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Mexican Bishops Exorcism Against Equality; African Bishops Oppose ‘Enemy of Human Race’; Israeli Islamic Leader Anti-Gay Op-Ed

…in recent months had spoken out in favor of “openness” to divorce, Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle of Accra, elected by the bishops of Ghana as their delegate to the synod, was found to be in agreement with all present in the defense of Catholic doctrine on the family. Professor Edourard Ade, secretary general of the Catholic University of Western Africa, warned against creating any “loopholes” for blessing second marriages or second couples, callin…

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The Power of (Glenn Beck’s) Myth

…y religious revivals have evoked this kind of experience since the days of Charles Finney’s New Measures; every aspect was carefully designed and planned. The experience was shaped visually by the images on the giant screens at the front of the crowd (and on my television screen at home), the most powerful of which was the montage of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (as inapposite as Beck’s self-comparison to King is). The music, too—from Aaron Copeland…

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Prop 8 Closing Arguments Turn on Tradition

…California are like old Naboth—arguing from worn traditions that a growing number of people find ridiculous—if not quaint. A case in point: attorney Charles Cooper, arguing in support of Proposition 8 for the Alliance Defense Fund, who made his entire closing argument from tradition. He told the judge that marriage is intended for procreation and specifically for the control of unintended pregnancies. He argued (seriously) that the state has an in…

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The Conservative Christian Case for Separation of Church and State

…o social change. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. championed civil rights, Rev. Charles Finney fought to abolish slavery, and many more contributed to all the progressive reforms of the 19th century, from Women’s Suffrage to Child Labor Laws. But we stir change by stinging the national conscience, by being a prophetic witness for biblical values and obedience to Christ from the pulpit, not by taking the dangerous short cut of merely electing somebody t…

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Gun Ownership: ‘An Obligation to God’

…ed by the Republicans.) Echoing the Christian Reconstructionist view, Sen. Charles Grassley asked Kagan, “did the Second Amendment codify a preexisting right or was it a right created by the Constitution?”—something Kagan, not surprisingly, said she’d never contemplated. “Here’s a woman who’s being nominated to sit on the United States Supreme Court and she’s never thought about the question whether rights are given by God or given by men,” Titus…

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HuffPo Columnist Tries to Link Darwin to Hitler

…getting back to an earlier thought, just what did Hitler have to say about Charles Darwin in his work Mein Kampf? Fortunately, the Gutenberg Project of Australia has the entire text of Mein Kampf on line, so we are free to check Klinghoffer’s claims for ourselves. (Hat tip to commenter at Pharyngula for this.) A quick search of Mein Kampf reveals not one reference to Darwin. It has one reference to natural selection, but only in the context that t…

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Bristol Palin Bags Baby Daddy

…n are engaged. While this won’t be quite the royal wedding on the scale of Charles and Diana, this impending nuptial with a Mama Grizzly-in-Law tweeting in the background is sure to please both the lamestream media and the Palinite alike. After all, it’s an Alaskan Fairytale come true, albeit through the twist and turns of a presidential election, Playgirl, and perhaps a liaison with a woman from the D-List. All kidding aside, it is Bristol Palin…

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House Dems Confident Immigration Reform Will Pass—With LGBT Equality

…ouples, sponsor their partner for citizenship. As I’ve reported here, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), who wasn’t at the press conference, has reached out for the support of conservative evangelical groups, who say they are for immigration reform but will not support a bill that includes LGBT equality. When President Obama gave his immigration speech at American University earlier this month, the White House highlighted the presence of Richard Land of…

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Social Cost of Christianity?

…gets a few facts wrong about evolution and I don’t buy his assertion that Charles Darwin is the messiah of atheism. But I’m willing to grant him the artistic license to make his broader point.) Door To Door Atheists Bother Mormons – Watch more Funny Videos I have no doubt that many Christians, particularly fundamentalists and evangelicals, in this country believe they suffer stigma for their religious beliefs. It’s built into their identity, goin…

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The Christian Reconstructionism Dodge

…bout whether the right to carry a gun was a divine one. Republican Senator Charles Grassley asked her the question — one that comes straight out Reconstructionist thinking on the godly, rather than human, roots of our constitutional rights. Star Parker, a religious right celebrity touted by the John Birch Society, the Republican candidate for the congressional seat in California’s 37th district, and an exemplar of the religious right’s efforts to…

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