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Spinning But Not Religious: Inside the New Economy of Spiritual Fitness

…entic” religion and popular, secular practice. In Sweat Equity: Inside the New Economy of Mind and Body, journalist Jason Kelly traces the connections between money and fitness culture. He recently spoke with The Cubit about running highs, meditation apps, and the inherent difficulty of selling authenticity. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. You argue that Millennials treat fitness—and especially group fitness classes—as an al…

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The Breaking of Biblical Womanhood: The Problem With the Hot New Book Taking Aim at the Subjugation of Women in Evangelicalism

…anti-patriarchal. Barr reinterprets, for example, the so-called “household codes” in the New Testament, which uphold patriarchal order of man over wife (and master over enslaved), by attributing their oppressive hierarchies not to Jesus-followers but to the “fallen” world around them. “The early church,” she writes, “was trying to make sense of its place in both a Jewish and Roman world, and much of those worlds bled through into the church’s stor…

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Pope Mum on LGBTs in Uganda; Church Defends Anti-Marriage-Equality Efforts in Australia; Cyprus Passes Civil Partnerships; Global LGBT Recap

…ng homophobia. The pope’s visit came shortly after the parliament passed a new law that gives the government vast new powers to shut down community organizations for a variety of reasons. One clause would require charities to “not engage in any activity which is … contrary to the dignity of the people of Uganda”, which proponents fear could be used to clamp down on groups working to help LGBT people in Uganda. It would also allow groups to be disb…

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Religious Exemptions and the New Non-Culture Wars

…roviders describes these accommodations as “inadequate,” and adds that the new proposed requirements may violate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. There’s a history here: when the Obama administration declined to renew a USCCB contract to serve trafficking victims because the USCCB objected to a contractual requirement to refer victims to a full range of reproductive health services, Republicans held hearings to gin up claims the administrati…

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Sikh Prof Attacked on Heels of New Study

…ght as attackers reportedly shouted “terrorist” and “get Osama.” While the new study shows that more than half of Americans associate the turban with bin Laden, anti-Sikh hatred may not be quite as simple as a case of mistaken identity.  The correlation between America’s lack of knowledge of Sikhs and frequent animosity toward them was highlighted in the study by Peace by Design (PxD), an initiative of the consulting firm Social by Design (SxD) on…

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Seattle ‘CultureMaker’ Nathan Marion: We Need New Abbeys in America to Foster Community, Arts

…nding pastors there wanted the building to be used by the community. They knew that they wouldn’t really have a lot of use for it, besides Sundays anyways. So they helped create that nonprofit and establish the basic mission, and then I got involved with it, to take it on and really build it from the ground up. It’s a great mixed model. The Abbey Arts (our nonprofit) leases the building. The church is still active in the space. They have services…

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Sean Feucht’s New Year’s Rockin’ Superspreader Revival is a ‘Tepid and Meager’ Effort at Racial Reconciliation

…pair of Black pastors. His stop will run concurrently to the mission’s own New Year’s Eve worship event, during which they’ll be planting a “unity tree” in the courtyard of the JACCC. Ramirez said the brief stop is not enough to lend Azusa-esque credibility to Feucht’s racial reconciliation efforts: “By comparison, this is tepid and meager and totally behind the ball.” Fred Berry, who couldn’t be reached for an interview, declared in a press relea…

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Jeb Bush’s “New Way” Of Talking About Gay Marriage

…t do Republican candidates plan to do to protect religious liberty in this new legal environment for gay rights?” Dreher demanded. “It’s not enough to mouth pro-religious platitudes. Conservatives must expect more.” Six days later, Bush was on camera with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, whose television program and blog The Brody File offer Republican candidates a safe space to field easy questions tailored for a primary voter wi…

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Are Evangelicals Suffering From Buyer’s Remorse with Obama?

…ullian Tchividjian, grandson of famed evangelist Billy Graham, to be their new pastor. According to Charisma News Online, “As part of Tchividjian’s election, the 2,200-member congregation in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, agreed to merge with Tchividjian’s 650-member New City Church, also located in the Fort Lauderdale area.” Kennedy was a profoundly political and powerful conservative pastor, albeit lesser-known than the Rev. Jerry Falwell, Dr. James…

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Who Benefits From Standardized Universal Time? And Other Questions to Ask As You Set Your Clocks Back This Weekend

…n extraordinary modern achievement. And it’s uniquely universal: people in New Guinea set their watches by the same standard as people in New Mexico. Ideological enemies find common ground; the United States and North Korea might not agree on much, but we both set our clocks by Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Systems this total have a strange knack for becoming invisible. Here’s the anthropologist David Graeber, talking about the capitalist market, but…

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