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Is Buddhism Opposed to Self-Defense?

…tly blamed Pandey for her own rape, a sentiment with which some government officials agreed. Twenty-five centuries earlier, in a scripture called the Kakacupama Sutta, the Buddha had also advised passivity: “Even if bandits were to carve you up savagely, limb by limb, with a two-handled saw, he among you who let his heart get angered, even at that, would not be doing my bidding.” Centuries later, the renowned Tibetan master Shantideva advised grat…

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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…itia groups, one of which has been linked to the deadly attack on American officials in Benghazi on the 11th of September. On Saturday night Mohammed al-Megarief, head of the Libyan national assembly, announced that the government was “disbanding all the armed groups that do not fall under the authority of the government,” and the Guardian reports that five militias have fled or disbanded as of Sunday.  A little more than a week ago I wrote about …

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Well, It Would Have Been a Good Religion Question…

…ll, which fights for the right of women to pray aloud at Judaism’s holiest site. “At the coercion of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox religious establishment,” Menachem Z. Rosensaft writes in the Forward: women are forbidden to read from the Torah or to wear prayer shawls or tefilin in the plaza in front of the Wall. Women who defy these prohibitions, including Hoffman, are routinely harassed. Earlier this year, during the summer, Hoffman disclosed that, “…

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Becoming the Common: Why I Got Arrested in North Carolina

…nd death are no longer the ultimate power. Jesus is risen! There from that site, holy words touch two intersecting nerves, the religious and the political. For some in power, these disciples speak heresy (Jesus is the power of God) and for others in power, these disciples speak sedition (Jesus is the power). Only criminals touch nerves at this level and receive the consequences—“So they arrested them and put them in custody… (4:3)” Real preaching…

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Anglican Church To Install First Female African Bishop

…Wamukoya, age 61, was elected last July by clergy and laity in Swaziland, site of the 1992 conference at which women in the ACSA were given access to ordained ministry in the church. Bishop Wamukoya, formerly a bi-vocational University chaplain and city administrator, will be joined in the archdiocese by another woman bishop, the Rev. Margaret Vertue, who was elected to the Diocese of False Bay in October and will be consecrated in the new year….

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Rubio Leaves Science to the Theologians, or the Free Market. Or Something.

…hat it’s about 4.54 billion years old, give or take a bit, and also that a site claiming the earth is about 6,000 years old comes up before the scientific answer. You could see how that could be confusing for someone who’s “not a scientist.”) But he does say, “I can tell you what the Bible says,” implying there’s a biblical answer that does—and should!—resolve the dispute. See, he’s been trained to say that the Bible provides the answer. On the ot…

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A Church Group, a Lawsuit, and a Culture of Abuse

…bers’ blogs that have cropped up since 2007, starting with SGM Survivors—a site where ex-members have shared numerous accounts of SGM’s cult-like atmosphere, including cover-ups of spousal abuse and sexual abuse of children as young as two. And in October 2012, three people whose stories were first shared on SGM Survivors formalized their complaints by becoming the first plaintiffs in the current class action lawsuit, charging the ministry and its…

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Enlightenment’s Islam: A “Necessary Fiction”

…jectionable in light of the fact that the Capitol building, yards from the site of the proposed artwork, was an intended target of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Rudy Giuliani, mayor of New York City during the attacks, is calling the mural “a desecration.” And former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin tweeted that the “Muslim Mural is UNNECESSARY provocation.” Tempers are running even higher online, where noted blogger and…

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A Tale of Religious Tolerance… On Reddit

…it user “european_douchebag” posted a candid photo on the online community site. The image, of a young Sikh woman playing with her phone while waiting in line, included the caption “i’m not sure what to conclude from this.” No, “european_douchebag” wasn’t questioning which game the woman was playing on her phone, he was referencing the abundance of facial hair on the young woman’s face—a nod towards her Sikh beliefs of not altering her body image….

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The Real Reason For “Vagina-gate”

…. “A Mannish Feel” Not surprisingly, pastor and theologian John Piper’s website featured a review of Evans’ book in which a female reviewer charges Evans with questioning the validity of the Bible and accuses her of “building a comfortable bridge for shaky evangelicals to find their way into theological liberalism.” For the reviewer a denial of inerrancy erodes the gospel. This is typical fundamentalism: accuse Evans of being a liberal who does no…

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