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Overcoming Good Muslim/Bad Muslim Dichotomy

…. Let me attempt to re-cap: 1. The AMC had a series of op-eds and a big ad buy. 2. The way the op-eds and website were argued implied that the AMC were good Muslims and the rest of the community was bad because of certain markers defined by these pieces. 3. The logical conclusion of such a construction is that there is a power-play involved. You will note that I never, in my piece, make categorical accusations. I cannot speak to the intentionality…

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Taking the Christ Back Out of Christmas: Secularizing the Season

…pers use the “Christmas Season” as an emotional lure to persuade people to buy more things they don’t really need. Even Christian fundamentalists realize this. Yet the main complaints in “defense of Christmas” are about the failure of companies to refer directly and exclusively to Jesus’ birth in their advertising. Apparently these defenders of Christmas do not see the irony in pushing for more commercial uses of the image of the man who told a we…

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First Draft Of History Today Could Be Fox News Promo Tomorrow

…California education system. And many other states follow Texas’ lead and buy the same version. So that means students across the country could be forced to read McLeroy’s myopic vision of America’s past. The organization, which champions faith and defends religious freedom, sent a letter to top publishing companies. Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, president of Interfaith Alliance, said: The Texas SBOE members certainly are entitled to believe whatever…

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Sex, the Body, the World: It’s R. Crumb’s Bible Now

…minted biblical pedigree. But there were some hipsters standing in line to buy a copy ($60 for the autographed version) who looked as if they had never set foot in a JCC before, and who were only reading the Bible now that Crumb had, so to speak, recommended it. Among that group was Crumb’s elegant onstage interlocutor, Françoise Mouly, the art director of The New Yorker, who began by confessing, “You know, Bob, I never actually read the Bible bef…

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Patience with Frank Schaeffer?

…ve grown weary of such power plays. They want to believe but can no longer buy into this unbiblical bunk. To these spiritual seekers, Frank offers his account of how he left the spiritual faith of his childhood to embrace the mysteries of the orthodox faith. Through his story, Frank encourages other Christians to embark on a similar journey of self-discovery to see where God may be speaking to them these days. Also, secular readers of Frank Schaef…

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Excerpt: The Christian Roots of Zionism

…uages, became a mainstay of Zionist polemics. The phrase was utilized in a number of ways, some more sophisticated than others. While some advocates of Zionism used it to imply that Palestine was empty of people, that suggestion was contradicted by the reports of many Western visitors. The phrase was most pointedly used to claim that the Arabs of Palestine had no distinct Palestinian identity. They were ‘‘Arabs,’’ not a cohesive national group. Th…

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Ugandan Landslide a Message from God?

…xciting to bring God into the picture—and flog ourselves for some slight against the Deity. When will religious leaders ditch this idea of God “sending” disasters to people? When will followers of these religious people buy a clue and understand that natural disasters are a result of random weather patterns, and geography? God is not in the whirlwind, after all—but in the still, small voice—and that voice is always one of reason….

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Don’t Feed the Trolls

…he water, and we keep snapping it up. Which makes them, yes, master baiters. The rest of us are just chumps. Don’t take the bait, please. Ignore Glenn Beck and don’t buy crappy products from his crappy sponsors. Eventually he’ll change his tune. Maybe he’ll even go away….

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Catholics Coming Around On Senate Health Care Bill

…pecially for vulnerable women. The bill now being considered allows people buying insurance through an exchange to use federal dollars in the form of tax credits and their own dollars to buy a policy that covers their health care. If they choose a policy with abortion coverage, then they must write a separate personal check for the cost of that coverage. There is a requirement that the insurance companies be audited annually to assure that the pay…

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Capricology: Divine Madness

…cheating and whether it is appropriate for a character to pay real cash to buy a ready-made avatar which can function at higher levels than they have earned through game play. Or for that matter, the debates about using power surge formulas in any kind of digital games to give the avatar actual lives or otherwise excempt them from the rules of the game play. There’s good stuff about these issues in Mia Consalvo’s book, Cheating: Gaining Advantages…

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