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Rand Paul: We Wouldn’t Need Laws If Everyone Were Christian

…ary North abandoned black people to the terrible lawlessness of a vengeful South. Civil-rights movement leaders were fighting for the federal government to secure their rights against the arbitrary tyranny of the political powers in the Southern states, which maintained their hold on local government through coercion and violence. Paul seems to think that good Christians don’t need civil laws (or civil rights laws, for that matter) for them to do…

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Clarion Fund Claims Times Square Bombing Attempt Proof of “Coordinated Jihad Against Western Values”

…ector, Wayne Kopping, a South African neocon – from going on television to promote their work. The film has been promoted by numerous neoconservative, Jewish, and Christian Zionist outlets and activists, and no doubt Iranium will receive the same treatment, particularly if it is released around election time and could be used to question whether the Obama administration is doing enough to combat Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. In the meantime, though,…

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Invoking God’s Name Like a Bludgeon

…icials who think everyone who goes to college is Christian. For years now, southern California’s Saddleback Community College, a public school part of the South Orange County Community College District, has been offering up Christian prayers at annual scholarship award presentations, graduations and other events despite ongoing requests by students, faculty and members of the public that the prayers offend their religious beliefs. Donald Wagner, p…

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On Zion’s Mount

…lay readers: local Mormons who could use something besides insular, faith-promoting history; and non-Mormons outside Utah who could use an informed, even-handed historical account of life “behind the Zion Curtain.” The timing seemed right. The past ten years has been something of a Mormon moment in American media culture. Think about it: the 2002 Winter Olympics, the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping, the Warren Jeffs trial, Mitt Romney’s past and prese…

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The Mystic in the Rye: JD Salinger’s Religious Fiction

…idental casualty of the occupation of Japan and a Jesuit priest working in South America. Zooey (Zachary Martin Glass) was an aspiring actor in 1955, and the youngest daughter, Franny, was on leave from her college due to a spiritual malaise that brought her to the brink of a nervous breakdown. An intensely neurotic family. Also intensely brilliant, intensely attuned, and intensely committed to one another. What prompted Franny’s crisis was her in…

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Kenneth Starr in the “Athens of Texas”

…the graduate students in philosophy are Protestants, the famous school in South Bend, Indiana, may itself be the “Protestant Notre Dame.” Sloan’s vision, which he called Baylor 2012, was that his university would become a magnet for Christian scholars and a center—perhaps the center—for Protestant intellectual life. I was in Waco to write a feature article for Christianity Today, and I confess that I was intrigued by the audacity of Sloan’s plans…

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Christians to Conservative Conference: Gays, No! Birchers, Yes!

…opposing “Invictus.” Yes, the new movie about Nelson Mandela and the 1995 South African rugby team.  They’re opposing that because, quote, “Mandela is nothing more than a communist-terrorist thug.”   So, let’s review, conservative Christians demand that CPAC ditch the group that wants equality for a group of human beings – American taxpaying citizens – commonly known as gays and lesbians in marriage, housing, employment and the military – but has…

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Religious Right: God Should Kill Health Care Reform to Save America from Herod

…prayercast included FRC’s Tony Perkins, Republican Senators Jim DeMint of South Carolina and Sam Brownback of Kansas, Reps. Todd Akin (R-MO), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Randy Forbes (R-VA), and Mike McIntyre (D-NC); as well as Shirley and James Dobson; Bishop Harry Jackson, who recently led an unsuccessful crusade against gay marriage in the District of Columbia; and Pastor Jim Garlow, a leading proponent of California’s Propos…

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Pastafarian Rights, Israeli Rosa Parks, Orthodox
Jewish P.I.

…strian man convinced authorities to let him take his driver’s license photo wearing a pasta strainer on his head as the religious headgear of his Pastafarianism. The Church of England may sell its $6 million share in the scandalized News Corp. Controversy continues to surround a south Indian temple and its billions in hidden treasure. In the U.S., second-generation Indian Americans are working to Americanize Hinduism. The Hill Cumorah Pageant wrap…

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