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Martyrdom, Racist Violence, and the Role of Art: Kara Walker’s Religious Turn

…ded. The work takes up the both the longings behind and the brutal ends to African American movements predicated on theologically-tinged concepts such as a sovereignty beyond that of the state and a utopian alternative to this world. These new works feature a parodic “Easter Parade” of slave revolt and re-enslavement, bleak takes on wall-building (with the walled territory morphing into the hull of slave ship), and tributes to movements such as th…

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Egypt Protests Upset Assumptions About the
Arab World

…is special because it’s “less part of the connective tissue of Arab North Africa” than a “demographic and cultural island” enjoying “upwardly mobile European aspirations.” He asserts that Tunisia’s cultural superiority is established by its desire to be European. The lesson: Tunisia revolted because they are culturally superior aspiring Europeans while states to the east have no such capacity. The reality in Egypt belies such simple analysis. For…

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Why We Stay: What the History of Mormonism Reveals About the Origins of “Race”

…he biggest Mormon growth areas are in the African diasporas of Central and South America and Africa). The Mormon people and the LDS Church itself has always grappled seriously with the implications of its racist past and continue to do so (see the church’s statement following the recent white supremacist march and terrorism in Charlottesville as a case in point, in which the church directly confronted the small, but prominent group of white suprem…

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Paul for the People: John Dominic Crossan Imagines a “Letter to the Americans” In His New Video Series

…s violence. If you look at human evolution since our species surged out of Africa 70,000 years ago and announced its distinctiveness with the Neolithic/agricultural revolution, we have never created a weapon we did not use nor one less violent than the one it replaced. Looking at that trajectory, its mantra of “peace through victory” and its vain hope to control violence by more extreme violence, what future do we imagine for such a species? I wan…

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Australians Vote Overwhelmingly For Marriage Equality; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…irst time would explicitly punish those who engage in “homosexual” acts or promote “homosexuality.” The act would imprison violators for up to five years for individual offenses and up to 15 years if convicted under multiple provisions, according to Amnesty International. “If passed, this law would further entrench stigma and abuse against people based on their perceived sexual orientation,” Amnesty International’s North Africa campaigns director,…

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For Unto (Some of) Us a Child is Born: Handel’s Messiah and the Voice of Empire Rising

…f God’s covenantal favor, sailed off to the Caribbean and to the coasts of Africa, where, arriving as guests of the indigenes, they immediately declared themselves to be the hosts and owners of all they surveyed. They set themselves up as the judges of the relative worthiness of the native peoples, and very soon this judging was fatally calibrated according to skin color. “Supersessionist thinking is the womb in which whiteness will mature,” write…

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Trump Administration Is Not-So-Subtly Christianizing Foreign Policy and Aid

…government and prospective donors on persecution of Christians in Asia and Africa. But under previous administrations, the U.S. government—particularly foreign aid and arms—did not directly intervene to promote the narrative of global Christian victimhood. However, under Trump, foreign policy—particularly foreign aid—is increasingly being shaped in a pro-evangelical way. It shouldn’t surprise anyone given Pence’s constant affirmations of being a C…

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Trump’s Pathological Devotion to Border Walls Isn’t Political, It’s Theological

…’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” It was the kind of doomed proclamation an Old Testament king or emperor might have made, unaware in all his pride that neither God nor his messenger traditionally takes kindly to builders of towers (Babel) or giant defensive walls (Jericho)—to say nothing of your garden variety gold enthusiast (see f…

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The Landmark 85-Year-Old Report Absent From Debates Over Missionary’s Death

…r II and subsequent civil conflicts such as the migration from the Horn of Africa in the 1990s. The central feature of these efforts was humility—a willingness to listen to local populations, to respect their agency, and the ability to self-correct. What I’m asking is that we consider the antecedents to Chau’s example and learn from them. Moreover, to remember how self-reflection can and has been an aspect of American foreign missions. One of the…

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Alarming New Report Shows Attacks on Public Education Are Coordinated by Right-Wing Think Tanks

…trained in the Global North, they come back to Algeria or Guinea Bissau or South Africa or Ghana. Yes, they’ve read their Hegel, Marx, and Kant, but they’re not using theory to write a peer-reviewed journal article. They study theory to ask the questions that need answers in order to remake the world. Speaking of remaking the world, I want to get us talking about how you see organizers and researchers upsetting this far-right agenda. Can you descr…

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