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Catholic Bishops Meeting For Family Synod; South Africa’s Dutch Reformed Church OKs Gay Weddings, Ordination; Court in Malaysia Deals Setback To Transgender Advocates; Global LGBT Recap

…him he’d like to give him a huge when we was in D.C. Grassi spoke with the Washington Blade’s Lou Chibbaro: Concerning reports that the Pope has been a longtime opponent of same-sex marriage and opposed a same-sex marriage law passed by Argentina’s Congress in 2010, Grassi said he and then Cardinal Bergoglio discussed the gay marriage issue in an email exchange at that time. “In 2010 when the Congress in Argentina was debating the marriage equalit…

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Does Traditional Christian Marriage Just Mean “Not Gay”?

…y law speaks of places, not people. In other jurisdictions (such as nearby Washington State) where the question of who is required to preform same-sex marriages has come up, laws have specified that clergy don’t have to preside over any wedding they object to. The Idaho city’s ordinance was written in a different context, though; it didn’t originally apply to weddings since same-sex weddings weren’t yet legal in the state. That context changed wit…

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Egypt Goes After Gays to Silence Islamist Critics; South Africa’s ‘Open Mosque’ is Closed; Global LGBT Recap

…Center for Justice and Human Rights President Kerry Kennedy spoke with the Washington Blade this week about the “global problem” of anti-LGBT legislation. “It’s really important to recognize that this is not just an Africa problem,” said Kerry Kennedy during a telephone interview from New York. “It’s a problem wherever it happens in the world.” From the story: Uganda is among the more than 70 countries in which homosexuality remains criminalized….

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‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa Receives Threats; ‘Blood Test’ for ‘Degeneratism’: Global LGBT Recap

…ru earlier this month. The Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers interviewed a number of Caribbean LGBT advocates who agreed that “the movement for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights in their region continues to lag far behind that in Latin America,” partly because there has been a longer experience of independence in Latin American countries. Erin Greene, director of advocacy for SASH Bahamas, told the Blade that conservative religious bel…

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Morality Police, Jihadists, Religious Competition, Grindr, & Americans Abroad: Global LGBT Recap

…Crimes reports that police in Beirut are using messaging apps on the cell phones of arrestees to try to entrap other gay men. In related news, the smartphone app Grindr, which allows gay men to find each other, announced it would permanently disable an option that allowed people to see their distance from other users. There have been reports that police in Egypt and Iran have used Grindr to hunt and arrest gay men. Jamaica: Activist Drops Challen…

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Trump Evokes MLK at Biker Vet Rally

…morial Day weekend Trump appeared at the annual “Rolling Thunder” rally in Washington, D.C., an event organized initially in the late 1980s, and since the mid-1990s an incorporated organization which stages the annual motorcycle rally (at one point attracting 350,000 bikers). The organization advocates for the cause of veterans, although its initial (and still active) impetus, as The Economist magazine put it, was to advance a specific crackpot be…

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Mexico’s Religious Conservatives Seek Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment, LGBT Activists Defend Secular Government; Cash From Qatar Funds ‘Traditional’ Family Activism Worldwide; Global LGBT Recap

…,” said Ahmed Hafez, an Egyptian analyst with the Human Rights Campaign, a Washington, DC-based LGBT advocacy group. “Now the police in Egypt are targeting gay people to show the public that they are on the side of morality and are doing a good job in fighting debauchery, as a distraction to hide their failures in the crackdown on terrorism or drug trafficking,” he added. In Iraq and Syria, the shadow of ISIS adds to the danger. “Day after day, we…

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Is This the End of Roe v. Wade And the End of Abortion Rights in the US?

…he new organization RiseUp4AbortionRights is holding a pro-choice rally in Washington DC, in front of the Supreme Court. According to Women’s eNews: “RiseUp4AbortionRights is unique in its assertion that not only are Republican leaders bent on eliminating women’s reproductive rights, but that ‘too many pro-choice leaders and Democratic Party politicians preach a “realism” of accepting the Court’s gutting of abortion rights.’” I fully agree with th…

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Glenn Beck’s Fox Show Gets Canned

…st: Since last August, when he summoned more than 100,000 followers to the Washington mall for the “Restoring Honor” rally, Mr. Beck has lost over a third of his audience on Fox — a greater percentage drop than other hosts at Fox,” David Carr wrote in early March. “True, he fell from the great heights of the health care debate in January 2010, but there has been worrisome erosion — more than one million viewers — especially in the younger demograp…

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Billy Graham and the Gospel of American Nationalistic Christianity

…in Los Angeles, but the more important event in Graham’s ministry was his Washington, D.C. crusade in 1952. It was there that he would begin what was part of his lifelong work: fusing Christianity and Americanism together to create a potent cocktail of Evangelical Christian Nationalism. Graham was allowed to lead an Evangelistic Service from The Capital Steps and Plaza on February 3 1952. Graham’s permission to preach from the capital at the time…

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