…or Republicans, right? Here’s a summary (full quotes below the fold): Santorum (Catholic): Examining the tenets of someone’s religion tells you how they will govern. But don’t judge their road to salvation. 1 Gingrich (Catholic-come-lately): Don’t judge how someone believes in God, just judge them based on whether they believe in God, because if they don’t, you shouldn’t trust them. 2 Perry (evangelical): I can’t help it if Jeffress went off on hi…

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Why Do Southerners Call Mormonism a Cult?

…Mormonism that do not seem to fit within Christianity as it has been constructed over the past hundreds of years. Then, the LDS Church counters by asserting that we are, of course, Christian. The two camps largely talk past each other. It’s comparable in some respects to what Catholics have experienced, then? The word “Christian” has been instrumentalized to mean Protestant, or perhaps even more specifically evangelical Protestant, and then used…

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Gas For Two Bucks a Gallon? Bachmann Taps a Pipeline to the American Sacred

…of the period of tribulation and the imminent physical return of Jesus to rule the millennium. From there, it was but a short step for the term to operate metonymically, referring not just to the place of battle, but the entire end-time the battle ushers in. In other words, it became not just a location, but was narratively foregrounded and centered in the American imaginary. Armageddon theology has had a decided influence on American foreign pol…

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How Mormon is Mitt Romney? Over 50 Jokes For Trump

…ately after Mitt Romney called him “a phony, a fraud” earlier this month, Trump took another shot at the former GOP presidential candidate at a rally in Salt Lake City, Utah on Friday, asking the crowd, “Are you sure he’s a Mormon? Are we sure?” Responding to Trump rhetoric may be like feeding a Gremlin after midnight, but we at RD were lucky to have the following in the archives from the 2012 election season. — eds   Earlier this week, Florida ev…

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