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Galileo’s Issue Was Satire as Much as Science

…sions aren’t about science vs. religion at all. Not about God or belief or high ideals, but about power and popularity. What may’ve stuck in the Inquisition’s craw most painfully was that Galileo and his ideas were popular, and not just because he wrote with humor, drama, and style. Galileo wrote in Italian, not in the scholarly Latin of his colleagues, but through the mouths of characters speaking Italian. The drama and the Italian (and also, I’m…

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From Closeted Evangelical to Unapologetic Atheist: A “Faitheist” Manifesto

…ou had to leave out? Oh, plenty. I’m not good at being concise—just ask my high school English teachers, or pretty much any teacher I’ve ever had. My Master’s thesis was supposed to be around 30 pages long but ended up being over 450, including supplemental material. To this day I can’t explain what compelled me to write so much… I guess I just kept finding new aspects of the issues I was writing about that I wanted to explore. I didn’t have that…

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God Hates Nags: Why in God’s Name is Westboro Protesting Kim Davis?

…, specifically in our embrace of legalized abortion, no-fault divorce, and high rates of remarriage after divorce and premarital sex. Westboro Baptists are speaking not only to Kim Davis but to all of America when they say of same-sex marriage, “You asked for it, you begged for it by your disobedience and refusal to receive correction or instruction, so take it and like it!” Kim Davis is the poster child for WBC’s larger claim that “Christians Cau…

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The Religion of Self Improvement Grinds On Despite Hard Times for Grads

…re already declining before the onset of the Great Recession), even as the number of graduates in the workforce grew from 26 to 30 percent during these same years. As a New York Times report lamented back in February, “the college degree is becoming the new high school diploma”: a degree is the minimum required to hold a job, but it is not enough to deliver a reasonable middle-class income. In a recent Harper’s essay, Jeff Madrick accurately descr…

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The Week in Religion, Poetically:

…I’m without football, but because I’m letting Him do his work.” A Michigan high school is holding moonlit football practices. Fordson High School decided 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. practices were the best solution for the Muslim players who make up the majority of their team and couldn’t eat or drink during the day for the month of Ramadan. Has Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s Islam affected his legacy? Priests in Europe know how to reach the kids. There’s the Italia…

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Making Sex Costly… In More Ways Than One

…m forced to think that perhaps the anti-choice movement actually prefers a high unwanted pregnancy rate, and therefore a high abortion rate, since they work so hard to preserve it. I could understand a principled argument from the bishops: if you think the use of contraception is a form of murder, well, there’s not much gray area there. But when they make arguments like this, it just undermines the moral case they’re trying to make: “I don’t want…

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Museum of (In)tolerance for Divided City

…s exhumed the graves under the supervision of an Israeli archeologist. The number of skeletons taken out of the site numbered between one thousand and fifteen hundred. According to Gideon Sulaimani, an archeologist who worked at the site before the court injunction went into effect “They call this an archeological excavation but it’s really a clearing-out, an erasure of the Muslim past.” In 1984, George Orwell’s great satire of totalitarian regime…

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Vatican Equates Women’s Ordination with Priest Pedophilia?

…n. It was considered a catch-22. So a law was made to send such cases to a higher authority. Unless there are more women in the pipeline than I think, the ordination of women might be something the Vatican could have afforded to ignore in the hope it would go away. If women’s ordination really makes the list this time it implies three things: First, the institutional church recognizes that women are being ordained both by the Roman Catholic Womenp…

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Both the Joy and the Uproar Over the Pope’s Blessings for LGBTQ Catholics are Small Potatoes Compared to this Age-Old Church Problem

…that the Vatican is God-ordained to run the entire Catholic Church from on high. No such luck in 2024, Synod or no Synod. What contemporary Catholics are learning is not how to obey dicta from on high, but how to live with differences. It’s no easy lift for those accustomed to making pronouncements and expecting people to snap to. And it doesn’t guarantee a progressive outcome by any means. But there is integrity in the effort to listen to many vi…

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Sexual Abuse is Inevitable in Christian Patriarchy; Just Take a Look at Doug Wilson’s Christ Church, and its New ‘Documentary’ ‘Eve in Exile: The Restoration of Femininity’

…s (which, according to, include designing fabrics, teaching high school, and editing curricula for Canon Press), if we’re to play by the patriarchal rules, it’s clear she’s credentialed by her relationship with her father and her husband, both powerful men in the Christ Church community. And if we’re to take her at her word, the film is the fruit of her calling to glorify her husband. So it’s not surprising that Merkle would write a…

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