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I Was Nearly Seduced by David Brooks’ Reasonable Analysis

…time impassioned in his continued commitment to his own economic philosophy, one based, according to Brooks, on “empiricism.” What Paul Krugman and Alan Greenspan and most economists share as economists is an intense interest in the way people behave economically, in the psychological motives (and yes, the faith) that drive certain choices. In the world of contemporary economics, according to David Brooks, there are two dominant models of analysis…

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Even After an Obama Victory Reports of the Death of the Religious Right are Greatly Exaggerated

…bring young evangelicals into the movement. Hillary Clinton’s slogan “Jobs, Baby, Jobs,” will come to fruition—in an ‘inside the beltway-esque’ way—as an Obama Administration not only brings in new cabinet members, advisors and aides, and their staffs, but also empties government agencies of Liberty University-schooled ideologues and fills those positions with Obama supporters. Ironically, this may strengthen the conservative movement as many of…

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RD News Round-Up—Nov. 4, 2008

…h, Virginia-based Christian Broadcasting Network’s revenue in 2006 was $246,986,289. James Dobson’s Colorado Springs, Colorado-based Focus on the Family had $156,972,266 in revenue in 2006. Pat Robertson and Jay Sekulow’s American Center for Law and Justice/Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism has offices in Virginia Beach, Washington, D.C. and Atlanta, Georgia and its 2007 revenue amounted to $42,658,159. The Scottsdale, Arizona-based Alliance…

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Mormons Fight Marriage Equality in Mexico; Is Catholic Church Italy’s Anti-Gay NRA?; Nigerian Anglicans Cut Ties With UK Diocese; Global LGBT Recap

…roup Gafcon, who said “a line has been crossed” because the American bishop, Susan Goff, supports the blessing of same-sex unions. More from Christianity Today’s Ruth Gledhill: In his pastoral letter, Archbishop Okoh says: “In the beginning, the focus of our concern was North America and we thank God that he has raised up the Anglican Church North America as a new wineskin in that continent. “Now our concern is increasingly with the British Isles….

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Ten of Our Favorite Top Tens

…rk Wright writes thoughtfully about many things. On this list he points out, helpfully, that “Both Dentistry and Religion benefit financially from your sins” and reminds us that “In Religion there is the promise of Heaven. In Dentistry there is only Hell.” 7.) BOOKLIST’S TOP TEN RELIGION BOOKS FOR YOUTH Booklist, a magazine published by the American Library Association, has posted their top picks in a category that includes a book by Archbishop De…

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Women’s Liberation Through Submission: An Evangelical Anti-Feminism Is Born

…airman of the board for the Council for Biblical Manhood & Womanhood (CBMW), Susan Hunt, an author and consultant to the Presbyterian Church in America’s Women in the Church Ministry, and others. The conference was organized by DeMoss’ St. Louis-based ministry (and eponymous twice-daily radio program), Revive Our Hearts, a women’s ministry that stresses submission as a militant discipline that will alter the culture. DeMoss’ fellow speakers shared…

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Amway, Religious Right Pyramid Scheme, Returns to the Motherland

…ave explained the inner workings of the company better than Eric Scheibeler, who, along with his wife, reached the founder’s Emerald level—a level less than 1/25th of one percent of Amway participants are able to achieve—before they uncovered company fraud and deception, and were hounded out of the organization. Scheibeler explains how Amway operates in his book Merchants of Deception: An Insider’s Look at the Worldwide, Systematic, Conspiracy of…

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The War Within: Religion and Our Tangled Relationship with Our Bodies

…eath do not exist and are not even entertained as a possibility” (xiii, 3-6, 36, 113, 304). Interestingly, Chopra’s utopic vision bears uncanny resemblance to the heavenly realm of eternally youthful bodies Augustine imagined centuries ago (Augustine believed that bodies in heaven would be resurrected at the “perfect age” of 33—i.e., the age of Christ). You might say that Chopra’s fantasy of ageless physiques secularizes/updates Christianity’s imm…

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The Quixotic Task of Debunking David Barton

…ke the same tack with the likes of Barton? It’s not clear. In recent months, a number of voices have demanded that historians rise to the task of debunking Barton’s claims, insisting that they cannot remain in their ivory towers. Even some historians who consistently have done so, such as John Fea, were criticized; evidently for not doing it enough. In a more popular and polemical vein, Chris Rodda has also exposed Barton’s distortions.  Not surpr…

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In the Papal Pocket: Benedict XVI and the Press

…eign country since 1929; it has about 1000 inhabitants governed by the Pope, and, in his absence, by the College of Cardinals; all of whom are chosen by him. In the opinion of many people it is as secretive, punitive, and dismissive of human rights as some dictatorships. These are serious issues that warrant full discussion, not glossing over as if the correct liturgical colors and Gregorian chant were the essence of Catholicism. The media seem to…

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