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Christian Nationalists Didn’t Seek to Desecrate the Capitol But to Purify It

…uct of those historical processes that were set in motion by the Christian Right and earlier 20th century processes that led to the Christian Right. In terms of when Christian nationalist ideas started taking shape: I don’t think they were ever absent. This idea of the United States as a Christian country—inhabited by Christians, ruled by Christians, reflecting Christian values, reflecting that covenant with God—has always been present in some for…

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The New “Values Voters” Mantra

…vocation of “the Creator” in the Declaration of Independence: “Inalienable rights are endowed by the Creator.” These rights, both Rushdoony and Titus contend, are not granted by either document, only recognized in them; these rights exist only because they were granted by God.  That “endowed by the Creator” argument has been made repeatedly by Republican politicians in speeches lately, including Mike Huckabee, Michele Bachmann, and Newt Gingrich….

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New Report: White Evangelicals are America’s Most Anti-Trans Demographic, But Encouraging Data Overall

…those who trust mainstream news and those who trust Fox or outlets to the right of them.” What the right-wing media ecosystem does is push fear-based narratives, representing members of othered groups—immigrants, Black Lives Matter supporters, trans people—as threats. Thus, Jones observes, even if “the bigger war for LGBTQ rights is clearly won,” trans people remain particularly marginalized and vulnerable, which means that for those pushing an a…

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No “Cancel Culture” on the Right: How Conservative Christians Protect the Powerful

…destroy democracy. And intolerance is certainly celebrated not only by the right-wing signers of the Harper’s letter, but also by the Christian Right. Take the aforementioned Regnerus, for example, a man whose writings indicate an obsession with sex, heteronormativity, and “order.” Regnerus is cheered by the fact that “so much about the everyday social world works to reinforce monogamy and the reliable differences between men and women,” and belie…

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‘Cancel Culture’ Is as Old as Religion, And It’s Only a Thing Because of Who’s Doing the Cancelling

…necessary, in my view)—we find ourselves in a state of confusion where the right to say whatever we want has morphed into the right to say it wherever we want. Where public space and the democratization of opinion now enables us to confuse whatever and wherever. People can be, and continue to be, excluded (cancelled) for all kinds of reasons; race, religion, creed, sexual orientation. We now have legal structures in place to try to alleviate or mi…

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Georgia Gov Vetoes Right-To-Discriminate Bill

…isability, and pregnancy. Governor Deal’s veto is an important step in the right direction, but the debate over a religious right to discriminate is far from over, including in Georgia. Legislators who support HB 757 have already called for a special session to override the Governor’s veto, and many other states have introduced bills similar to HB 757. Below is a run-down of some of the worst provisions of the bill. The list also notes similaritie…

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Unreleased Religious Freedom Manifesto Isn’t the Culture War Compromise It Hopes to Be

…d disagreement with: “Freedom of religion and conscience is a foundational right for all human beings without exception, a right to be enjoyed by people of all faiths and worldviews, whether religious or secularist, transcendent or naturalistic. It is therefore a responsibility and duty for all people to respect—and for government and other institutions to protect—this right for all people.” “We stand united in opposition to all discrimination, vi…

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5 Reasons Why the GOP Push to Defund Planned Parenthood Won’t Go Away

…on, and correspondingly cavalier excuse for using it, is a hallmark of the right’s attack on Planned Parenthood. The right has lionized Lila Rose, producer of the anti-Planned Parenthood agitprop which is based on lies and deception. Indeed Rose is lauded for advancing a “Christian worldview.” In fact, according to the Guttmacher Institute, Title X, the funding the Republicans seek to end, is “vital to achieving important public health goals by he…

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Why Corporations Should Have the Right to Bear Arms

…It would be equally un-American to limit the extension of this basic human right to an incorporeal entity created solely for the purposes of producing a profit. We must also extend this right to non-profits, even when their purposes may in fact be un-American, such as helping the poor or murdering helpless tiny babies that want only to share their love. I profess, with deep sincerity, that I have not the least personal interest in endeavoring to p…

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We’re Not Just “Heterosexual with Issues”

…he degenerate “lifestyles” LGBT people insist on living. Granting marriage rights would also acknowledge another thing the religious right doesn’t want to recognize: the true humanity of LGBT people. To them, our homosexuality (or bisexuality or transgenderism) is simply a symptom of sin—something we can change, like underwear. We’re not really gay or lesbian, we’re like Ted Haggard: “a heterosexual with issues.” If they can keep up this façade, t…

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