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American Nuns Under the Vatican Microscope

…civil disobedience and goes to jail to help stop war or nuclear weapons. A number of the questions are clearly designed to elicit answers the Vatican knows full well it won’t like. The data will provide the pretext for concluding that the decline in numbers in progressive groups is a result of their lack of obedience and conformity to the men’s rules. Solution: tighten up the ranks. Enter the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, the alte…

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Onward Christian Terrorists; Fighting Evil in the Obama Era

…d support for his position in actions undertaken during the Nazi regime in Europe. His moral exemplar in this regard was the German theologian and Lutheran pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who abruptly terminated his privileged research position at Union Theological Seminary in New York City to return to Germany and clandestinely join a plot to assassinate Hitler. Bray also cited Reinhold Niebuhr, one of the greatest Protestant theologians of the twen…

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Pop-Eye: Blind Faith and the Invisible Font

…Crate & Barrel, Sears, and signage in most cities in the United States and Europe). Meanwhile, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City recently acquired Helvetica as part of its permanent collection, the first typeface they have ever collected. Helvetica, whether we are conscious of it or not, has become a central visual reference in modern Western culture. Two tabs. One sacred and one profane? The Internet as a mode of erasing such differences?…

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Capitalism and the Anti-Modern Pope

…orld and to look at it from the Vatican’s perspective, then an interesting Europe, with the exception of Italy, is lost. It is not only secular; its populations are increasingly agnostic and free-thinking. Italy remains Catholic for cultural and historical, rather than necessarily theological, reasons. North America also seems lost. American Catholics in increasingly large numbers part with the Vatican over precisely the issues one would expect: f…

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Sex Work: In Bed with the Religious Right

…finished an edited collection, Brutality and Desire: War and Sexuality in Europe’s Twentieth Century–which ranges from the Armenian genocide in the 1910s via Auschwitz and Algeria to Bosnia in the 1990s. The horrific sexual violence in the former Yugoslavia, and the international recognition that the rapes were war crimes, has prompted more research into sexual violence in prior wars. But wars have often also provided opportunities for joyful con…

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RDPulpit: Ahmadinejad Gives Another Victory to the Israeli Right

…ction for Jews who were treated as second-class citizens in both Christian Europe and Muslim countries for many hundreds of years. The desire for a safe haven made perfect sense, though the antagonism that they encountered from many Palestinians made perfect sense as well given the previous history of Western colonialism and Christian crusades. Palestinians saw the Jews as an invading force that would uproot their own Arab society. Yet most Jews c…

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RDBook: Sex, Power, and the Future of the World: An Interview with Michelle Goldberg

…choice. Also, when I started writing this book, I didn’t take fears about European population decline that seriously—they seemed to me to be rooted in racism and a fear of immigration. But the more I learned, the more I realized that the kind of really abrupt fall-off in birthrates that we’re seeing in countries like Poland, Italy, and Japan has very serious consequences for the future, and in Europe, it may threaten some things liberals really c…

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Taqwacore Roundtable: On Punks, the Media, and the Meaning of “Muslim”

…ink it makes more sense for us to play in Malaysia then it does to play in Europe. SK: Many things remain to be seen, but I think it would be a mistake to deny that Mike’s book is having some kind of impact in the world. We get messages frequently from bands/kids/music lovers/thinkers worldwide asking us when we are coming to their neck of the woods. If I’m not mistaken, outside of the US, our Facebook pages’ popularity has Pakistan next in line….

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Muslim Women “Warriors”

…women’s inequality or oppression. For those of us in the United States and Europe, of Christian and Jewish traditions, the effort has focused on reinterpreting texts, working for the inclusion of women in ministry, for non-sexist language, and for the elimination of violence against women. The effort has not been easy; Christian and Jewish women still have a long way to go and we’ve experienced a fair amount of derision and even lost jobs, but non…

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Worse Than Madoff: Amway Launches Domestic Revival

…heibeler, who had developed a business that extended from North America to Europe, South America, and the Philippines, met a number of politically powerful Republican politicians and conservative religious leaders, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Iran/Contra figure Oliver North, and then-Senator Rick Santorum. Religious leaders like Charles Stanley (a former distributor), Dr. Robert Schuller and the late Dr. D. James Kennedy o…

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