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Chris Caldwell Sees Muslim Bogeymen. Again.

…ctive good. In “Europe’s Other Crisis,” his recent review-essay in The New Republic, there is no doubt which outlook or which set of books defines Christopher Caldwell. He sees Islam as the catalyst of evil, Muslims as the monsters of religious zealotry, and Western Europe as the victim of unwelcome, and too numerous, non-Christian immigrants. Caldwell’s outlook had already been defined by his most recent book, Reflections on the Revolution in Eur…

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Muslim Stowaways
on the European
Titanic: “Eurabian” Alarmism 2.0

…blem.” In “Europe’s Other Crisis,” his most recent contribution to The New Republic, Caldwell presents what may seem at first like typical Eurabian alarmism: Islam and the West are incompatible. Europe with Muslims will cease being Europe. But there is more to it. As Caldwell puts it: “Europe is not rich enough… to withdraw from the world, but for the first time in half a millennium it is not strong enough to engage with the world either.” Maybe t…

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Personhood Leaders’ Smear Campaign Debunked

…The conservative media machine, from Live Action News, to Newsbusters, to Free Republic, ran with Mason’s story of being attacked by violent pro-choice advocates, pushing the narrative that violent assaults against pro-life Americans are on the rise. The Daily Beast reacted on the day of the press release by publishing its third story on the Masons in the space of a week, complete with the same home vandalism photos the anti-abortion outlets were…

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The 50 Shades of Evangelicalism

…mbiguity Back in March and again in April, Timothy Noah writing in the New Republic, observed how the mainstream media, and particularly the New York Times, misuse the word “Christian,” using it as a synonym for “Christian Right” or “Christian conservative.” Seventy-eight percent of the American population, he points out, identify as Christians, though far fewer fit into those sub-categories. Roughly one-third of that 78% call themselves evangelic…

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Progressive Evangelical Attacks AARP, Social Security

…as Devouring Beasts that must be cut down to size in order for this great republic of ours to sail on in untroubled seas: This inter-generational issue is incredible nonsense. And the idea that anyone would support cutting these programs out of a desire to help the young is close to obscene. Among other things, the greatest cuts will almost certainly hit the young. So Ron Sider has told America’s youth that he wants to make them less secure in re…

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Is Stephen Pinker’s Controversial Polemic in Defense of Scientism As Bad As They Say?

…ligent-design advocates all agree: Steven Pinker’s recent essay in the New Republic is trash. “Unbelievable hubris,” writes biologist PZ Meyers of the essay, titled “Science Is Not Your Enemy: An impassioned plea to neglected novelists, embattled professors, and tenure-less historians.” “Empirically overconfident” and “intellectually unsubtle” fumes Ross Douthat. “Steven Pinker may have just pissed you off,” notes NPR, unnecessarily. Pinker’s essa…

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Devil’s Bookmark: Sex and Drugs and Hating God

…ngels. And we want no part of it. This world is different. We intend to be free citizens in the Republic of Heaven. Anatole France’s angelic rebels against God pursue a similar objective: We shall carry war into the heavens, where we shall establish a peaceful democracy. And to reduce the citadels of Heaven, to overturn the mountain of God, to storm celestial Jerusalem, a vast army is needful, enormous resources, formidable machines… But here is w…

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Stop Debunking Climate Change Deniers

…ul, it helps to read Judith Shulevitz’s recent, excellent piece at the New Republic, “This Is How You Should Talk to a Climate-Change Denier.” Shulevitz, drawing on the work of psychologist Daniel Kahneman, makes the seemingly obvious point that human decision making and risk assessment aren’t especially rational. Simply put: scientific facts do not, as a rule, sway science denialists. That’s the whole problem, right? Shulevitz goes on to point ou…

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Reporting from Paris During COP21: A Haunted Sabbath

…ies asking us to pay for their abuse of each other and the earth.” The New Republic once again put out its superb daily report, showing that coalitions were indeed developing between nations around their carbon goals. GreenFaith did its daily broadcast, once again targeting the bad guy of Saudi Arabia and wondering how they had spent their Sunday. They did not appear to have a brunch invitation. I walked by a totally dark Chinese embassy, which, n…

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How Steve Stockman Is Challenging John Cornyn Without Religion

…ts,” proclaiming: You are in a foxhole fighting to save our constitutional Republic… …and the last thing you need is a Republican bayonet in your back. But that’s what liberal John Cornyn has been doing to you every day. And we have less than 90 days to stop him.  Stockman is known as a Tea Party Republican, one for whom the rigid conservatism of all those RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) is not pure enough. (Even WorldNetDaily, hardly one to shir…

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